A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 211. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 211.

Marriage License of John Winthrop, Jr., and Martha Fones1
Brent, Nathaniel Weston, Nicholas Winthrop, John, Jr. Fones, Martha


Georgius2 providentia divina Cantuariensis Archiepiscopus totius Anglie Primas et Metropolitanus Dilectis nobis in Christo Johanni Winthrope Juniori de Groaton in Comitatu Suffolcie generoso et Marthe Fones de Groaton predicto puelle, Salutem et gratiam. Cum vos (vti asseritur) ad solemnizacionem matrimonii veri et legitimi de et cum consensu parentum et gubernatorum vestrorum et vtriusque vestrum procedere decreueritis Illudque in facie ecclesie cum ea qua fieri poterit matura celeritate solemnizari facere et obtinere magnopere desideretis Nos volentes vt honesta haec vestra desideria debitum celerius consequantur effectum vt igitur matrimonium huiusmodi in ecclesia parochiali siue de Groaton predicto siue Sancti Laurentij in Gipwico per Rectorem Vicarium siue Curatum eiusdem ecclesie absque aliquibus bannis matrimonialibus editis et proclamatis quocunque anni tempore libere et licite solemnizari facere et obtinere possitis et valeatis post caucionem interpositam dummodo vobis racione consanguinitatis affinitatis precontractus vel alterius cause cuiuscunque nullum legitimum in ea parte obstiterit impedimentum Nec vlla lis controuersia seu querela mota sit vel pendeat coram aliquo Judice ecclesiastico vel ciuili de matrimonio aliquo contracto vel allegato cum alterutro vestrum ac modo matrimonij huiusmodi celebracio publice in ecclesia predicta fiat inter horas octavam et duodecimam ante meridiem absque tamen preiudicio ministri ecclesie ubi dicta mulier parochiana existit licenciam et facultatem tam vobis contrahentibus quam Rectori Vicario siue Curato ecclesie predicte designate matrimonium huiusmodi inter vos solemnizandi sub modo et 211forma superius specificatis iuxta ritus libri publicarum precum auctoritate Parliamenti in ea parte editi ex racionibus legitimis benigne concedimus Proviso semper quod si alteruter vestrum clarioris aut illustrioris condicionis sit quam nobis suggestum est et quam ex cognomine et additamento in his literis insertis colligi facile potest aut si aliqua fraus in hac parte imposterum appareat vel falsitatis nobis suggeste, vel suppresse veritatis tempore huius licencie obtente tunc haec licencia nostra irrita sit ad omnem Juris effectum et si3 omnino concessa non fuisset et eo casu inhibemus quibusvis ministris modo premissorum aliquod eis innotuerit ne ad celebracionem dicti matrimonii procedant nisi nobis aut Vicario nostro in spiritualibus generali prius consultis Data sub sigillo quo in hac parte vtimur vicesimo die mensis Februarij Anno Domini 1629–30 4 Et nostre Translationis5 Anno decimo nono.

Na Brent.6 Nico: Weston Registrarius. seal.

W. Deeds 26. See L. and L. , II. 75, note.


George Abbot (1562–1633), Archbishop of Canterbury, 1611–1633.


“Et si” here = “ac si.”


The marriage actually took place nearly a year later, February 8, 1630–31, at Groton, as is shown by the letter of Henry Paynter, March 1, 1630–31, 5 Collections , I. 116.


From the See of London.


Sir Nathaniel Brent (1573?–1652), Abbot's vicar-general, translator of Pietro Sarpi's History of the Council of Trent, and for many years warden of Merton College, Oxford. D. N. B. , VI. 262–264.

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


To my verye loving wife mrs. Winthrop at Groton dd.
Myne owne sweet selfe,

I blesse God our heauenly father we are all come safe to Maplested, where we finde all in health. I haue nothinge to write to thee, but an expression of my dearest and most faithfull Affection to thee, and my deare children and freindes with thee. Be comfortable and couragious my sweet wife: feare nothinge; I am assured the Lord is with vs, and wilbe with thee, thou shalt finde it in the needfull tyme. Cleaue to thy faithfull Lord and husband Christ Jesus into whose blessed arms I haue putt thee, to whose care I haue and doe commende thee and all thine, once againe I kisse and embrace my sweet wife, farewell. the Lord blesse thee and all thy company. Commend me to all and to all our good freindes and neighbours, and remember munday and frydaye betweene 5. and 6.2 Thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop. 212

Postscript on the outside of the letter below the address: my sonne Henrye must come by Maplested to seale a writing which I lefte there.

Maplestead, February 26, 1629–30.

W. 7 A. 36; Savage (1825), I. 365; (1853), I. 438; L. and L. , I. 380–381.


“There is something of poetical beauty, as well as of pious sentiment, in the agreement, which is more than once referred to as having been made between his wife and himself, that they would remember each other every Monday and Friday evening, between the hours of five and six, and 'meet in spirit before the Lord.' Shakspeare, not long before, had put the same thought into the mouth of Imogen." L. and L. , I. 377–378.