A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Sir Henry Vane to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Vane, Henry Winthrop, John, Jr.


For his Worthy and much respected freind Mr. John Winthrop the Yonger Gouernour of Connetticut
Mr. Winthrop,

For as much as it hath pleased God to send Mr. Fenwicke into this country And to call me to a distinct charge and care ouer the matters of this Plantation; I shall no way interest my self in the matters of Connetticut any further then as a publike person of this Body. so that in all these matters I shall wholy referre you to Mr. Fenwicke who accompanys these lines to you. That which for the present I haue to commend to you is a busines that concernes not only this state but all the English upon the Riuer, that is to say a cleare examination of the Pequots proceedings and such expression of our minds to them as in this case is requisite. To this End we haue thought fitt to send you a commission and to recommend to your consideration certaine instructions which containe the summe of our thoughts in that busines.2 And farther we do desire you to lay downe so much Wampum there as the Pequots sent vs and we shall see you repayd heere: your Father will write to you what quantity it is of. For the skins we shall send them by some of the Barkes that go to you. The oppertunity of Mr. Fenwick and Mr. Peeters being with you may somewhat aduance this worke and therfore I beseech you let not the occasion slip. As for other matters that concerne the mouth of the Riuer and those that liue in the vpland, if you acquaint me with them I shall giue you my aduise and assistance for establishing thing s according to Justice and the Equity of the cause. Your owne wisedome is such I know as to lay vp such obseruations 283by you as may be for the benefitt of the Gentlemen: and may giue them some returne of their great disbursements: as also for counsell and direction how to setle things at the Riuers mouth, in All which you may be helpfull to Mr. Fenwicke who is a stranger to those parts and so I doubt but you wilbee. Thus In hast I rest Your affectionate freind

H: Vane Boston 1 of the 5th Month 1636

I haue sent you this paper inclosed to acquaint you with what intelligence we haue receaued: what your knowledge can further adde: I am silent in.


W. 2. 186, 4 Collections , VI. 582–583. For Vane, see D.N.B.


The commission and instructions, dated July 4, 1636, are printed below, pages 284–285.

Adam Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, Adam (1620-1652, son of John Winthrop) Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his very louinge brother Mr. John Winthrop liuinge in conekticot riuer giue this I pray
Louinge brother,

I haue reseued your leter whar in you did express a grat dell of loue vnto me; for wich I can not but thanke you that you wold take the payns to writ vnto me your vnworthy brother: the considarachon of this does sture me to lay hould of the first operteunyty that is ofred to me for the writing vnto you and sending you the thinges that you sent for: wich is the bacheldor at your desiar I haue sent a turke koke and a hene wich ware brout doun from mistick all so ferkin of lime wich you did send for all so sum turnupe sede I did ask henry kinkgesbery whether he had bout any gotes for mr. jase he tould me he had boute non becas that there was som com from ingland for him: and those he wold haue boute but that thay ware both dere and apt to dye furdor word the tould me he wold send you thare of.

conserning shipes wich won did writ about thare haes com 15 allredy 4 duchmen 6 londonars grate shipes besides other west contrymen: the duch shipes brout shep and other catall grat store and buter and chese: my sister is brout abed of a dafter thankes be to god and is well I pray remember my loue to my brother steuen and mr. gardner and his wife-and all the rest of my frindes, and so I rest with my loue remembred to you and thanking you for all your kindneses your louing brother whill deth

Adam Winthrop Jeuly the 3, 1636

W. Au. 66; 5 Collections , VIII. 219–220.