A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Lordes day 16.

16 May 1630

Tuesday 18:

18 May 1630
munday 17
Winthrop, John


The winde at S: a fine gale and faire weather we stood w: and by S: we sawe a great drifte, so we heaved out our skiffe, and it proved a firre Logge, which seemed to have been many yeares in the water, for it was all ouergrowne with Barnacles, and other trashe. we sounded heere, and fond no grounde at 100: fathom and more: we sawe 2: whales

May Teusday 18. About 9: at night the winde grewe verye stronge at S: W: and continued so with muche rayne till one of the Clock then it seased rayninge, but the winde came to the w: with more violence in this storme, we were forced to take in all our sayls, save our maine sayle, and to lowre that so muche as we could: in