A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Kirby, Francis Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his very lovinge and much respected frend Mr. John Wynthrop the yonger this deliver at Boston in New England
London this 18th of June 1633 My lovinge and no lesse loued Frend,

I hartily salute you and your second selfe, desireinge you likewise to remember mee to your good father, 130mother, sisters and brothers, also to my nephew James Downeinge, and my neeces Mary and Su: who I hope ar safely ariued with you ere this time. Although I haue little else to write but salutacones, yet I thought it not meet to neglect any opertunity of writeinge to you. I hope you haue receiud the goods I shipped in the Mary and John per Mr. Collier wherin I sent all the things you wrote for but sope ashes and old musket barreles, which were not to be had, also to your father were shipped all the things he wrote to my brother Doweninge for, but only shorlinge sheep skins, 100 which now I haue bespoken and will be dressed within 6 weekes by which time I thinke another ship or 2 will be ready. I heerwith send you the catalogue of this vernall mart 1633 packed with some small things which my sister Downeinge sendeth, and I am still in your debt some monies which I expect aduise from you how to dispose of. the some I wrote you in an accompt per Mary Downeinge. for newes we haue little only we heare from Germany that a great battell was fought neer vnto Nice, for it was about to be beseiged had not this battell prevented it, wherin the Duke of saxony got the day, but with the losse of his generall Arneham: but the aduersary Walestein was slayne there with a great number of his Comanders also we hear that the prince of Orange hath taken Rhyne Berck. Thus for this time I comit you to god and rest Your euer loving freind

Franc: Kirby

W. 3. 5; 4 Collections , VII. 14–15.

Lucy Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Downing, Lucy Winthrop, John, Jr.


To her louinge nephew Mr. John Winthrop at Boston present thes
June 22th 1633 My good nephewes and neses,

your loues and deserts challeng many expressions of my loue and thankfullnes to you all againe: much more then to euery of you a seuerall letter: I must confess you haue not straitned your loues to me as I am forced to doe my thankfullnes to you: yet beleeu thes feew words wish you as many hapyneses as you can be capable of: I simphathise with you in all your joyes: I am afflicted in your sorrowes: I wish hartilie that I knew wherin to be seruisable to you: I pray wherin I maye spare me not: for to my power I desier to be imploied for your goods: but a good scribe I shall neuer be: and I am now taken of by a suddaine imployment last night 131ould msr. Gurden came to me to desire my house for his logdinge and his daughter is heer to be maryed the next week to Sir richard Saltinstalls sone: the youngest daughter: next spring they intend for new eng: I am allmost blinde. Your Louinge ant

Lucie Downing

W. 4. 3; 5 Collections , I. 8. Lucy Downing was a sister of Governor Winthrop and the wife of Emmanuel Downing.