A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

John Winthrop to Thomas Graves1
Winthrop, John Graves, Thomas


Mr. Graves,

I praye bringe me a paire of mill stones peake stones seaven foote broade and of thicknesse answearable. they are for a windmill and vpon 169sight heereof this shalbe sufficient warrant to my brother Downinge to deliuer you monye for them. so I rest Your loving freind

Jo: Winthrop Massachusetts N: England June 5, 1634

Mr. Pincheon desires you to bringe him six Chalder of sea coale.

Endorsed in another hand: Mr. Downing in Lenckoun end felds, by the goulden Lions touer.


Original in the possession of Robert Winthrop, Esq.

Thomas Mayhew to John Winthrop1
Mayhew, Thomas Wintrhop, John


To the worshipfull John Wynthropp this deliver in Boston

I doe hereby Request your worshipp to deliuer this bearer That hempe yow spake of for Caulkinge the pynnase: And I doe farther Intreate yow to lend mr. Craddock the hellpe of your teeme a day or two to hellpe Carry the timber for buillding the mill at watertowne. I haue sent vnto mr. Doomer I hope he will afford me his hellpe; that with the hellpe of our owne wee may doe it in two daies; the reason I desire to haue it donne with such expedition is for that the Cattell must be watched whillst they are about it; In regard they will be from home and soe doubtlesse otherwise woulld stray or at least Runn home: I will at any time yf your worshipp haue occasion in the like kind fullfill your desire: the time wee intend to goe about it is the second or third day of the next weeke. Thus Ceaseing farther to trouble yow at present, saluteinge you with all due Respecte, Committing you to the lords protecion, I rest Your worshipps to Commaund

Thomas Mayhew Meadeford the 22th of the fowerth Moneth June 1634

I shall gladly pay for it yf you think good as willingly as to afford the like hellpe: its but hallfe the work concernes mr. Cradock or me: he is indeede partely Content I shoulld doe it my sellfe.


W. Au. 63; 4 Collections , VII. 30–31. For Thomas Mayhew, see 4 Collections , VII. 30n.; D.A.B.