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Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 140. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 140.

Reasons to Be Considered, and Objections with Answers1
Winthrop, John


Reasons to be considered for iustifieinge the vndertakeres of the intended Plantation in New England, and for incouraginge such whose hartes God shall moue to ioyne with them in it.

(1 It will be a service to the Church of great consequence to carry the Gospell into those parts of the world, to helpe on the comminge of the fullnesse of the Gentiles, and to raise a Bulworke against the kingdome of Ante-Christ which the Jesuites labour to reare vp in those parts.

(2) All other Churches of Europe are brought to desolation, and our sinnes, for which the Lord beginnes allreaddy to frowne vpon vs, and to cutte vs short doe threatne euill times to be comminge vpon vs, and whoe 139knowes, but that God hath provided this place to be a refuge for many whome he meanes to saue out of the generall callamity, and seeinge the Church hath noe place lefte to flie into but the wildernesse, what better worke can there be, then to goe and provide tabernacles and foode for her against she comes thether:

(3 This Land growes weary of her Inhabitantes, soe as man whoe is the most praetious of all creatures, is here more vile and base then the earth we treade vpon, and of lesse prise among vs then an horse or a sheepe, masters are forced by authority to entertaine servants, parents to mainetaine there owne children, all townes complaine of the burthen of theire poore, though we haue taken vp many vnnessicarie yea vnlawfull trades to mainetaine them, and we vse the authoritie of the Law to hinder the increase of our people, as by vrginge the Statute against Cottages, and inmates, and thus it is come to passe, that children servantes and Neighboures espeacially if they be poore are compted the greatest burthens, which if thinges weare right would be the cheifest earthly blessinges

(4) The whole earth is the Lords garden and he hath giuen it to the sonnes of men with a general Commission: Gen: 1: 28: increace and multiplie, and replenish the earth and subdue it, which was againe renewed to Noah, the end is double and naturall, that man might enioy the fruits of the earth, and God might haue his due glory from the creature: why then should we stand striving here for places of habitation etc. (many men spending as much labour and coste to recouer or keepe sometimes an acre or twoe of Land, as would procure them many C hundred as good or better in another Countrie) and in the meane time suffer a whole Continent as fruitfull and convenient for the vse of man to lie waste without any improuement?

(5) We are growne to that height of Intemperance in all excesse of Riott, as noe mans estate allmost will suffice to keepe saile with his aequalls: and he, whoe failes herein, must Hue in scorne and contempt. Hence it comes that all artes and Trades are carried in that deceiptfull and vnrighteous course, as it is allmost impossible for a good and vpright man to mainetayne his charge and liue comfortablie in any of them.

(6) The Fountaines of Learning and Religion are soe corrupted as (besides the vnsupportable charge of there education) most children (euen the best witts and of faierest hopes) are perverted, corrupted, and vtterlie ouerthrowne by the multitude of euill examples and the licentious gouernment of those Seminaries, where men straine at knatts, and swallowe camells, vse all severity for mainetaynance of cappes, and other accomplymentes, but suffer all ruffianlike fashions, and disorder in manners to passe vncontrolled.


(7) What can be a better worke, and more honorable and worthy a Christian then to helpe raise and supporte, a particular Church while it is in the Infancy, and to ioyne his forces with such a company of faithfull people, as by a timely assistance may growe stronge and prosper, and for wante of it may be put to great hazard, if not wholy ruined:

(8 If any such as are knowne to be Godly, and Hue in wealth and prosperity here shall forsake all this, to ioyne themselues with this Church and to runne an Hazard with them of an hard and meane condition, it will be an example of great vse both for remouinge the scandall of worldly and sinister respects which is cast vpon the Adventurers: to giue more life to the faith of Gods people, in theire praiers for the Plantation, and to incorrage others to ioyne the more willingly in it:

(9) It appeares to be a worke of God for the good of his Church in that he hath disposed the hartes of soe many of his wise and faithfull servantes both ministers, and others not onely to approue of the enterprise but to interest themselues in it, some in theire persons, and estates, other by there serious advise and helpe otherwise, and all by there praiers for the wealfare of it Amos 3: the Lord revealeth his secreat to his servantes the profits, it is likely he hath some great worke in hand which he hath revealed to his prophetts among vs whom he hath stirred vp to encourage his servantes to this Plantation, for he doeth not vse to seduce his people by his owne prophetts, but committe that office to the ministrie of false prophetts and lieing sperittes

Diuerse obiections which haue beene made against this Plantation, with theire answears and Resolutions:

Ob: 1: We haue noe warrant to enter vpon that Land which hath beene soe longe possessed by others: ans: 2 That which lies common, and hath neuer beene replenished or subdued is free to any that possesse and improue it: For God hath giuen to the sonnes of men a double right to the earth; theire is a naturall right, and a Ciuill Right The first right was naturall when men held the earth in common euery man sowing and feeding where he pleased: then as men and theire Cattell encreased they appropriated certaine parcells of Grownde by inclosinge and peculiar manuerance, and this in time gatte them a Ciuill right: such was the right which Ephron the Hittite3 had in the feild of Mackpelah wherein Abraham could not bury a dead Corpes without leaue though for the out partes 141of the Countrie which lay common he dwelt vpon then, and tooke the frute of them at his pleasure: the like did Jacob, whoe fedde his Cattell as bouldly in Hamors Land,4 (for he is said to be Lord of the Countrie) and in other places where he came, as the natiue Inhabitantes themselues: and that in those times and places men accompted noething theire owne, but that which they had appropriated by theire owne industry, appeares plainely by this, that Abimileckes servantes in there owne Countrie, when they ofte contended with Isaackes servantes about welles which they had digged,5 yet neuer stroue for the Land wherein they weare: Soe likewise betweene Jacob and Laban, he would not take a kidde of Labans without speaciall contracte;6 but he makes noe bargaine with them for the Land where they fedde, and it is very probable that if the Countrie had not beene as free for Jacob as for Laban, that couetous wretch would haue made his advantage of it, and haue vpbraided Jacob with it as he did with his Cattell: As for the Natiues in New England, they inclose noe Land, neither haue any setled habytation, nor any tame Cattle to improue the Land by, and soe haue noe other but a Naturall Right to those Countries, soe as if we leaue them sufficient for their vse, we may lawfully take the rest, there being more then enough for them and vs:

2 We shall come in with the good leaue of the natiues who finde benifight allreaddy by our Neighbourhood, and learne from vs to improue a parte to more vse then before they could doe the whole: and by this meanes we come in by valuable purchase, for they haue of vs that, which will yeeld them more benifight, then all that Land which we haue from them.

3 God hath consumed the Natiues with a great Plauge in those partes, soe as there be few Inhabitantes lefte.

Ob: 2: It will be a great wrong to our Church and Countrie to take awaye the good people, and we shall lay it the more open to the Judgment feared:

Ans: 1 The departinge of good people from a Countrie doe not cause a Judgment but forshew it, which may occasion such as remaine to turne from there euill waies, that they may praevent it, or to take some other course that they may escape it:

2 Such as goe awaye are of noe observation in respect of those whoe remaine and they are likely to doe more good there then here, and since Christes time the Church is to be considered as vniversall without distinction 142of Countries, soe as he that doeth good in one place serues the Church in all places in regard of the vnity.

3 It is the revealed will of God that the Gospell should be preached to all nations,7 and though we know not whether those Barbarians will receiue it at first or noe, yet it is a good worke to serue Gods providence in offering it to them (and this is fittest to be doone by Godes owne servantes) for God shall haue glory by it though they refuse it, and there is good hope that the Posterity shall by this meanes be gathered into Christes sheepefould.

Ob: 3 We haue feared a Judgment a great while, but yet we are safe, it weare better therefore to stay till it come, and either we may flie then, or if we bee ouertaken in it we may well content ourselues to suffer with such a Church as ours is:

Ans: It is likely that this consideration made the Churches beyound the Seas as the Pallatinate, Rochell etc. to sitt still at home, and not looke out for shelter, while they might haue founde it; but the woefull spectacle of theire ruine may teach vs more wisdome to avoide the Plauge when it is foreseene, and not to tarry as they did till it ouertake vs. If they weare now at theire former liberty we may be sure they would take other Courses for theire safty and though halfe of them had miscarried in theire escape, yet had it not beene soe miserable to them selues nor scandalous to Religion, as this desperate backsliding and abiuering the trewth, which many of the ancient Professours among them, and the whole Posteritie which remaine are now plundged into:

Ob: 4: The ill successe of other Plantations may tell vs what will become of this:

Ans: 1 None of the former sustained any great damage but Virginia which happned through there owne slouth and security.

2 The argument is not good for thus it standes: some Plantations haue miscarried therefore we should not make any, it consistes of particulars and soe concludes noethinge we might as well reason thus, many houses haue beene burnt by killes; therefore we should vse none, many shippes haue beene cast awaye therefore we should content ourselues with our home commodities and not adventure mens Hues at Sea for those thinges which we might live without: Some men haue beene vndoone by being advanced to great places, therefore we should refuse all praeferment: etc:

3 The fruite of any publike designe is not to be discerned by the immediate successe it may appeare in time that the former Plantations weare all to good vse.


4 There weare great and fundamentall errors in the former which are like to be avoided in this: For: 1: their mayne end was Carnall and not Religious: 2. They vsed vnfitt instrumentes, a multitude of rude and misgouernd persons the very scumme of the Land: 3: They did not establish a right forme of gouerment.

(Ob: 5.) It is attended with many and great difficulties:

Ans: Soe is euery good action, the Heathen could say Ardua virtutis via, and the way of Gods kingdome which is the best waye in the world is accompanied with most difficulties streight is the gate, and narrow is the waye that leadeth to life:8 againe the difficulties are noe other then such as many dayly meete with, and such as God hath brought others well through them:

(Ob: 6. It is a worke aboue the power of the vndertakers:

Ans: 1 The wealfare of any body consists not soe much in quantitie as in a due proportion and disposition of partes, and we see other Plantations haue subsisted diuerse yeares and prospered from weaker meanes:

2 It is noe wonder for great thinges to arise from smale and contemptible beginnings it hath beene often seene in kingdomes and states, and may as well hould in townes and plantations. The Waldenses weare scattred into the Alpes, and mountaines of Peidmont by small companies but they became famous Churches whereof some remaine to this day, and it is certaine that the Turckes, Venetians, and other States weare very weake in their beginninges:

Ob: 7 The Countrie affordes noe naturall fortifications:

Ans: Noe more did Holland and many other places which had greater enimies and neerer at hand and God doth vse to place his people in the middest of perilles, that they may trust in him and not in outward meanes of safety; soe when he would chouse a place to plante his onely beloued people in, he seated them not in an Hand or other place fortified by nature, but in a plaine Countrie, besette with potent and bitter enimies rounde about, yet soe longe as they served him and trusted in his helpe they weare safe, soe the Apostle Saint Paull saith of himselfe and his fellow labourours that they weare coumpassed with dangers on euery side and weare dayly vnder the sentence of death, that they might learne to trust in the liuinge God:

Ob: 8: The place affordeth not comfortable meanes to the first planters and our breedinge here at home hath made vs vnfitte for the hardshippe we are like to endure there

Ans: 1 Noe place of it selfe hath afforded sufficient to the first Inhabitantes, such thinges as we stand in neede of are vsually supplied by Gods 144blessing vpon the wisdome and industry of man, and whatsoeuer we stand in neede of is treasured vp in the earth by the Creator, and to be feched thense by the sweate of our browes:

2 We must learne with Paull to want as well as to abounde;9 if we haue foode and rayment (which are there to be had) we ought to be contented, the difference in the quality may a little displease vs but it cannot hurt vs.

3 It may be God will by this meanes bringe vs to repent of our former Intemperance and soe cure vs of that desease which sends many amongst vs vntimely to our graues and others to Hell. Soe he carried the Isralites into the wildernesse and made them forgette the fleshpotts of Egipt which was some pinch to them at first but he disposed it to their good in the end, Deu: 8: 3: 16:

Ob: 9 We must looke to be praeserved by miracle if we subsiste and soe we shall tempt God

Ans: 1 They who walke vnder ordinary meanes of safety and supply doe not tempt God but such will our condition be in this Plantation, therefore etc. the proposition can not be denied, the assumption we proue thus, that place is as much secured from ordinary dangers as many C hundred in the civill partes of the world and we shall haue as much provision beforehand as such townes doe vse to provide against a seige or dearth and sufficient meanes for raising a sufficient store to succeed against that be spent If it be denied that we shall be as secure as other places, we answeare that many of our Sea townes, and such as are vpon the confines of enimies countries in the continent lie more open and neerer to danger then we shall and though such townes haue sometime beene burnt or spoiled yet men tempt not God to dwell still in them, and though many houses in the Countrie amongst vs lie open to Robbers and theeues (as many haue found by sad experience) yet noe man will say that those that dwell in such places must be praeserved by miracle:

2 Though miracles be now ceased yet men may expecte a more then ordinarie blessing from God vpon all lawfull meanes where the worke is the Lords and he is sought in it according to his will, for it is vsuall with him to encrease or weaken the strenth of the meanes as he is pleased or displeased with the Instrumentes and the action; else we must conclude that God hath lefte the gouerment of the world and committed all power to the Creature that the successe of all thinges should wholely depend vpon second causes

3 We appeale to the iudgment of Soldieres if 500 men may not in one 145mounth raise a fortification which with sufficient munition and victuall they may not make good against 3000 for many mounths and yet without miracle:

4 We demand an instance of any Prince or state that hath raised 3000 soldieres and hath victuald them for vi or viii mounths with shippinge and munition answerable to invade a place soe far distant as this is from any forraine enimie and where they must runne an hazard of Repulse and noe bootie or iust title of soueranitie to allure them:

Ob: 10 If it succeed ill it will raise a scandall vpon our profession:

Ans: It is noe rule in Philosophie much lesse in divinity to iudge the action by the successe the enterprize of the Israelites against Beniamin succeeded ill twice yet the action was good and prospered in the end. The Erie of Beziers in France and Tholosuye sic miscarried in the defence of a iust cause of Religion and theire hereditarie right against the vniust violence of the Earle Montford and the Popes Legatt. The Duke of Saxony and the Landgraue had ill successe in the defence of the Gospell against Charles the 5th wherein the Duke and his Children lost their whole Inheritance to this day: The Kinge of Denmarck and other Princes of the vnion had ill successe in the defence of the Palatinate and the Liberty of Germanie yet their profession suffered not with their persons except it weare with the adversaries of Religion and soe it was noe scandall giuen.


W. 1. 54; L. and L. , I. 309–317. In the hand of Forth Winthrop.


In margin: “Ans:i:”


Genesis, xxiii. 8–20.


Genesis, xxxiii.


Genesis, xxvi. 18–22.


Genesis, xxx.


Mark, xvi. 15.


Matthew, vii. 14.


Philippians, iv. 11, 12.