A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Robert Ryece to John Winthrop1
Ryece, Robert Smythe, Thomas Wren, Matthew Bishop of Norwich Wintrhop, John


Particular orders, directions and Remembrances geven in the dyoces of Norwiche vpon the primary visitation, of the Reverende father in God Mathewe Lorde Byshop of that Sea. 1636

(1) Firste, the wholle dyvyne Service be readde (bothe the firste and seconde Service) on Sondayes and holly dayes, and lecture dayes, (if they have any): And that the Communion-Service called the seconde service be awdiblye and distinctly Redde at the Communion table vnto the ende of the Nicene creede before the Sermon or homely. Yett so as in verye large churches the Mynister maye come neerer to reade the Epistle and Ghospell. And after the Sermon or Homely, the prayer for the wholle estate of Christes church: and one or more of the appoynted collectes, at the Communion table lykewyse; and after to dismisse the Congregation with the Peace of God that passeth, etc.

(2) That the prayer before the Sermon or homelye be exactely accordinge to the 55th Canon, (mutatis mutandis:) only to moove the people, to praye as there prescribed, and not otherwyse vnlesse the Mynister desyer, to enterpose the names of the 2 vniversities, and of a patron. And no prayer to be vsed in the Pulpitt after Sermon, but the Sermon to be concluded with Glory to the Father, etc. and so to come downe owte of the pullpytt.

(3) That the Communion Table (in euery church) do allwayes stande close vnder the walle vp at the Easte ende of the Channcell: The endes thereof Northe and Sowthe (vnlesse the ordinarye geve particular direction otherwyse). And that the Rayles be made before it, accordinge to the Archebishops late Iniunctions, reachinge crosse from the Northe walle to the Sowthe walle, neere one yarde in heighte, and so thicke with pillers, that dogges can not gett in.

(4) That the Lettany be never omytted on Sondayes, Weddensdayes and Frydayes. And that at all the Mynister be in his Surplice and hoodde, when so ever he is in publicke to performe any parte of his priestely function. And that in Readinge the chapters, he leave owte the Contentes, And after the 372lessons doe vse no psalmes or hymnes, but those that are appoynted by the Common prayer boocke.

(5) That the Gloria Patri be sayde after euery Psalme standinge vp, and that all the people doe awdibly, make all awnswere in the Lettany, and in all other partes of the Service, as is appoynted by the boocke of common prayer. And to the ende (to leade the common people theerein) that there bee a parishe clarke provyded in euery parishe, that can reade sufficientlye, and have compotente allowance from the parishe. And where there is none, that there bee one forthewith appoynted and chosen accordinge to the Canon.

(6) That the Quicunque vult (or Creede of Sainte Athanasius) bee vsed on the dayes by the Rubrick appoynted, in steade of the Appostles creede. And that the Mynisters forgett not to reade the Collects, Epistles, and Ghospells appoynted for the conversion of St. Pawle. And for all the holy weeke before Easter for Barnabas daye and for Ashe Weddensdaye, with the commination (also) on that. And also to vse the prayers and Suffrages goinge the perambulation, which is yeerely to be vsed in every parishe vpon the Rogation dayes—vizt. the Mundaye, Tewsedaye and Weddensday nexte before ascention, and at no other tyme. At which it is awntiently enioyned that the Mynister (at some conveniente places) doe in a woorde admonishe the people to geve thankes to God beholdinge his benefites in the frutes of the earthe, sayenge the 103 Psalme, and (as tyme and place shall admytte it) the 104 Psalme. And at any especiall bownde-markes, this or suche Sentences of holy Scripture, Cursed bee hee that remooueth awaye the marke of hys neighbours lande. And that returninge at laste to the churche there thay saye the divine Service.

(7) That no man do presume to haue his hatte on his heade in the tyme of Service, and Sermon in the church. And that due and comly Reverence be vysibly doone by all persons presente, where the blessed name of the Lorde Jesus is mentioned. And that euery one of the people doe kneele devowtely, when the Confession, Absolution, Commandiments or any Collects, or other prayers, is readde, both at the tyme of the Communion-Service of the church as also at Christninges Mariages Burialls etc.

(8) That they goe vp to the holy table, at Mariadges, at suche tyme as the Rubricke so directeth. And that the newe maried persons doe kneele withowte the Rayle and doe at there owne charge, (yf the Communion were not warned the Sundaye before) Receyve the holy Communion that daye, or else to be presented by the Mynister and Church wardens, at the nexte Generall for not Receyvinge.

(9) That woomen to be churched come and kneele at a syde neere the Communion table, withowte the Rayle (beinge vayled accordinge to the 373Custome, and not covered with a hatt), as other wyse not to be churched; but to be presented at the nexte Generall by the Mynister and Church wardens or any of them.

(10) That warninge be geven by the Mynister for holy dayes and fastinge dayes of the weeke followenge, Immediately after the Sermon or Homelye. And that the Communion for the Sondaye followenge be warned the Sundaye before, Immediately after the prayer for the wholle estate of Christes church. And that as soone as suche warninge be gyven, the seconde of those 3 exhortations (which nexte after the prayer for the vniversall church are sett downe in the Service boocke) be treateably pronownced. After which to followe some of the Collectes appoynted. And to dismisse the people with the Peace of God etc.

(11) That when any neede is, the Sycke be prayed for, in the Readinge Deske (and noe wheare else) at the close of the firste service. Excepte it bee the afternoone And then to be doone Immediately after the Creede, vsinge only those 2 collects which are sett downe in the Service boocke for the visitation of the Sycke. That nexte after the mariadge (if there bee any) be begunne in the bodye of the church, and fynished at the table. That the churchinge of women do begynne as soone as the Mynister comes to the Communion table, before the Seconde Service, vnlesse there be a mariadge the same daye: For then the churchinge is not to beginne tyll those prayers appoynted to be sayd at the lords table (for the Mariadge) be ended.

(12) That no Mynister presume to marry any persons, whereof one of the parties is not of his parishe, vnlesse it bee otherwyse expressely mentioned in the lycence; Nor that he marrye any by vertue of any facultye or licence wherein the name of the Archedeacon or officiall is mentioned sub pena suspensions.

(13) That the parishioners be warned by the Mynister and Church wardens to bringe there children to church for Baptisme in due tyme. And if any childe be not browghte before the Seconde lesson, that then the parents be presented for that defawte. And that no Baptisme be administred, (exceptinge in the case of necessetie) but on the Sondaye or holy daye.

(14) That the Fonte at Baptisme be fylled with cleane water and no dyshes, payles or basons be vsed in it, or insteade of it. And that the Mynister admytte but 2 godfathers and one Godmoother for a male childe and 2 good moothers and one god father for a female. And then doe at the fyrste aske them, whither the childe be yett Baptised or not. And doe take it in his armes, and do signe it with the sygne of the crosse when he doothe Baptize it. And after all do admonishe them to bringe yt to Confyrmation when tyme shall serve.


(15) That all Communicants come vp Reverently and kneele before the Rayle to receyve the Communion. And that the Mynister repeate to euery Communicante (severally) all the woordes that are appoynted to be sayd at the distribution of the holy Sacramente.

(16) That no wicker bottles, or Taverne Potts be browghte to the Communion table. And that the breade be browghte in a cleane clothe or Napkin. And that the woordes of consecration, be awdibly repeated (agayne) yf any breade or wyne be vsed, which was not at the firste consecrated.

(17) That the Mynister and Churchewardens of greate parishes, to avoyde confucion and over longe wearienge bothe of the mynister and of the parishioners, doe take order that there doe not come aboove 300 or at the moste 400 communicants, to one Communion, For which cawse thay are warned to have communions the oftener.

(18) That the holy Oblations in suche parishes where it pleaseth God at any tyme to putt into the hartes of his people by that holy action to acknowledge his guyfte of all which thay have to them, and there tenure of all from hym, and there debtte of all to hym: bee Receeved by the Mynister standinge before the table, at there comynge vp to make there oblations. And (then by hym Reverendly) presented before the lorde and sett vpon the table tyll the Service be ended.

(19) That the Mynister doe chatechyze in the afternoone halfe an hower (at the leaste) Immediately after the laste ringinge or towlinge of the Bell for the Eveninge prayer: accordinge to the Questions of the churche Chatechisme only, and standinge in the Readinge deaske.

(20) That the Mynisters readinge deske doe not stande with the backe towardes the Chawncell, Nor to remote or farre from it.

(21) That the Chawncells and Alleyes in the Churche be not encroched vpon by buyldinge the seates. And if any be so buylte, the same to be remooved and taken awaye And that no pewes be made on hie. So that thay which bee in them, cannot bee seene how thay behave them selves, or the prospecte of the church or chauncell hindered. And therefore that all pewes (within) doe not exceede a yarde in heighte be taken downe neere to that Scantlinge, vntill the Byshopp by his owne inspection (or by the viewe of some especiall Commissioners) shall otherwyse allowe.

(22) That none of what ranke so ever keepe any Chaplyns or Schollers in there howses to reade prayers, expownde scriptures, or to instructe the famylies, vnlesse thay bee therevnto enabled by lawe.

(23) Whereas Sermons are required by the Church of Englande, only vpon Sondayes and holy dayes in the Forenoones, and are permitted at funerralls, 375that none presume to take vpon them to vse any preachinge or expowndinge (or to holde any suche lecturinge) at any othe tyme, withowte expresse lycence from the Byshoppe.

(24) That euery one (allowed to bee a lecturer) doe reade the devine Service (Fullye) in his Surplice and hoodde before euerye lecture, in the same manner, as is appoynted on Sondayes. And that all lecturers behave them selves modestly in there Sermons (preachinge faythe, obedience, and good woorkes: In all thinges observinge his Majesties declaration prefixed before the 39 Articles, and his Majesties Iniunctions) withowte intermedlinge with matters of State, or Questions late in difference, not favoringe or abeattinge any Scismaticks or Separatistes, eyther by especiall prayer for them or other wyse approovinge of them.

(25) That the Churchewardens suffer no man (but there owne person, vicar or curate) to preache vpon any occasion in there church tyll he shewe hys lycence, and subscribe his name in there paper boocke (for that purpose) appoynted, and the name of the Bishop who allowed hym.

(26) That there be the same manner of Ringinge of Bells to churche on holy dayes, which is vsed on Sondayes, And that there be no difference of Ringinge to church (when there is a Sermon) more then when there is none, exceptinge the knell for Funeralls.

(27) That no church or Chappell-wyndowe be stopped vp in any parte, nor the Floore (in any parte) vnpaved or vncleane kepte, nor the church any wayes abused, anoyed or prophanned.

(28) That all defawltes (contrary to the premisses heereof) be faythefullye inquired into by the Officialls from tyme to tyme at there Generalls, of whom the Byshoppe wyll require an accownte concerninge the same.

Math: Norvic: Concordat cum articulis, Willyelmus Colman, Registrarius

Pardon my Boldenes. Yours euer in the lorde.

Thomas Symthe2 C 10 of Marche 1636/37

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Mr. S: his A: B: C:3also, in another place: Mr. R: Answ:


W. 2. 157; 4 Collections , VI. 435–441.


Cf. page 363, n. 8 n. 1 , above.


The letter from Ryece (also signed “Thomas Smythe”) which Governor Winthrop designated as “B” is dated March 7, 1636/37. The major portion of it consists of a copy of William Prynne’s Newes from Ipswich and is not reprinted in this volume. The only personal message in the manuscript is as follows: “Sir I pray you pardon my teadiousnes, comende mee to Mr. Wylson and so I reste Yours every wayes in the Lorde, Thomas Smythe.”