A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Kirby, Francis Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at Agawam or else where in New England this deliver per amicum quem deus conseruat
London this 11th of Aprill, 1634 Lovinge and kind frend mr. Winthrop,

I wrote at large lately per mr. Graues of 1 fat and 1 hogshead shipped in mr. Crouther the Jonas per mr. Graues his aduise himselfe beinge not able (as he said) to take it in vnles he should leaue out some of his passengers goods. I haue inclosed bils of ladeinge to your father. since the date of those your letters I haue paid the freight primage auarage and all other Charges, the freight beinge 3li 15s at 3li per tun primage and auarage 3s 6d I haue lefte nothinge for you to pay. I pray forget not to put to account what Charge you haue been at with the tripartable goods.


I thinke I haue sent you very neer the value of your third of the beuer that you sent in returne. I haue now sold it but the mony will not be due before michaelmas next, about which time I hope we shall receiue some more beuer from you for the partable account. I do not perceiue my brother Downeinge to be forward to ioine with you in the fishinge trade. I haue in-treated him to write you a resolued answer which I haue not from him yet, and as I wrote you before, my resolution depends vpon him, without him nothinge therin, with him halfe so much as hee so that my part may not exceed 40 or 50li at the most. I haue disbursed for this goods with the freight and other Charges 44li 4s 3d if I mistake not. You shall find euery particular mencioned in my letters per mr. Graues, also euery seuerall rug and paire of blankets hath his price written vpon it. The 24 Coates Cost you about 13s 7d per Coat, besides the Charge vpon them; I and my wife and my brother and sister Hill desire to be remembred to your second selfe, your father and mother, my Cosen James, Mary, and Su: Downeinge and the rest yours and my frends. The bearer herof mr. William Alford skinner is an honest man well knowne to mee and also to mr. Cotton of Boston. I desire you to be acquainted with him and to shew him what kindnes you can without preiudice to your selfe. he is come with his family to plant amongst you. Thus for this time I Commit you to god and rest your loving frend

Franc: Kirby

My brother Downeinge sendeth the greatest part of his estate in Catle this year videlicet sheep and Cowes I thinke it were not amisse for you to take some of his Cattle vpon such termes as mr. Dilingham hath done, seeinge you haue other imployment for your stocke.


W. Au. 63; 3 Collections , IX. 266–267.

London Port Book Entry for the Planter 1
London Port


xjmo Aprilis 1634

In le Planter of London prd.

John Winthorpe etc. for the planters j tte v chestes j barrell j killderkin of Iron worke value xli xxviiij paire knitt woollen stockinge xxiiijli Rice v bushells wheat meale v chestes windowe glasse value vli goods welche Cottons CL yrds baies absque subss. per lic. Regis.


Public Record Office; Proceedings , XLVII. 183.