A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Thomas Arkisden to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Arkisden, Thomas Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my much respected and very loving freind Mr. John winthrop at Mr. Downings house in Fleetstreete these dd in London.
Worthy Sir,

It is noe small comefort vnto vs in this time of our sorrow to heare of your welfare, the continuanc wherof we neyther doe nor shall cease to intreate god to grant vnto you: Thanks be to god although time hath not as yet altogether worne out our greife being occasioned by soe greate a losse2 yet it hath in some part asswaged the same and indeede we are the lesse greiued because of the testimonies of his assured comefort which he left behind him: All of vs thinke long for your comeing downe vnto vs Tu enim dominus vir et frater es. in the meane time if my service may 324pleasure you in any thing I am ready to tender it vnto you to the vtmost of my power. Thus intreating you to remember my service to Mr Downing and my love to Mris. Mary and to Mr. Hows I doe and ever shall remaine Yours to be commanded

Tho: Ark: Groton, Decemb: 7 1630

W. 1. 80.


The death of Forth Winthrop.