A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Mary Dudley to Margaret Winthrop1
Dudley, Mary Winthrop, Margaret


Moste deare mother,

my duty remembred to you: after my accustomed manner I make bold still to trouble you for such thinges as I want. I intreat you woud be pleased to send me 3 or 4 yards of fine buckrom and an ele of fine holland for Bigims for my child and some pines small ones and other sort and some Sugar. I am ashamed to be thus continually troublesome to you but your readinesse to fulfill my desires imboldens me thus to do. dwelling so farre from the bay makes me the oftener troublesome to you but my appoligie is needlesse.

I humbley thanke you for those thinges you sent my and for you vnde-serued loue continually manifested towards me which can neuer be requitted by me but in loueing you back againe and shewing that duty and respect I owe you wheneuer occasion shall be offered. thus intreateing your favorable acceptance of these poore lines I humblye take my leaue Your dutyfull daughter till death

Mary Dudley Ca. June, 1636

pray remember my duty to my father

I pray you to send me some sope I can get none in this towne, and some fruit. My child growes but not very fast.


W. 4. 26; 5 Collections , I. 69.

John Haynes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Haynes, John Vane, Henry Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his much esteemed freind John Winthropp Esqr. Governour of Conectecott River lett these bee delivered

Oportunity offeringe it selfe I gladly salute yow with my best wishes. I am to solicite yow in the behalfe of my Neighbours and frinds of this Towne beinge vnwillinge to enterprise any thinge without your aprobation and good likinge; the businesse in A word is only this, wee takinge into consideracion the hazard of our goods that wee haue sent and shall send to the mouth of the River for want of somme shelter, would entreat yow, that A lott may be granted vs, with leave to build A howse in somme convenient place neare the River and forte that ther wee may haue one resident to take care and chardge 264of our goods, as alsoe that sixe Acres of planting ground may bee added ther-unto that the party ther abidinge may not bee altogether without employment. presuminge of your readynesse to condiscend to my request haue sent one to that purpose. not havinge further to trouble yow for the present, with mine and my wiues kindest remembraunce to yow, wishinge all good sucesse to your vndertakings rest Yours in all good offices

Jo: Haynes Ca. June, 1636

Conceauing there can come noe prejudice to you by this motion, I salute you.

H: Vane

W. Au. 88; 4 Collections , VI. 354. For Haynes, see D.A.B.