A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


To his verye louinge wife mrs. Winthrop the elder at Groton Suffolk dd.
My deare wife,

I must needs write to thee by this bearer, though I can write little in regarde of my much businesse. I prayse God, I came safe hither, where I found all in health, and so (through his mercye) we continue. I haue sent downe my horses, because I am like to staye somewhat longer then I made accompt of, but I shall make what hast I can backe. heer is much newes, diuers great personages questioned and committed, but the cause yet vncertaine:2 St. Christophers is taken by the Spanyard, and the English there honestly sent home;3 the same is reported of the Barbethes but not so certaine, but if it be the people are all safe; some would discourage vs with this newes, but there is no cause, for neither are we in the like danger, and besides God is with vs, and will surely keepe vs. I shall take tyme to write to thee againe in the ende of the weeke so for this tyme, with all our hearty salutations to thy selfe my good sister Fones, and the 168rest of our freinds with my loue and blessinge to all our children I commende thee to the Lorde, so I kisse my sweet wife and rest thy faithfull husband,

Jo: Winthrop. London, Nou: 11. 1629.

my sonne remembers his dutye to thee and his aunt, and loue to all etc.


W. 7 A. 32; Savage (1825), I. 361–362; (1853), I. 434–435; L. and L. , I. 355–356.


“On Tuesday evening were sent Mr. Vice-chamberlain and others to seal up Sir Robert Cotton's library, and to bring himself before the Council. There was found in his custody a pestilent tractat, which he had fostered as his child, and had sent abroad into divers hands, containing a project how a Prince may make himself an absolute tyrant. This device he had communicated to divers lords who, on his confession, are questioned and restrained; the Earl of Somerset to the Bishop of London, Lord Clare to the Bishop of Winchester, and Lord Bedford to the writer knows not whom. Cotton himself is in custody.” The Archbishop of York to Sir Henry Vane, London, November 6: Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1629–1631, 89. See D. N. B. , XII. 312.


November 5, “Two Dutch ships have arrived in Falmouth harbor with 24 English planters of good account from St. Christopher's, who were found at sea in distress. They relate that the island had been taken by a Spanish fleet of 34 ships,” etc. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1574–1660, 102, 103.

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My sweet wife,

I receiued thy most kinde Lettre, and blessed be our good God that giueth vs still cause of reioycinge in the newes of each others wellfare, and of those which are deare to vs: and blessed be God, who hath giuen me a wife, who is such a helpe and incouragement to me in this great worke, wherein so many wiues are so great an hinderance to theirs: I doubt not but the Lorde will recompence abundantly the faithfullnesse of thy loue and obedience, and for my selfe, I shall euer be mindfull of thee, and carefull to requite thee.

Our businesse comes so fast vpon us heer, as I cannot yet appointe when I shall returne, but I will make what hast I maye.

I would haue my daughter Mary come vp in the ende of next weeke, and I hope to come downe the weeke followinge: I thinke it would be good for my sonne Henry to come vp with her, that he may looke after his men and prouisions which were to goe to the Barbethes. Let John speake with Cole the constable of Boxford and tell him, that I haue gotten a place for his kinsman with Sir Richard Saltonstall, who will entertaine him presently if he will come vp.

Let John or my sonne Hen: speake to Holder to lett alone the timber till I come home.

Our freinds heer salute thee and all with thee: commende my loue to my good seruant, and tell her, I think I must be forced to write to her this weeke, if Mr. Payinter2 come downe, he is a reuerend man and a good preacher, let him be kindly entertained, he will preach with you if he come. The good Lord be with thee (my deare wife) and blesse thee and all ours, so with wonted salutations I rest thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop. London, Nou: 12. 1629.

W. 1. 64; L. and L. , I. 357.


Reverend Henry Paynter, of Exeter, who became the third husband of Priscilla (Burgess | Sherman) Fones. See infra, pages 169, 196, 296, and 336 298, and 337 .