A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 124. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 124.

John Winthrop to —— ——1
Winthrop, John UNKNOWN


. . . which now lyes waste there, more plenty wilbe lefte to suche as remaine behinde.

3: For the 3: if it be a personall instance, it may best receive answere from such as it concerns, but as it may be extended to the estate of our Churche and Common wealth let the grones and fears of Godes people giue a silent answer: If our condition be good, why doe his Embassadours, turne their messages into complaintes and threatninges? why doe they so constantly denounce wrathe and iudgment against vs? why doe they pray so muche for healinge if we be not sicke? why doe their soules wepe in secret? and will not be comforted, if there be yet hope that our hurt may be healed? One Calfe set vp in Israel removed the tabernacle out of the host,2 and for 2 God forsooke them for ever.3 One Achan troubled all the people, let not vs trust to the Temple of the Lord, yea many faithfull ministers and good people: Israel had suche priveledges when her destruction was at hande, Elias and Elisha and aboue 400: good prophettes4 and 7000 good protes­122tantes5 in Ahabs tyme, (I suppose the best dayes before could not shewe the like): had not Jerusalem Jeremy and his Contemporaries: yet she came downe wonderfully because she half a line blank what though the princes and great ones of the earthe would not believe that an enemy could enter into her gates, shall not the iniquity of the prophett and Priestes and the Lam. 4: 12, 13, 17. crye of innocent blood make all her confidence vaine? if it be thus with vs, where then is the happinesse we should rest in? if we imytayte Sodom in her pride and intemperance, if Laodicea in her lukewarmnesse, if Ephesus Sardis etc. in the sins for which their Candlesticke was removed, if the turks and other heathen in their abominations, yea if the Sinagogue of Antichrist in her superstition, where is yet the good should content vs? but it may be it is to be found in the civill state; what means then the bleating of so many oppressed with wronge, that drink wormwood, for righteousnesse? why doe so many seely sheep that seeke shelter at the iudgment seates returne without their fleeces? why meet we so many wandering ghostes in shape of men, so many spectacles of misery in all our streetes, our houses full of victuals, and our entryes of hunger-starved Christians? our shoppes full of riche wares, and vnder our stalles lye our own fleshe in nakednesse. Si haec bona omnia, ignorare adhuc placet.

For the Abiennes Albigenses etc.: yet you will grant that it had been better suche had fled, for they may yet belonge to God, at least some of them, dothe not the history of the Churche give vs many examples of the like, who have been renewed by repentance? and for the posteryty bothe of good and badde, they were in the Covenant, and a holy seed, and so suche as the Churche might have had good hope of, if they might have been brought vp vnder the menes, yet we ascribe no suche vertue to the soile, therefore that Conclusion might have been spared.

For the Corruption in trade, I see it is not denyed, if it were, I would desire him to instance one (being fitt imployment for an ingenuous minde) wherein a man may looke for recompence sutable to his expence of tyme and industrye, except falshood be admitted to equall the ballance: And for that course of husbandry which Jacob and the patriarchs vsed, it was honourable and vsefull in those tymes and Countryes, but not in ours, they had their lande for nothinge, if we should imploye our children in that waye now, their worke would soon eate vp their stocks, and for your supposition of what redresse might be had in these thinges by the magistrate, it dothe not conclude that it shalbe, nor tye vs to expect what you give vs no grounde to hope for. we confesse indeed that the multitude of people is the glorye of 123a kinge, and to maintain these and imploye them to the more profit doth not diminish but increase his glorye. those which goe over remaine still his subiectes, they may multiply as fast there as heere, by their labour, more food and other provisions for life shalbe raysed abroad, and yet no whitt the lesse at home: so that it is likly the nayls shalbe somewhat shortened, and yet the flesh remaine wholl.

If6 the fifte. you will have vs follow you, as you goe, we must yeild you the Question: you should first have proved that the foundation was erronious, otherwise you conclude nothing, we saye, and maintaine by sufficient reasons, that the plantation is a lawfull and good worke: but seeinge your 2d argument implyes a denyall, hic pes ligatur, and to omitt all the former, I will insist vpon this one Argument. A lande ouerburdened with people, may ease it self, by sending a parte into some other Countryes which lye wast and not replenished: but suche is the condition of our lande ergo: etc: the proposition I prove thus, God at first did not replenish the earthe with men, but gave them a general Commission Gen: 1: 28. encrease and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it: the endes are naturall and double, that man may enioye the fruit of the earth, and God may have his due glory from the Creature, which is imperfect while it lyes waste, the Assertion I thus prove (though I never heard it denyed) many of our people perish for want of sustenance and imployment, many others live miserably and not to the honor of so bountifull a housekeeper as the lord of heaven and earth is, through the scarcity of the fruites of the earth, the whole lande of the kingdom as it is reconed is scarce sufficient to give imployment to one half of the people: all our townes complain of the burden of poore people and strive by all menes to ridde any such as they have, and to keepe of such as would come to them, masters are forced by authority to entertaine servantes parentes to maintain their children, more strife there is and expence between parishes to get ridde of some of their poore, then would suffice to maintaine them many yeares, and to fill vp this cloud of testimonyes, (quamquam animus meminisse horret) I must tell you, that our deare mother findes her famyly so overcharged, as she hathe been forced to denye harbour to her owne children, witnesse the statute against Cottages and inmates,7 so that whither it be of necessity or by inevitable 124accident, this is our condition, and no remedy appeares, so the assumption is proved and the argument standes good, as for those allusions resemblinge Davides longinge for a draught of water8 to this action, the thinges are so vnlike, as neede no answere, your similitudes must have more legges if you will have them stande vpright or prove any thinge.

Amonge all other difficultyes, the provision for your poore will prove a laberinth, because to preserve life in the weaker you must draw blood from the stronger yet you shall finde often thus, that gentle speeches, and a small releife from your owne hande, will prevaile muche with bothe partyes: and if thinges growe to an extremity as I feare they will soone, it will prove a savinge bargain, if popular tumultes should arise, which God forbide, remember the issue of the commotion of the pesantes in Germany.9 those base people were soone punished or subdued, but then were the riche men of the Countrye called to a reconinge, which cost many of them their lives and estates, wherof some did but looke on, and durst not relieve them, and others relieved them against their willes, givinge a parte to save the rest: and so founde the proverbe true facile invenies etc: but these thinges are to highe for my conceipt, though not vnfitt for your consideration. I have been over teadious, and bolde vpon your gentlenesse, but my hearte is still full either of matter or affection, and I could vent it freely, for Literae non erubescunt.


W. 1. 59 verso; 1 Proceedings , XII. 239–242. In the hand of John Winthrop, evidently the conclusion of a letter, or draft of a letter, to some friend who had sent objections to Winthrop's argument for the plantation.


Exodus, xxxii–xxxiii.


II Kings, xvii. 16–18.


II Kings, xxii. 6.


I Kings, xix. 18.


A cancel, “this requires,” with “the fifte,” written in above.


31 Elizabeth, c. 7 (Statutes of the Realm, IV. pt. 2, 804–805). With certain exceptions, it was forbidden to build any cottage for habitation, unless at least four acres of freehold or inheritance “lienge nere” was assigned “to be contynuallie occupied and manured therewith so longe as the same Cottage shalbe inhabited.” The statute also enacted that “there shall not be any Inmate or more Famylies or Housholdes then one, dwellinge or inhabitinge in anye one Cottage.”


II Samuel, xxiii. 15.


The Peasants' War, 1524–25.

General Conclusions and Particular Considerations: Early Draft1
Winthrop, John


1: It is concluded by all, that the worke is bothe lawfull and honorable.

2: It must be advanced by suche instrumentes, as have giftes suteable to the action.

3. Everye one that it fitt, hath not a minde to the worke, and no bonde of conscience can be imposed vpon him, who hathe no desire to it.

The opportunity of converting suche a parte of the world is to be preferred before the comforte of the life of some allreadye in the Faithe. more care for one lost sheepe more care for a younger child no portion etc. 4. The service of raysinge and vpholdinge a particular Churche is to be preferred before the 125betteringe some small parte of a Churche allreadye established.

5. The members of that Churche may be of better vse to their mother Churche heere in tyme then those whom she shall kepe in her bosome. when the woman was persecuted by the dragon, and forced to flye into the wildernesse, her man child was taken vp into heaven, and there brought vp for future service when she should returne after the storme.2 It was a good service to the Churche of the Jewes that Joseph and Marye forsooke them, that their mesiah might be preserved for them against tymes of better service.

so religious a worke enterprized by such worthy servants of God, and the ende so holye and of so large extent for the good of the Churche must be furthered according to the latitude of it, though with great inconvenience to many particulars. 6. The exercise of an office of lesse consequence for God and the Churche, where into any is putt by an ordinary Callinge, may be lefte, vpon the like Callinge to an other office, of greater consequence especially where there is no violation of the rule of Righteousnesse, and that there is suche difference betweene the supportinge of these plantations, and the execution of an ordinarye place of magistracye in this lande, I refere to the iudgment of the beste ministers, who vnderstande bothe aright.

7. I can instance divers godly magistrates, who for private respectes have forsaken the places where they have been longe settled to great vse, and their changes approved.

Particular considerations.

1: It is come to that issue, as, in all probabilitye, the wellfare of the plantation depends vpon my assistance: for the maine pillers of it beinge gentlemen of highe qualitye, and eminent partes, bothe for wisdome and godlinesse, are determined to sitt still, if I deserte them.


When a man is to wade throughe a deepe water, there is required tallnesse, as well as Courage, and if he findes it past his depth, and God open a gapp another waye, he may take it. 2. my meanes heere are so shortned (now my 3 eldest sonnes are come to age) as I shall not be able to continue in this place and imployment where I now am: and a souldier may with honor quitt his ground rather then be forced from it and with what comfort can I live with 7. or 8: servants in that place and condition where for many years I have spent 3: or 400 li. per annum, and maintain as great a chardge? and if I should let passe this opportunitye, that talent which God hath bestowed on me for publike service, were like to be buried.

when God intendes a man to a worke he setts a Byas on his heart so as tho' he be tumbled this way and that way yet his Bias still drawes him to that side, and there he restes at last. 3. I have a lawfull callinge, outwarde, from the Cheife of the plantation, approved by godly and iuditious divines: and inwarde by the inclination of mine owne heart to the worke: and there is in this the like mediate Call from the kings, which was in the other.

4. my wife and suche of my Children, as are come to yeares of discreation, are voluntaryly disposed to the same course.

5. In my youth I did seariously consecrate my life to the service of the Churche (intendinge the ministry) but was diverted from that course by the counsell of some, whose Judgment I did much reverence: but it hathe ofte troubled me since, so as I thinke I am the rather bounde to take the opportunitye for spendinge the small remainder of my tyme, to the best service of the Churche which I may.

Item, which way the streame of Gods providence leades a man to the greatest good, he may, nay he must goe.

The removing of a scandall from a whole church and religion it self is to be preferred before the benefit of any particular Churche. It is a scandale to our Religion that we shewe not as muche zeale in seekinge the conversion of the heathen, as the Papistes doe, they sticke not to imploye of their most able men, while we sende onely suche as we can best spare, or are a burden to vs.


The constant practice in all other like cases might be a rule in this: in all foraine expeditions we sticke not to imploy of our best statesmen and we grutche not the want of their service at home, while they are imployed for the good of other thinges abroad.

Ob: many speake ill of this Countrye, of the barrennesse etc. of it

Ans: so did the Spyes of the lande of Canaan.

Ob: but should a man leave his Countrye where he is so well beloved, and breake through the teares and desires of so many good people?

Answ: So did Paul Actes xxi. 13 what doe you weepinge and breakinge my heart etc:?

The wellfare of this Commonwealth standes vpon 2: main pillars Religion and Lawe.

Gen. i: 28. And the Lo: blessed them and said increase and multiply and replenishe the earth and subdue it. God did not replenishe the earth at first with men, but gave them this comission to multiplye and replenishe and subdue it, which is warrant enoughe for any man that liues in a Country where the people are a burden, to seeke out and replenishe and subdue other places, which lye waste, that God may have the glorye of the Creature there also and man may enioye the fruit of the earthe, which was given him by this general comission. if it be obiected, that suche should goe as have no lande etc: It is easyly answered such cannot goe alone, some of ability must goe to convey them over.


W. 1. 59, without heading; 1 Proceedings , XII. 237–239. In the hand of John Winthrop. Probably written immediately after the letter of which the part that remains occupies the other side of the same sheet.


Revelation, xii.