A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

General Observations: Autograph Draft1
Winthrop, John


1. It wilbe a service to the Churche of great Consequence to carrye the Gospell into those partes of the world, and to rayse a bullwarke against the kingdom of Antichrist which the Jesuites labour to reare vp in all places of the worlde.

2. All other Churches of Europe are brought to desolation, and it cannot be, but the like Judgment is comminge vpon vs: and who knows, but that God hathe provided this place, to be a refuge for manye, whom he meanes to save out of the general destruction?

3. This lande growes wearye2 of her Inhabitantes, so as man which is the most pretious of all Creatures, is heere more vile and base, then the earthe they treade vpon: so as children neighbours and freindes (especially if they be poore) are rated the greatest burdens, which if things were right, would be the cheifest earthly blessings.

4. We are growne to that height of Intemperance in all excesse of Ryot, as no mans estate all most will suffice to keepe sayle with his equalls: and he that fayles in it, must liue in scorn and contempt: hence it comes, that all 114

115 artes and trades are carried in that deceiptfull and vnrighteous course, as it is allmost impossible for a good and vpright man to maintaine his charge and liue comfortably in any of them.

5. The fountains of learninge and Religion are so corrupted, as (besides the vnsupportable chardge of their education) most Children, even the best wittes and of fayrest hopes, are perverted corrupted and vtterly overthrowne by the multitude of evill examples and the licentious government of those seminaryes.

6. The whole earthe is the Lordes garden: and he hathe given it to the sons of men to be tilld and improved by them: why then should we stand striving heere for places of habitation etc. (many men spending as muche labor and cost to recover or keepe sometyme an Acre or 2 of lande, as would procure him many C hundred acres as good or better in another place) and in the mene tyme suffer whole countrys as fruitfull and convenient for the vse of man, to lye waste without any improvement?

7. What can be a better worke and more honorable and worthy a Christian then to helpe 3 rayse and supporte a particular Churche while it is in the infancye, and to ioine our forces with suche a Companye of faithfull people, as one word cancelled by a tymely assistance maye growe stronge and prosper, and for want of it may be putt to great hazard, if not wholly ruined?

8. If suche as are knowne to be godly and Hue in wealthe and prosperitye heere, shall forsake all this to ioine themselues to this Churche, and to runne the hazard with them of a harde and meane condition, it wilbe an example of great vse, bothe for removinge the schandale of worldly and sinister respectes to give more life to the Faithe of Godes people in their prayers for the plantation, and allso to incourage others to ioyne the more willingly in it.

Ob. 1: It wilbe a great wronge to our owne Churche and Countrye, to take awaye the good people, and we shall laye it the more open to the Judgment feared.

Ans. 1: the number wilbe nothing in respecte of those that are lefte: 2 many that liue to no vse heere, more then for their owne private familys, may be imployed to a more common good in another place: 3: suche as are of noe vse heere, may yet be so imployed, as the Church shall receive no losse: and since Christes tyme the Church is to be considered as vniversall, without distinction of countrys, so as he that dothe good in any one place serves the Church in all places in regarde of the vnitye. lastly it is the re­116vealed will of God, that the Gospell should be preached to all nations: and thoughe we knowe not, whither the Indians will receive it or not, yet it is a good worke, to observe Godes will in offering it to them, for God shall haue Glory by it, though they refuse it.

Ob. 2. We have feared a Judgment a longe tyme, but yet we are safe, soe it were better to staye till it come, and either we may flye then, or if we be overtaken in it we may well contente our selues to suffer with suche a Churche as ours is.

here may be added such reasons as doe necessaryly preclude flight thence Ans. It is like that this consideration made the Churches beyonde the seas (as the Palatinate Rochell etc.) to sitt still at home, and not look out for shelter while they might have founde it: but the woefull spectacle of their ruine, may teache vs more wisdome, to avoyde the plague when it is foreseene, and not to tarrye, as they did, till it overtake vs: if they were now at their former libertye, we may be sure, they would take other Course for their safety: and though most of them had miscarried in their escape, yet it had not been halfe so miserable to them selues, nor scandalous to Religion, as this desperate backslidinge, and abiuringe the truethe, which many of the auncient professors amonge them, and the whole posteryty that remaine have are now plunged into.

Ob. 3. We have heere a fruitfull lande with peace and plenty of all thinges etc.

Ans. our superfluities excepted we are like to be followed with as good consequences remaininge there in a shorte tyme, and be far from many temptations illegible meet with here.4 yet we must leave all this abondance, if it be not taken from vs: and when we are in our graves it wilbe all one to have liued in plentye or penurye, whither we had dyed in a bedd of downe, or a lock of strawe, and onely this is the advantage of a meane condition, that it is at more freedom to dye and the lesse comfort any hathe in the things of this world, the more 5 liberty and desire he may have to laye vp treasure in heaven.

Ob. 4. But we may perishe by the waye or when we come there, either hanginge hunger or the sworde etc., and how vncomfortable it would be to see our wiues children and freindes come to suche misery by our occasion?

Ans. Suche objection savours to muche of the flesh: who can saue him selfe or his familye from calamitys heere? if this course be warrantable we must trust Godes providence for these thinges, either he will keepe these evills from vs, or will dispose them for our good, and enable vs to beare them.


Ob. 5: But what warrant haue we to take that lande which is and hathe been of longe tyme possessed by other sonnes of Adam?

sol. That which is common to all is proper to none, these saluadge peoples ramble over muche lande without title or propertye: 2: there is more then enough for them and vs; 3: God hathe consumed the natives with a miraculous plague, wherby a great parte of the Country is left voyde of Inhabitantes. 4. We shall come in with good leave of the natiues.6

Ob. 6. we should yet send yonge ones, and suche as may best be spared, and not of our best ministers and magistrates.

sol. It is a greater worke and requires more skillfull artizans, to laye the foundation of a newe building, then to vphould or repaire one that is ready built: if great things be attempted by weake instrumentes, the effectes willbe answerable:

Ob. 7. We see those plantations, which have been formerly made, succeeded ill.

Ans. the fruit of any publick designe is not to be discerned by the immediate successe, 2: it may appeare in tyme, that they were all to good vse. 2: there were great and fundamentall errors in the other, which are like to be avoyded in this: for 1: their maine ende two words cancelled and purpose was carnall and not religious; they aymed cheifly at profitt, and not the propagating of Religion. 2: they vsed vnfitt instrumentes, a multitude of Rude and misgoverned persons the verye scomme of the lande. 3: they did not establish a right forme of Government.

Endorsed, in a later hand: For Newe Englande May 1629.


W. 1. 55. Mentioned in L. and L. , I. 317–318. In the hand of John Winthrop. Without heading in the manuscript. Discussed above as draft C, for the concluding page of which, see illustration.


Winthrop first wrote “groanes,” then cancelled it and wrote “growes” above and “wearye” after it.


A line partly illegible, owing to wear at the fold.


The preceding sentence is written in the margin and marked to be inserted here.


A line partly illegible because of the fold.


“4. . . . natiues” is interlined.

General Observations: Higginson Copy1
Winthrop, John Higginson, Francis


Generall considerations for the plantation in New England, with an answer to several objections.

First, it will be a service to the church of great consequence, to carry the gospell into those parts of the world, and to raise a bulwarke against the kingdom of Antichrist which the Jesuits labour to rear up in all places of the world.

Secondly, all other churches of Europe are brought to desolation, and it 118may be justly feared that the like judgment is coming upon us; and who knows but that God hath provided this place to be a refuge for many whom he meanes to save out of the general destruction.

Thirdly, the land growes weary of her inhabitants, so that man, which is the most precious of all creatures, is here more vile and base than the earth they tread upon; so as children, neighbors and friends, especially of the poore, are counted the greatest burdens which, if things were right, would be the highest earthly blessings.

Fouthly. Wee are growen to that excess and intemperance in all excess of riot as no meane estate almost will suffice to keep saile with his equals, and he that fayles in it must live in sorrow and contempt. Hence it comes to passe that all arts and trades are carried in that deceitful manner and unrighteous course as it is almost impossible for a good upright man to maintayne his chardge and live comfortably in any of them.

Fifthly. The schools of learning and religion are so corrupted, as (besides the unsupportable chardge of this education) most children, (even the best wittiest and of fayerest hopes) are perverted, corrupted and utterly over powered by the multitude of evill examples and licentious governors of those seminaries.

Sixthly. The whole earth is the Lord's garden and hee hath given it to the sons of Adam to bee tilled and improved by them, why then should we stand starving here for places of habitation (many men spending as much labour and cost to recover or keepe sometymes an acre or two of lands, as would procure him many hundreds of acres, as good or better in another place) and in the meane tyme suffer whole countryes as profitable for the use of man, to lye waste without any improvement?

Seventhly. What can bee a better worke and more noble and worthy a Christian, than to helpe to raise and support a particular church while it is in its infancy, and to join our forces with such a company of faithfull people, as by a tymely assistance may grow stronger and prosper, and for want of it may be put to great hazzard if not wholly ruined?

Eightly. If any such as are known to bee godly and live in wealth and prosperity here, shall forsake all this to joyn themselves with this church, and runne in hazard with them of hard and meane condition, it will be an example of great use both for the removing of scandall and sinister and worldly respects, to give more lyfe to the faith of God's people in their prayers for the plantation and also to encourage others to joyne the more willingly in it.

119 Objections.

Object, 1. It will be a great wrong to our owne church and country to take away the best people; and we still lay it more open to the judgments feared.

Ans. 1st The number will be nothing in respect of those that are left. 2dly, Many that live to no use here, more than for their own private familyes may bee employed to a more common good in another place. 3dly, Such as are of good use here may yett be so employed as the church shall receive no losse. And since Christ's coming the church is to be conceived as universall without distinction of countryes, so as he that doth good in any one place serves the church in all places, in regard of the unitye. 4thly, It is the revealed will of God that the gospell should be preached to all nations, and though we know not whether the Indians will receive it or not, yet it is a good worke to observe God's will in offering it to them; for God shall have glory by it though they refuse it.

Obj. 2. Wee have feared a judgment a long tyme, but yet we are safe; therefore it were better to stay till it come, and either we may flie then, or if we be overtaken in it wee may well be content to suffer with such a church as ours is.

Ans. It is likely that this consideration made the churches beyond the seas as the Palatinate and Rochel, etc. to sit still at home, and not look out for shelter while they might have found it, but the wofull spectacle of their ruine may teach us more wisdome to avoid the plague while it is foreseene, and not to tarry as they did till it overtooke them. If they were now at their former liberty wee may be sure they would take other courses for their safety. And though most of them had miscarried in their escape, yet it had not been halfe so miserable to themselves, or scandalous to religion, as this desperate backsliding and abjuring the truth, which many of the antient professors among them, and the whole posterity that remayne are plunged into.

Obj. 3. Wee have here a fruitfull land with peace and plenty of all things.

Ans. Wee are like to have as good conditions there in tyme; but yet we must leave all this abundance, if it bee not taken from us. When we are in our graves, it will be all one whether we have lived in plenty or in penury, whether we have dyed in a bed of downe or lockes of straw. Onely this is the advantage of the meane condition, that it is a more freedom to dye. And the lesse comfort any have in the things of this world, the more liberty they have to lay up treasure in heaven.


Obj. 4. Wee may perish by the way or when wee come there, having hunger or the sword, etc. and how uncomfortable will it be to see our wives and children and friends come to such miserie by our occasion?

Ans. Such objections savour too much of the flesh. Who can secure himselfe or his from the like calamities here? If this course be warrantable, we may trust God's providence for these things. Either he will keepe those evils from us, or will dispose them for our good and enable us to beare them.

Obj. 5. But what warrant have we to take that land, which is and hath been of long tyme possessed of others the sons of Adam?

Ans. That which is common to all is proper to none. This savage people ruleth over many lands without title or property; for they inclose no ground, neither have they cattell to maintayne it, but remove their dwellings as they have occasion, or as they can prevail against their neighbours. And why may not Christians have liberty to go and dwell amongst them in their waste lands and woods (leaving them such places as they have manured for their corne) as lawfully as Abraham did among the Sodomites? For God hath given to the sons of men a twofould right to the earth; there is a naturall right and a civil right. The first right was naturall when men held the earth in common, every man sowing and feeding where he pleased: Then, as men and cattell increased, they appropriated some parcells of ground by enclosing and peculiar manurance, and this in tyme got them a civil right. Such was the right which Ephron the Hittite had to the field of Machpelah, wherein Abraham could not bury a dead corpse without leave, though for the out parts of the countrey which lay common, he dwelt upon them and tooke the fruite of them at his pleasure. This appears also in Jacob and his sons, who fedd their flocks as bouldly in the Canaanites land, for he is said to be lord of the country; and at Dotham and all other places men accounted nothing their owne, but that which they had appropriated by their own industry, as appears plainly by Abimelech's servants, who in their own countrey did often contend with Isaac's servants about wells which they had digged; but never about the lands which they occupied. So likewise betweene Jacob and Laban; he would not take a kidd of Laban's without speciall contract; but he makes no bargaine with him for the land where he fedd. And it is probable that if the countrey had not been as free for Jacob as for Laban, that covetuous wretch would have made his advantage of him, and have upbraided Jacob with it as he did with the rest. 2dly, There is more than enough for them and us. 3dly, God hath consumed the natives with a miraculous plague, whereby the greater part of the country is left voide of inhabitants. 4thly, We shall come in with good leave of the natives.


Obj. 6. We should send our young ones and such as can best be spared, and not of the best of our ministers and magistrates.

Ans. It is a great worke, and requires more skilfull artificers to lay the foundation of a new building, than to uphold and repayre one that is already built. If great things be attempted by weake instruments, the effects will be answerable.

Obj. 7. Wee see that those plantations that have been formerly made succeeded ill.

Ans. The fruit of any public designe is not to be discerned by the imediate success: it may appear in tyme, that they were all to good use. 2dly, There were great fundamental errours in others, which are like to be avoided in this: for 1st there mayne end and purpose was carnall and not religious. 2d, They aymed chiefly at profitt and not at the propagation of religion. 3d, They used too unfitt instruments, a multitude of rude and ungoverned persons, the very scums of the land. 4th, They did not stablish a right fourme of government.


Original lost; Thomas Hutchinson, Collection of Original Papers (1769), 27–31, from the papers of Francis Higginson and ascribed to him; Hutchinson Papers (Prince Society, 1865), I. 29–34. Discussed above as draft D.