A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, John, Jr.


My good sonne,

The good Lord blesse you ever.

I have written to your mother, and to your vnckle Downinge at large of all things heere, to which I must referre you, in regarde of my muche businesse and little leysure heere.

I shall expecte your mother and you and the rest of my Companye heere next springe (if God will.) I praye take order (if it be possible) to make even reconinges with all before you come over, and gett a good shippe, and 40: hogsheads of meale at least, well cleansed from the branne, and layd abroad 3: or 4: dayes before it be packed, pease and otemeale well dryed, as muche as you can, good store of drye suffolk cheese, brought loose, or packed in verye drye mault, butter and tryed suett, sugar and fruite, pepper and Ginger, store of Coarse rugges, bothe to vse and sell, a hoggeshead of wine vinegar and another of veriuice, bothe in good Caske and Iron bounde. we have lost muche by badd Caske. bestow everye thinge in even hoggeshedes if you can, for it will save muche in the Charge of fraught: bringe some good oyle, pitche and tarre, and a good peece of an old Cable to make okum, for that which was sent is muche loste. some more Cowes would be brought, especially 2: new milche, which must be well mealed and milked by the waye, and some goates and especially sheepe (if they can be had). bring some store of garlick and onyons, and conserve of redd roses, Allum and Alloes, oyled skins, bothe Calf and sheepe, and some worsted ribbeinge of several sises. this is the 3: lettre I have written to you from heere. Comende me to all our freindes, my love and blessinge to your brother and sisters, your sister Winthrop, and cosin Matt, my love and service to mr. Gurdon and his wife, salutations to mr. Jacie mr. Chamber and the rest of the good ministers, mr. Mott, and mr. Brand. I layd out 15 li. to mr. Goffe for a Cowe for his sonne. Comend me to all my good neighbours, mr. Jarrold, william Ponde and the rest. those who were to haue Cowes delivered heere and fayled must have their monye again, my cosen of Rattlesden, 20 li. I can think of no other, but mrs. Sandes 15 li. Comend me to her, and if you see them at Graces remember me to them. the Lord blesse you. farewell. your loving father

Jo: Winthrop. Sept: 9. 1630

W. 7 A. 48; Savage (1825), I. 378; (1853), I. 454; L. and L. , II. 49–50.