A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 9. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 9.

Notebook, Court of Wards, folio 6
Winthrop, John


To our most gracious Soueraigne Lo: the kinges Maiestie and to the Master and Councell of his Highnes court of wards and Liueries

The humble peticion of Thomasine Constable widowe

Sheweth That Marmaduke Constable Esquire your peticioners Husbande dyed three weekes since seized of A Mannor and Landes in Nvnthrope in the Countie of Yorke parte whereof is helde of his Maiestie in Cheife by knightes seruice leaving his sonne and heire within age.

Shee beinge naturall mother prayeth to be admitted to a favorable Composition for the body and Landes of the same heire and she shalbe bounde to praye etc.

dd: xxijdo Julij 1624

xij Octobris 1624.

Direccion is geven that the peticioner shall attend with a schedule and confession of thestate the 4th sittinge vpon composicions in Hillary Terme next att which time John Richardson Escheator of the County of Yorke may allsoe attend if hee thincke fitt.


Docket: Ebor. Wardship. Constable 1624 i. pet. Peticioner and Rich: to attend. Intered lib. 17 fol. 214

Marginal note: Mr. Rob: Morley1 of the Inner Temple knowes the peticioner.


Of Normanby in Cleveland, co. York; admitted to the Inner Temple, November, 1612; called to the bar, October 15, 1620.

Notebook, Court of Wards, folio 7
Winthrop, John


To the right honorable the master of his majesties Court of Wardes and Liueries and the rest of the Councell of the same Court.

Eborac inensis.

The humble peticion of John Richardson Esquire Eschaetor of the county of Yorke

Humbly shewing vnto your Honors that whereas Marmaduke Constable Esquire died about the xxth day of July last past seized of diuers Landes holden of his Maiesty in Capite by knightes service leaving his son and heire vnder the age of xxj yeares and in ward to his Maiesty And whereas the mother and next heires of the said heire haue neglected to procure a writt of diem clausit extremum to find the office after the death of the said Marmaduke Constable to entitle his maiesty to the wardship of the body and landes of the said heire

His humble request therefore is that your Honors would be pleased to graunt that a writt of diem clausit extremum may be directed to entitle his maiesty to the said Wardship of the body and landes of the saide heire and your peticioner may be assigned Eschaetor for the said wardshippe as neglected shall dayly pray for your Honors prosperity etc.

dd. iiijto Sept. 1624

Docket: Ebor. Constable 1624 Wardship 2 pet.

Marginal notes: mr. Richardson Escheator. the mother peticioned within the moneth.

Int. lib. 17 fol. 214 31st Augusti A. 1624.

Let a writt of diem clausit extremum or a Commission of that nature bee awarded into the Countie of Yorke to enquire after the death of Marmaduke Cunstable esq. And his Maiesties Instruccions for warninge are to bee observed And the office with a schedule and confession of the estate is to bee retorned the third sittinge vppon Composicions after all Saintes next and then consideracion shalbe had of the peticioner.

Wal: Pye2

Fo. 7 verso has only “John Richardson Esqr.”


Walter Pye (1571–1635), son and heir of Roger Pye of the Mynde, co. Hereford, was admitted to the Middle Temple December 6, 1590. He was a favorite of the Duke of Buckingham, through whose influence he was made justice of Glamorgan, Brecknock, and Radnor in 1617, and attorney of the Court of Wards and Liveries in 1621. He was knighted July 29, 1630. D. N. B. ; John Hutchinson, A Catalogue of Notable Middle Templars (London, 1902), 200–201. Beneath Pye's signature is a scrawl in another hand, perhaps meant to tell that the order has been carried out.