A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Howes, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his most respected and worthy Frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at the Mattachusetts these deliver in New England

I thought good not to lett passe the aquaintinge you with any thinge that might concerne you or the plantation, though I be neuer soe straightned in tyme. this day being the 27th of Nouember and the last but one of the terme I coming home at noone met 4 men there; that came as they said from Capt. Masons and the Bristoll plantation.2 I askt them what newes. Lambert as I take it his name is, master of the ship, said your father and you and all were well when he left you but he going vp to deliuer a letter to my master from your father as I conceiue, I fell into discourse with one of the other a most egregious knaue, whoe would giue none of you a good word but the gouernor he was a good man and kept a good table but al the rest were Heriticks and they would be more holy then all the world, they would be a peculiar people to God, but goe to the diuell, that one man with you being at confession as he called it, said he beleiued his father and mother and auntestors went all to Hell, and that your preachers in their publique prayers, pray for the gouernor before they praye for our kinge and state, and that one of the Pascataweyans vowed that if he should heare your minister saye soe he would stabbe him in the place where he spake it; and that you should haue all your throats cutt by the Indians ere it be longe, for they haue killed some Rebbells and would make an end of the rest, for that you are a people not worthie to liue one Gods earth that you neuer vse the Lords prayer, that your ministers marrie none, that fellowes which keepe hogges all the weeke preach on the 101Saboth, that euery towne in your plantation is of a seuerall religion; that you count all men in England, yea all out of your church, and in the state of damnacion but I beleiue and knowe better things of you; but here by you may partly see howe the diuell stirrs vp his instruments where his kingdome is soe mightily opposed he setts vpon you with all his might and maine, and would haue you to be like himselfe but he that is with you, is greater then he that is against you; accept this as the token of my goodwill, though I am sorrie to expresse it in these vile and diuelish repetitions, it is to make you the more vigilant and circumspect.

The Kinge of Sweden I heare is slayne; my other newes you shall haue at large in a letter dated the xxiiith of this moneth. I haue deliuered all your monie to Mr. Kirby Thus in great hast being the last daye of the terme I rest Yours as I haue bin

Edwa: Howes xxviiith ixber M.D.C.XXXII

Salute all my frinds againe. Vale optima salute.


W. 2. 165; 4 Collections , VI. 485–486.


Piscataqua (Dover, New Hampshire).

The Company of Husbandmen to John Winthrop1
Company of Husbandmen Robinson, John Binks, Samuel Binks, Roger Whetham, Nathaniel Fowkes, Henry Kipling, Brian Roach, John Hardwin, Grace Jupp, Thomas Crisp, John Dye, John Wintrhop, John


To the right worshipfull the worthy Gouernour at Mattachucetts John Wynthropp deliver in New England per our good Frend Mr. Allerton whose voyage God prosper

Grace mercy and peace bee multiplied

From London the first of Desember, 1632 Right Worshipfull Sir,

Wheras ther hath come ouer from new England of late divers reports of the harch dealeinge of Master Dummer against our lovinge Breathren Bryan Binkes, Petter Johnsonn, and John Smith, in that hee hath not only taken from them that which was left them for there maintenance by the Company, but alsoe retained that which wee sent, And doe keepe in there hands all that is there left of the Companies and retaine it, contrary to that order that wee sent ouer by Master Allerton; And whereas wee haue received the day before the wrightinge heareof, one Letter from John Smith which doth for the most part iustifie that which wee haue heard, and alsoe another from Mr. Batchellor not denyinge the same, And haveinge received incoragment by divers, that there is Justice to bee had, Wee therefore 102appelle vnto you for Justice; There is other Letters sent in this Shipp which were written 3 weekes before this, wherin wee dyd by all the pouer wee haue command them to deliver our goods backe againe, to bee disposed accordinge to the order of the Company: But beinge now certified that Bryan Binkes and Petter Johnsonn are gone to Vergenia accordinge to the Companies order: Wee desire you that whatsoeuer is there left of the Companies estat, should bee theire sould and returned into England, either by Billes of Exchange or in marchantable goodes, vnto John Dye dwellinge in Fillpott Lane or vnto John Roach, Grace Hardinge, or Thomas Juppe, dwellinge in Crooked Lane; Those thinges that are there of the Companies to our knowledge are these. First there is the 6 ordnance with there Carriges 4 Ankers and Cables which stand vs heare in England in littelle lesse then

160li 0s 0d
There is alsoe a parsell tornizion sent by Mr. Allerton 30 0 0
A parsell of pease 13 0 0
And a parsell of broade Cloth and a Coate and list 5 10 0
And a parsell of plate waire of Thomas Juppes owne perticuler adventure 11 16 8
And a parsell of Master Hardings goods 16 0 0
There was a parsell of the Companies goods ventured by one Muzze 10 0 0

There is much other goods there of the Companies, which wee cannot give you notice of. Wee desire you to call John Smith to account by his owne letter hee hath 20li worth of the Companies estat, which although wee desire not that it should be presently taken from him, Because wee pitty his poore estate, yet wee leaue it vnto your wise Consideration to order or to dispose towarde the payment of Master Batchellor if you see fitt, vnto whome wee doe ough 60li, it was sumthinge more, but the rest we haue layd out for him in his frayt, to the vallewe of 7li: wee therefore desire that hee should bee payde 60li: There is goods allsoe to the vallewe of 40li as wee are informed that Mr. Dummer hath taken from Bryan Binkes and Peetter Johnsonn, ther is alsoe the ould shipp, and divers debts oughinge vs, which wee intreate you to call John Smith to account for; And forasmuch as ther is oughinge 200li by the Company in London vppon bond vppon our Securitie and is yearely a great burden vnto vs: Wee desire you therefore that our goods may not bee there retained any longer, for the debts vppon bond the Companys goods must paye, allthough wee lose all; lett them not dishoner god, and disgrace Religion; Heare hath binn a greate deale of Complainte, and much eivell sirmizinge of the dealeinge of our Brethren departed to Vergenia: but we 103wish we may haue noe worse from thence: Wee haue faire account, and good reason for what they did, And for profitt or losse, gods will bee done. Wee hope wee shall find that that part of our estate carried away to Vegenia shalbee as well improued for all the Company, accordinge to that proporsion, as they will improue ther owne in new England that doe soe surmize of there Brethren: Time will try all things.

Wee desire you farther to take Notis that when Master Batchellor dubled his adventure, and made his adventure vpp 100li it was vppon condition, that wee and Master Dummer should doe soe likewise. Wee at London did duble our adventures, and wee received alsoe 40li of Master Dummer, for his duble adventure: Yet after some farther consideration Mr. Dummer sent his mony into the hands of a freind, that would not deliver it vs without bond to paye it againe. Now Mr. Dummer promiseinge as well as wee to duble his adventure, and to bare a part of losse if it soe fell out, as this inclosed letter will testifie beinge the letter of his owne hand sent with the mony: wee desire to referr our selves vnto you, there to judge what is fitt for him to haue: If to venture it as wee are constrained to doe, then at the end of the termes of yeares, wee shalbe countable; At the least we think he should bare a part of losse as well as wee: This hopeinge that out of your pious mind and torn are to execute Justes betwene vs, you wilbee pleased to take this paynes for vs, to put an end vnto these Controversies there, which is a greater greife vnto vs then all those other Croses that hath befallen vs; There was in all 14Cli in jointe stoke. Of this but the vallewe of 250li caried to Vergenia, accordinge to your praiseinge when you payde Carman. Wee leaue all to your Christian wisdome; the Lord direct you and soe wee rest Your Christian Frends for ourselues and the rest of the Companie of Husbandmen

John Robinson Samel Binckes Roger Binckes Nathaniell Whetham Henery Fowkes Brian Kipling Joh: Roch Grace Hardwin Tho: Juppe Jo: Crispe John Dye

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Plough Comp: and in another place: The Comp: of Husbandmen and again: Roch, Hardwin etc.


John Davis MSS., M.H.S., 1; 4 Collections , VII. 94n.–96n. For other letters in this volume relating to the Company of Husbandmen, see pages 67–71 and 122–124.