A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 202. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 202.

Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Hopkins, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


To the Worshipfull his much Respected freind Jno. Winthropp the younger Esqr. att Boston or elcewhere in the Massechusetts Bay in New England, or in his absence to the Worshipfull Jno. Winthropp the Elder att Boston aforesaid deliver Per the Shipp Batchler whom God preserve
London the 16 of August 1635 Mr. Jno. Wintropp

Sir, My best respects premised etc. you may please to vnderstand I haue 202now cleared of from hence the North Sea Boatt in whom (God sending her to you in safety) you shall receave these particulars following

C. q. lb.
14 piggs of lead weighing 40 0 22
80 barrs of Spanish Iron weightt 20 2 19
52 barrs English Iron weightt 20 2 19

20 hoggshedds of meale no. 11 to 30

14 Barrells of pease no. 1, 2, 4, 5 to 15

a Barrell of oatemeale no. 16

A Barrell of Butter no. B and 6 firkins of Butter no. 1 to 6

4 hoggsheds and 5 Barrells of Iron ware, the particulars I send you herein-closed

A Bundle of Sythes Containing 3 dozen

2 Bundles of Shovells and Spades

A packe of linnen Cloth No. A Containing 320 ells of Roane Canvas for sheetts being 13 pieces, and one piece of narrower Cloth Containing 87 ells

8 flocke beds, 25 Ruggs, and 40 Blanketts

6 grindstones

3 Barrells of pitch and 2 Barrells of Tarr

4 Scrues and one barrell of Iron things that came from Holland, the particulars I haue nott yett receaved it is marked RS

2 small Cables for shallops weighing 3 C. 1 Q. 6 lb. and 2 C. 0.11 lb. of lesser Cordage

Iron worke for 2 draw Bridges as follows

62 Staples

40 Staple hooks for a porcullis

4 Chaines

10 Boults

4 Plates

8 Chaine Claspes

4 vnder hinges

23½ yards of redd flagg stuffe for Serieant Gardeners2 vse and some small lines that came from holland and a wheelebarrow.

I intended to haue laden much more in this vessell, and had putt aboard other things but was forced to take them out againe, by reason she was too much pestered, butt what is wanting now you shall have per the True Loue Mr. Gibbs who will be ready I hope to sett saile within 14 or 20 dayes in 203whom such Servants as are provided by the gentlemen are to be shipped, butt what their nomber will be, I yett know nott.

I herewith also send you the particulars of the furniture of this Barque. the Bachler, that you may know what to require from the Master. There are some small things as dishes and such like belonging to her nott here mentioned Butt the things omitted are of noe great value. I haue hired the master and all the men (whose names and wages I shall afterwards expresse,) eyther to remayne in the Cuntrey to saile the barque there or to be returned home in some other Shipp, as you shall find most convenient. I cannott say much for Master nor men to incourage you to keepe them yf you can provide your selfe of others that are fitting for the Imployment. It was nott easy here to gett any att this tyme to goe in soe small a vessell, and therefore I was forced to take some, that otherwise I would nott haue medled withall. The master is able enough, but savours nott godlinesse yett hath a desire as he tells me to continue in the Cuntrey. yf you keepe them there I have vndertaken they shall haue their wages paid them att 6 monthes end from their clearing att Gravesend, butt for my owne part I rather incline to haue them sent home; and yf you determine this, the sooner you doe itt the better for they will be in pay vntill their arivall here yf the Shipps that goe from thence want any men, you may happily gett some allowance for them, wherby the charge may be somewhat abated, Butt it is left to your discretion to doe herein as you shall iudge most advantageous to the Company. Serieant Gardener and Wm. Job his workemaster with the Serieants wiefe and his mayd come over in this Barque, if you require it of them both Gardener and Job can shew you their covenants with the Company whereby you may in part perceave what to require of them and what to performe to them. they are all to be att the Companies charge for matter of diett. The Serieant hath receaved of me beforehand towards his first yeares wages 30li sterling and Wm. Job hath receaved 15li, the Master also of the barque hath receaved 8li before hand towards his wages, all which you are to deduct, when you pay them any more.

The wages to be paid the Master and his Company are as follows

li s d
To Jno. Webber Master of the Barque 4 10 0 per month
To Ric. Baker Masters mate 2 00 0 per moneth
To Jno. Brikin Carpenter 1 11 0 per moneth
To Jno. Sherlocke 1 6 0 per mo.
To Jno. Harman 1 5 0 per mo.
To Jno. Hall 1 2 0 per mo.
To Robt. Sherley 1 0 0 per mo.
To the boy 0 12 0 per mo.

The Charge att present for soe small a vessell is very great but I hope (God sending her thither in safety) shee may be sayled with fewer men whereby the charge will be lessned I haue given to the master of the Barque 5li starling to pay the men their halfe pay att Gravesend, which will be onely for one weeke, and to disburse otherwaies as the occations of the shipp shall require he is to giue you an Account of the disbursing of the same and what shall nott be layd out, to deliver to you. Soe nott having elce att present I take my leave resting Yours in what I may

Edward Hopkins

Att my comming to Gravesend to cleare of the Shipp there 4 of the Mariners vizt. Brikin, Sherlocke, Harman and Hall came to me and tould me they would nott goe the voyage vnlesse they might be free vppon arivall of the Shipp there to dispose of themselves to any other imployment, and haue their wages paid them att the discharge of the Shipp. Wherevppon being putt to some streights, I was in a manner constrayned to yeeld to their desires, and vppon second thoughts, I conceave to noe disadvantage to us, as you may perceave per the inclosed agreement, the originall whereof vnder their hands, I haue given the Master, that if they putt into the West Cuntrey and offer to leave the Shipp he may haue something to shew to constraine them to the Contrary for now you are left free from taking any care to send these backe to England, and they are bound Nottwithstanding, yf you offer them as much wages as others doe, to serve you yf you stand in nead of them, which yett I hope you will nott, the master, his mate, one mariner and the Boy sticking to the former agreement, who with small helpe more will be able I conceave to saile the barque in the Cuntrey. you may perceave per the agreement that I haue paid 30s to these men in part of their wages before hand. Yours as before

Edw. Hopkins 18° August 1635
Grauesend this 18th August 1635

It is agreed betwixt Edward Hopkins of London Merchantt and Jno. Brikin Carpenter Jno. Sherlocke Jno. Harman and Jno. Hall who ar now shipped in the Bacheler of London Bound for New Ingland as followeth Vizt.


That vppon ariuall of the sayd Ship in New England aforsaid and discharge of the goodes now laden by the said Edward Hopkins aboard her the Wages of the aforesaid men shall be paid them by the said Edward Hopkins or his Assignes after the rates hereafter expressed And it shall be then free for the said Brikin Sherlocke Harman and Hall to dispose of themselues to any other imployment vnlesse the said Edward Hopkins or his assignes giue them as much wages as they Can haue elcewhere And it shall be free likewise for the said Edward Hopkins or his Assignes to refuse the further seruice of the aforesaid fower mariners But may at his or their pleasure vppon payment of the aforesaid wages discharge themselues fully of them

Ther seuerall wages is as followeth.

To Jno. Brikin 31s per month to whom is paid 5s before hand

To Jno. Harman 25s per month to whom is paid 10s before hand

To Jno. Sherlocke 26s per month to whom is paid 10s

To Jno. Hall 22s per month to whom is paid 5s before hand

Vnderwritt by John Sherlock John Harman John Brikin H I the marke of Jno. Hall

W. Au. 85; 4 Collections , VI. 325–329. For Edward Hopkins, see 4 Collections , VI. 325n.; D.A.B. The text of the agreement between Hopkins and four members of the Bachelor’s crew is appended to a copy of Hopkins’s letter in W. 1. 109.


Lion Gardiner.