A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Proposed Order of the General Court1
Massachusetts Bay Company, General Court


A consideration for this present General Court That it may be ordered to preuent future inconveniences of vnnecessary multiplication of Church societie and disturbanc both to State and Churches and for the maintayneing the Maiesty honour and Credit of gods holy Ordinances amongst vs, That hencforth noe persons in this Jurisdiction shal in any way Embody themselues into Church Estate without consent of the General Court and approbation of neighbour Churches, And that there shalbe noe ministery or Church Administration entertayned or attended by the Inhabitants of any Plantation in this Colony distinct and seperate from and in opposition to that which is openly and publiquely obserued and dispensed by the setled and approued Minister of the place except it be by approbation of contry and church And that noe person liueing vnder an Orthodox ministery shal ioyne in Church society in another Plantation vnles they remoue their habitation thither where they ioyne in relation or procure the approbation of the General Court to the proceeding.

Ca. March, 1635/36

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: presented to the Court but did not passe in this forme.2


W. 5. 208.


Cf. Records of Massachusetts, I. 168 (March 3, 1635/36).

Hugh Peter to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Peter, Hugh Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my frend and son Mr. John Winthrop yonger these deliver Boston
Deere Hart,

By these you may vnderstand that I haue receiued your letters and am glad our busines goes on, though I am very tender of your personall aduenture in the busines, in which I pray be very carefull by all meanes. You know many have an interest in you. for my part I neuer meant lesse then to goe with you, but Gods hand hath bin and is vpon mee more and more in the weaknes of my body, which declynes dayly. for the nayles at Salem there are diuers very much rusted, and so are the clinchers. for the things in the Barke I pray bee carefull of, these are they I thought you should not haue carryed with you, because I feare that our frends will alter their purposes when they 232come. I am sorry for the short prouisions in the bay, it is so all ouer. Helpe Lord! and I hope hee will helpe Salute honest Mr. Garddner and the rest my hart is with you and your iourney, and my prayers shall follow you.

For those things which concerne the Generall, I shall communicate to Mr. Humfry who is home for this Court. I doe not know how too send these nayles you write. there is also 20 or 30 barres of iron left and some meale. to carry too many things thither as guns etc. may not be so advantagious for ought I see. The Lord doe you good abundantly. I am yours euer frend and father

H: Peter Ca. March, 1636

W. 2. 50; 4 Collections , VI. 93. For Peter, see D.A.B.