A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Acknowledgment of James Penniman and Others1
Penniman, James Winthrop, John Waite, Richard Browne, James Massachusetts Bay Company, General Court


I doe affirme that I never consented to have my hande sett to the Petition which gave offence to the Court, neither doe I allowe of it but doe think it was doone without warrant.

James Paniman Richard Waite

I never sawe the said Petition, and I doe disalowe of it as evill and vnwarrantable.

James Browne Ca. November 22, 1637

W. 1. 118. This document is in the handwriting of Governor Winthrop.

Acknowledgment of Ralph Hudson1
Hudson, Ralph Massachusetts Bay Company, General Court


Whereas I Joyned in preferring to the Court a writeing Called a Remonstrance or petition I doe acknowledge it was Ill Done, and vnwarrantably as Transgressinge therein the Rule of due honor to Authoritie and of modestye, and submission In a privaite persone.

per me Raiph Hudson Ca. November 22, 1637

W. 1. 118.

Acknowledgment of William Pell1
Pell, William Massachusetts Bay Company, General Court


My hand being at the petition, (haueing considered of it,) I am convinced of the vnlawfullnesse of the Action; for I did it Rashly without aduice, allso, Ignorantly not Knowing what I did: For had I knowen it had beene against the Rule, or would haue beene offensiuely taken, or that I had expressed any disrespect or vnreverentness to Authority in the leaste measure I would not haue done it, For it goeing vnder the name of a Petition (being Ignorant in things of that nature) I set my hand to it without any scruple: But God hath let me see that herein I haue sinned, and therfore my disire is, that my hand may be withdrawne from it.

William Pell Ca. November 22, 1637

W. 1. 110.

Acknowledgment of Thomas Savage1
Savage, Thomas Massachusetts Bay Company, General Court


Wheareas I ioyned in presenting to the corte a writing called a petition ore remonstrance, in which some exspresyons did iustly giue ofence to our honoured magestrats, these are thearefor to intreate your worships to consider that it is and hath bene and through the asistance of the lord I hope euer 516shall be contrary to my sperite and Judgmente to cast the lest dishonor vpon athorytie whom god hath commanded vs to honour, and intreate your worships to consider that it was onely the cause for which I did petition, which I alone loke at, and those exspresyons in it as besem not the place of a priuat person I humbly craue pardon for as for the word remonstrance at which ofenc was taken I vnderstod not what it meante.

Thomas Sauage Ca. November 22, 1637

W. 4. 165; 5 Collections , I. 485–486.