A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Humfrey to Isaac Allerton1
Humfrey, John Allerton, Isaac


Deare and much esteemed freind and brother,

I sent the last weeke by the Carriour letters and 3 or 4 bookes bound up togeather, to bee delivered by you to the Master of your ship,2 now going. I pray you with those let these bee delivered. I expect to heare from you daily about certificate from Bristol of the provisions thence shipped, or exported, that according to former advice wee may worke as there is occasion, and the lord (by such meanes as hee shall vouchsafe) shall see good. The same lord in goodnes goe along with you, prosper, accept, and reward the labour of your effectual love. You much oblige all both there and here that wish well to the persons or worke in hand, especiallie him, that with his best affections and service of love shall ever desire to approve himselfe Your trulie loving

Jo: Humfrey. Dec. 17th. 1630. 335

If there bee anie thing forgotten by our freindes or my selfe, that you remember, and know to bee useful and necessarie unto them, I pray you adde that to your present provisions as far as 20, 30 or 40 li. may goe, but this I would neyther trouble you withall, nor yet further burthen my selfe by, except in case and thinges of deepe necessitie. I pray you remember to bring up an exact particular of the several thinges bought with that 220 li., that it may bee my discharge to the Treasurer and his and mine to the companie togeather.

My servaunt Richard Wright living at Sagus, writes to mee for 5 li. in monie, if you thinke it better or fitter then provisions for commutation to get what they neede by, I pray you you send it to him and charge mee with it here upon sight.


W. 2. 3; 4 Collections , VI. 9–10, where the heading, “John Humfrey to Isaac Johnson,” is a manifest slip.


The Friendship, at Barnstable. Infra, page 336; Journal, for June 27, 1631 ; also printed in D.J.W. .