A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

June Wensday 9.
Winthrop, John


In the morninge the winde Easterly, but grewe presently calme, now we had verye faire weather and warme about noone the winde came to S: w: so we stood w: n: w: with a handsome gale and had the maine lande vpon our starbord all that daye about 8: or 10: leagues off: it is verye highe lande, lyinge in many hilles verye vnequall. At night we sawe manye small Ilandes beinge lowe lande betweene vs and the maine about 5: or 6: leagues off vs. and about 3: leagues from vs towardes the maine a small rocke a little aboue water. At night we sounded and had softe oazy grounde at 60: fath oms so the winde beinge nowe skant at w: we tacked again and stood S: S: w: we were now in 43: ½. This highe lande which we sawe we iudged to be at the w: Cape of the great Baye which goeth towardes porte Royall, called mount desart or mount mansell, and no Ilande but part of the maine In the night the winde shifted ofte.