A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Howes, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


Worthy Sir,

Here I haue sent you a taste of the famous and farre renouned English man of our Tymes Dr. Fludd,2 whoe as you may remember published a booke in defence of the weapon salue before you went ouer, but that is nothinge in comparison of these here menconed, which are all folio bookes, and full of brasse peices, the like I neuer sawe, for engines, fortificacions, and a touch of all opperatiue workes, as you may conceiue by the titles; yet let me tell you this, that the titles, nor my penn, is not able to expresse, what is in those bookes, as they are, noe more then you in a map of a sheete of paper, can exactly describe the riuers, creeks, hills, dales, fruite, beasts, fishes and all other things of your contrie; for I thinke it almost imposible for man to add vnto his macrocosme and microcosme, except it be illustration or comment, and that hardly too; his bookes are so bought vp beyond sea, we can gett none brought ouer. Fetherston, the Latine warehowse, nor all London, could within this moneth, shewe these all together to be sould. I layd out all this last longe vacation for them at Hills in Little Brittaine; whoe laid out for them for me and brought them me home compleat as here you see the titles which I could with all my harte wish the bookes themselues were in your hands as certaine as any thing you haue.

I had nowe sent you a catalogue of the marte bookes, but that I would not take any mans busines out of his hands. The iiiili xiis I had deliuered to Mr. Kirby ere nowe, but that he said he had none vse of it vntill the springe; he called to me for it, about a weeke since, when I not dowbting it, had lent it out, but I gaue him then xxs and haue since receiued xxli out of which I intend to pay the remainder as soone as I can goe to him, or see him; I had thought there with (by your leaue) to haue purchased Dr. Fludds works for 97you for I doubt within this xii month they will hardly be gotten for xli. Vale in Christo. Your assured faithfull frind in life till death

Edward Howes the xxiiii of Nouember, 1632
Printed at Franckfurt
Opera R: Fluddi, Medicinae Doctoris
Anno 1619 { Vtriusque Cosmi maioris silicet et minoris Metaphisica phisica atque Technica, in duo volumina secundum Cosmi differentiam diuisa.
Tomus primus
De Macrocosmi Historia in duos Tractatus diuisa, R: F.
1. Macrocosmi
Tomus primus de Macrocosmi Historia, in duos tractatus.
1. Tractatus primus habet xiii libr.
Anno 1628 { 2. Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu Technica Macrocosmi historia in partes xi diuisa.
2. Microcosmi
Anno 1619 { Tomus secundus de supernaturali, preter naturali, et contra naturali, Microcosmi Historia in Tractatus tres distributa. Authore R: F.
Tomi secundi tractatus primi,
Sectio secunda de Technica, Microcosmi Historia, in portiones vii diuisa.
Anno 1621 { Tomi secundi, Tractatus secundus de praeternaturali vtriusque mundi Historia, in 111 sectiones. R.F.
Anno 1623 { Anatomiae Amphitheatrum effigiae Triplici more et conditione varia disignatum.
Monochordum Mundi Symphoniacum, seu replicatio ad Appollogiam Johannis Kepleri.
Anno 1626 { Philosophia Sacra et vere Christiana, seu Meteorologia Cosmica.
Anno 1629 { Medicina Catholica seu Misticum Artis medicandi Sacrarium in Tomos diuisum duos.
Sophiae cum moria certamen, in quo, lapis Lydius a falso structore Fr: Marino Mersenno, monacho, reprobatus etc. Ro: Flud.
Anno 1629 Sumum bonum, quod est per Joach: Frisium. Magiae } verae } subjectum.
Fratrum Roseae crucis verorum

W. 2. 165, 4 Collections , VI. 483–485.


Robert Fludd. See D.N.B.

Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Kirby, Francis Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his much Respected frend mr. John Winthrop the yonger at the Massachusets in New England this deliver
London this 25th of Nouemb: 1632 Good Sir,

I received your longe expected and very welcome letters (dated the 2 July) about the last of August. I am glad to heare of your safe ariuall, your health, and good likeinge of the Contrie. I wrote you per mr. Peirce who departed this Coast in July last by whom I shipped to you 2 drifats of goods to the value of 110li or therabout as per those letters will appear. it was partable between my brother Downeinge, your selfe and my selfe most of it was shoes and Course Cloth to trucke, such as my brother Downeinge had aduise for. I hope you haue receiued them ere this time. we expect mr. Alerton shortly by whome we hope to hear of mr. Peirce his ariuall with you.

I haue shipped in this ship Caled the William mr. Tryvore beinge master and mr. Hatherly cheef marchant, 2 square Cases of deale with the glasses accordinge to your direction, together with 2 hogsheads and 1 barell of your fathers with such goods as your father wrote for as per my brother Downeings letters to him will appear. the glasses with Cases Cost in all 1li 16s 11d the freight will make them dear to you. if the freight be paid hear it shall all be put together vpon your fathers account and you may allow it vnto him. I doubt not but you will agree vpon the diuision of it. for the Catalogue of bookes from Frankfort I haue sent you that of Autumnall mart 1631. the next is not to be had the third not yet come by reason of Contrary wind but I shall send it god willinge by the next ship, and so likewise herafter. for your mony of Ed: Howes I haue receiued part and the rest he saith he will pay to mee shortly. I hear not any thinge of that from mr. Goslin yet. I should be glad to heare that these glasses came whole and safe to your hands. I haue written glasses on the outside of the Cases that they in the ship may be the more Careful of them sed quales sunt nemini dixi. I pray let mee receiue a 99letter from you by euery ship, although it be but 2 lines it will be very acceptable.

Postscriptum 28°. I have now receiued all your mony of Edward Howes which maketh in all 4li 12s for the bookes and Cariage of them. it is now generally reported that the kinge of Sweden is slayne. we haue little other newes, what is I doubt not but you haue it at large per my brother Downeings letters and Ed: Howes. mr. Hatherly telleth mee that I must pay the whole freight before hand and that he will haue for the 2 Cases as much as 3 hogseds which at 4li per ton is 3li if you will not haue the freight put all together vpon your fathers account and the Charge of shippinge it (which can not be knowne soone enoughe for my brother Downeinge to send account of it per this ship) then I pray write me your mind per the first and I will diuide it and put to your particular account. I pray remember mee to your good father and mother, your good bedfellow, your sisters, brethren, James Downeinge and the rest. Whom all I commit to the protection of the almighty and rest Yours at Comand

Fr: Kirby

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr.: Mr. Kirbye recd, feb: 23. 1623 1632/33.


W. 1. 97; 3 Collections , IX. 249–250.