A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

John Haynes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Haynes, John Vane, Henry Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his much esteemed freind John Winthropp Esqr. Governour of Conectecott River lett these bee delivered

Oportunity offeringe it selfe I gladly salute yow with my best wishes. I am to solicite yow in the behalfe of my Neighbours and frinds of this Towne beinge vnwillinge to enterprise any thinge without your aprobation and good likinge; the businesse in A word is only this, wee takinge into consideracion the hazard of our goods that wee haue sent and shall send to the mouth of the River for want of somme shelter, would entreat yow, that A lott may be granted vs, with leave to build A howse in somme convenient place neare the River and forte that ther wee may haue one resident to take care and chardge 264of our goods, as alsoe that sixe Acres of planting ground may bee added ther-unto that the party ther abidinge may not bee altogether without employment. presuminge of your readynesse to condiscend to my request haue sent one to that purpose. not havinge further to trouble yow for the present, with mine and my wiues kindest remembraunce to yow, wishinge all good sucesse to your vndertakings rest Yours in all good offices

Jo: Haynes Ca. June, 1636

Conceauing there can come noe prejudice to you by this motion, I salute you.

H: Vane

W. Au. 88; 4 Collections , VI. 354. For Haynes, see D.A.B.

Israel Stoughton to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Stoughton, Israel Winthrop, John, Jr.


Torn Wenthrop Gouernor in Connecticott Riuer these present

Grace and Peace be with you in Christ Amen


Vnderstanding of Newtownes Motion for some conuenient place for a warehouse for the present and future benefit of their towne,2 where both they and we shall perpetually haue speciall need of it for vnlading goods at the mouth of the riuer: We your neighbors of Dorchester3 are bold in like manner to request your fauor in that particular; And tho we haue not obtayned letters from Mr. Vane etc. as they haue, (time not permitting vs) yet we trust the equitie of the case, and paritie of the cause (ours being the same with Newtownes) will moue you (without other arguments) to shew vs in this point like fauor as they: and we trust we shall be ready in all points to testifie our thankefullnesse, and such other seruice as in equitie we are bound, either for matters that concerne the publike state, or your owne particular person. For the particular place or the quantitie we desire it may be according to the aduice of this bearer our brother Mr. Tilley, whome we request to accomplish this Matter with you, and according to your direction. Only this we desire so much inlargment as may possible be afforded Considering it is for a whole townes occasions: and now a good quantitie is but a small matter to you to grant but it may be of great benefit to vs to receiue. And when you 265may do so great a benifit to so many with so little preiudice to your selfe we trust you will not be wanting.

The truth is I conceiue a matter of such importance for we indwellers that my selfe intended, (before I heard of others) to make a Motion to you in particular for my selfe, for some small portion, resoluing if you would shew me that fauor to count my selfe no small debtor to you for euer: and besides to be publiquely benificiall for it, as you in discretion should judge meete. So if you please together with the Townes Motion to heare mine and add a little the more therto as particular to my selfe and to declare it to Mr. Tilley that I may Challenge it as my owne I will by gods assistance doe as I haue aforesaid: And Continew my true respect to you and prayers, for you, and for your happie proceedings in all your waighty occasions So for present I take my leaue Resting Yours in all due Respect

Israel Stoughton intrusted for the towne of Dorchester Ca. June, 1636

W. 1. 108. For Stoughton, see 5 Collections , I. 274n.


Hartford. See the letter from John Haynes to John Winthrop, Jr., immediately preceding.

