A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Revell to John Winthrop1
Revell, Edward Wintrhop, John


To the worshipfull and my worthie good freind John Winthroppe Esqr. in New Englande these present New England
Worthie Sir,

That kinde respect and fauour yow pleased to shew vnto me, whiles yow was a magistrate of Justice in this our ould England, and I a poore seruant with your deere assosciate and my good Mr. maister Gurdon, doth much encourage me to write two lines vnto yow wherein I desire with all thanckfull acknowledgment to remember my humble seruice vnto yow, with my prayers to god for a continuall supplie of blessinge, to be powred vppon yow and the rest of that christian companie whom it hath pleased the lord to select and sett aparte for the aduanceinge (I doubt not) of his glory, and your eternall welfares; whose tender bodies goods and estates haue not 252beene thought too deere to be exposed to the danger of the merciles waues, soe as our good god might haue a church established amongst poore heathens, and Indians, that neuer yett knew him; manie prayers haue beene and are continually sent vpp to the throne of grace, by your deere fellow breethren in this our poore land for a good successe vppon your godly vndertakeings; the benefitt whereof I trust the lord will make manifest amongst yow. Manie of my good freinds in Darbishire my natiue Countrey (where now by gods proui-dence I liue) haue beene and are yett takeinge their Journey vnto yow, whom I trust yow shall haue cause (for the most parte of them) comfortably to entertaine; amongst the rest there is this voyadge one Mr. Flinte both an able man in estate, as alsoe an honest godly man, who with diuers others accompanieinge him, (togeather with one Richard Griffen a man of very rare parts,) are willinge to take their liues in their hands, not accountinge their estates too deere to parte withall soe as they may helpe to sett forward this godly enterprise so considerately vndertaken; and as wee doe heere (to all our comforts through gods blessinge) with soe much hope of good successe hithertoo continued; lett me be soe bould I humbly intreat you, to craue your countenance and respect for their kinde intertainement, and acquaintance with yow. I trust neither of these two good christians will frustrate my expectacion, nor faile in some sorte to gaine your fauour. there is amongst some seruants Mr. Flinte taketh ouer with him, one James Farren (the bearer hereof,) a plaine youth, but borne of honest christian parents, neighbors in the same towne, where I liue, whose wellwishes and prayers I know are not wanteinge for a blessinge vppon your good proceedings; I pray yow be pleased alsoe to take notice of him, and as ocation shalbe offerred and his indeauours sutable to your good likeinge lett him haue your respect and fauour which I know wilbe a great comfort and incouragement vnto him, in the absence of his deere and tender parents, whose care haue hithertoo beene expressed (to their poore abillityes) in his good and honest educacion. I hope good Mrs. Winthroppe with your sweete children are in good health. Yett what alteracions it hath pleased the lord to make since I saw them, I am ignorant of. much I should reioyce to heere of the welfare of your family in generall; we haue in most parts of this land a great mortality amongst children which dye of the small pockes, and it is feared this summer that the sicknes wilbe very great amongst vs, the tymes haue beene of late soe vnseasonable. the lord in mercy prepare vs for a stroake, for longe hath this nacion beene treasureing vpp wrath, which justly may be feared eare longe will fall full heauie vppon vs. Thus worthy sir hopeinge yow will excuse my bouldnes, I leaue yow and all that belonge vnto yow to the good blessinge and proteccion of the allmighty, who is onely 253able to reward and crowne all that paines and trauell yow haue taken to promote his glory, with longe life and manie happy dayes heere; and a crowne of glory for euer hereafter restinge euer to be Your seruant and welwisher in the lord whiles I am

Edw: Reuell Chesterfeild Darbishire Aprill 20th 1636

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Edward mr. Gurdons Clark.


W. 4. 80; 5 Collections , I. 220–222. Edward Revell, as it appears from Governor Winthrop’s endorsement of this letter, was at one time clerk to Brampton Gurdon.

Thomas Mayhew to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Mayhew, Thomas Winthrop, John, Jr.



touching my Journey to Ile of Sholes to buy 80 hogsheads of prouission when I came I fownd noe such thinge as vnto me for trueth was reported. to procure 8 hogsheads of bread I was fayne to lay out one hundred pownds in Ruggs and Coates vnnecessaryly: and for pease I got but 1 hogs-head and 1/2, whereof I sowed certaine bushells: had things beene free at the coming in of this vessell I woulld haue had a greater Share of what she brought yett I confesse as matters hath beene carried, I haue not ought against that which hath beene donne. I doubt not but that Mr. Peeters hath remembred yow: your father told me that he had shippt in the blessinge one hogshead of beiffe in liew of that deliuered vnto Mr. Louell. I shall confer with Mr. Wynthropp when more victualls com in how wee may steede yow assure your sellfe my hellp yow shall not want. I haue made out the accompt betweene vs Concerning the bermuda voyadge, and accompting the potatoes at 2d the Corne at 9s per bushell the pork at 10H per hogshead orrenges and lemons at 20s per C wee two shall gaine twenty od pownds: Now that accompt cleared and the Cattell wintring paid for there will not be much coming vnto yow of the 80 od pownds I borrowed of yow. I shalbe ready at any time to advance soe much mony to steede yow with thankes yf your occassions shall require it. I salute you respectyuely with my Loue. I commend yow to the guydaunce and protecion of the lord Jesus and doe rest in som hast Yours assuredly loueing and readyly to be comanded

Thomas Mayhew Meadeford this 22th of the 2d moneth 1636

W. 3. 12; 4 Collections , VII. 31–32.