A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

May 1630 Thursday 27.

27 May 1630

Saterdaye 29.

29 May 1630
Frydaye 28.
Winthrop, John


In the morninge the winde veered to the w: yet we had a stiffe gale, and steered n: w: and by n: it was so great a fogge all this daye, as we had lost 257sight of one of our shippes, and sawe the other some tymes muche to Leeward. we had many feirce showers of rayne, throughout this daye.

At night the miste cleered vp and we sawe bothe our Consortes faire by vs. so the winde beinge verye scante, we tacked and stoode w: and by S: Gli nollius is written in the margin, cryptic, perhaps, for “filius nullius,” i.e. a bastard a Childe was borne in the Jewell about this tyme