A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Priscilla Fones to John Winthrop1
Fones, Priscilla Winthrop, John


To the right Worshipfull her verie lovinge brother John Winthrop Esq. these be dd at his house in Groton.
My good brother,

I was kindly salluted with a letter from you which cam to my hands that day sennet I cam to Sutton,2 and was not a littel wellcom to me. I would gladly have returned you thankes for it before this time, but that I could not hear of any messenger to send by all the while I was at Sutton, which bred me much grife and troubel of mind in the midst of all my comforts, and more would have done had I not bin well perswaeded that your love would judge the best of me. My absence from you hath bin now much longer then I intended, my father being so loth to part with me; and truly it was no easie thing for me to part with such a father, having not bin with him in ten yeres before; but now throughe Gods goodnes I cam safly to London on Saterday last, whear I thankfuly recaived your loving letter, which did much refrech me after my weary jurny. I had a purpose then to have sene you this weke and did much reioyce in the hope I had of inioying your and my good sisters compeny, with my pore children whom I much long after; but before I could take my fill of these thoughts, that heavi nuse of your going for new England cam to me. How much grife it hath cost me 154I spare to relate at this time, but I see the Lord is about to take away my props that I may wholy rely upon himself. These nuse hath made me now to looke out for a house which I intended not before, and so my comming is defered till the next weke: in the meane time I earnestly crave your prayers, and so with the remembrance of my best love and affections to your selfe, my good sister, all yours and mine, I take my leave of you for this time and rest Your very loving sister

Pris. Fones. London, ca. September, 1629.

I would faine have written to my daughters, but time is very precious with me in London. I pray remember me to them both and to my maid whose care of my pore Mat I shall not forgit.


Original lost; L. and L. , I. 359–360.


Sutton Coldfield, co. Warwick, where John Burgess, father of Priscilla (Burgess | Sherman) Fones, was rector.

John Winthrop, Jr., to Paul van Houke1
Winthrop, John, Jr. Houke, Paul Van


To his very loving freind mr. Paule van Houke at the house of mr. Adrian van Ecke dddd In Midlebourgh.
Londinis Sept : 21 : 1629. Charissime amice,

Scripsi tibi ante recessum nostrum a Vlissing quam te recepisse spero, quod jam scribam causam habeas (preter amoris nostri frequentiam) vt scilicet intelligas me istam quam debeam Andreae Gerarde pecuniam in margin: 80 gulders , fideliter tibi misisse per Johannem Arnoll Capper vant scepe Vlissing van Vlissing, a quo obsecro vt petas, cupio autem vt mihi rescribas quam primum poteris tam vt intelligam de eiusmodi receptione (et vt istam quam signavi notam, mihi mitteres, aut combureres) quam vt de tua valetinine valetudine, quam maxime cupiam certior fiam: cum his amoris nostri commendationem accipies, cui etiam continuationem studiose desidero, deus te in salvo ducat Vale Tui studiosissimus

Johannes Winthrop.

Salutes velim de mea parte Sir And: Gerarde.

si mihi scribas optimum erit vt post superscriptionem ad hunc modum Anglice scribas

Leave it at mr. Downings house in Peterborough court neere the conduict in Fleet street.


W. 1. 60.