A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Sir Henry Mildmay to John Winthrop1
Mildmay, Henry Winthrop, John


To his veary lovinge Cosen Mr. John Winthrope, in Bishops Courte neere fleet Condict att Mr. Downings howse London these
Cosen Winthroope;

I haue receiued a lettre latlye from mr. Knight-bridge;2 wherby I perceiue hee hath entertayned Sergiant Henden3 in my Portionarye busines but Sergiant Brampstone4 will not bee entertayned of eyther side but sayeth hee will bee a mediator for a freindly end beetwene vs; mr. Knightbridge allsoe wrighteth vnto me that hee purposethe to leaue those wrightings I gaue hime touchinge the said Portionarye with yow, in regarde of his daylye attendance in his office, but will bee readye to advise with yow whensoeuer yow shall come vnto hime, hee wrights in an office in the Temple neere vnto yours, and in regard I knowe yow haue an office to attend vpon allsoe, I doe wright vnto my brother Robert Gurdon5 (who I think is att most leysure) that hee will follow the busines and call vpon yow to bee assistante vnto hime tharin; if yow, mr. Knightbridge and my brother please to advise together vpon this pointe; that I am content my Portionarye haueinge 10 li. per Annum payed hime accordinge to the last composition; to make an new one to that effect for all future tymes, and vnder that some of 10 li. per Annum I will neuer agree vnto but will rather vndergoe the hazarde; mr. Knightbridge hathe some monye yett left to Fee the lawers and if 96thar bee need of more lett hime or yow laye itt out and I will repaye itt againe; thus with my loue remembred to yow, my cosen Downing and his wife I rest Your lovinge Cosen

Henry Mildmay. Graces this 6th. of June 1629

W. Au. 38; 5 Collections , I. 189–190.


“John Knightbridge of Chelmsford Attorney of the comon pleas 1634.” Visitations of Essex (H.S., Pub. , XIII), I. 432.


Edward Henden of Gray's Inn. He was made a Serjeant in 1616, and a baron of the Exchequer in 1639.


Sir John Bramston (1577–1654), an Essex man, one of the counsel for seven of the nine members of the House of Commons indicted after the session of March 2 for making seditious speeches in Parliament. D. N. B.


Son of Brampton Gurdon and brother of Mrs. Mildmay. Vol. I. 318.

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My good wife,

I receiued thy most kinde Lettre, I blesse the Lord for the continuance of thy wellfare and of all our family. Thou desirest an excuse for thy breuitye, thou shalt need no other, then this, that I am forced to the like: but such Apologies are needlesse betweene vs, where there is so good assurance of the trueth of each others loue: I blesse God for thee allwayes, in that sweet comfort and content, I haue in thee: but I must breake of these discourses, though I delight much in them.

my sonnes man is come vp, but I knowe not vpon what termes, for no bodye writes a word about him. Forth may goe to Camb: now or at my returne, for all wilbe one, if he meanes not to continue there, my sonne Henry must come vp before the ende of the terme, for he can doe nothinge out of terme, but his wife needes not come.

The gentlemen who were in prison,2 are like to be deliuered, and some of them have liberty allready to goe abroade. our freindes heere are all well God be thanked, onely my sister Fones is much troubled with the toothach they all desire to be comended to thee. so with my true loue to thy sweet selfe, my blessing to all our children, and salutations to all our freindes, I comende thee to the Lord and rest in hast Thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop. London June 12. 1629.

For Whale, he hath so often broke promise with me, as I will trust him no more.


W. 1. 49; L. and L. , I. 298–299.


The “seven members.”