A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my very loving Son Mr. John Winthrop at Groton in Suffolk. dd.
My good sonne,

I received 2: letters from you since I came to Hampton and this is the seconde I have written backe to you. I doe muche reioyce and blesse God, for that goodnesse I finde in you towardes me, and mine. I doe praye and assuredly expecte that the Lorde will rewarde it plentyfully into your bosome: for it is his promise to prolonge their dayes (which in­230cludes all outward prosperity) who give due honor to their parentes:2 trust him (sonne) for he is faithfull: labour to growe into neerer communion and acquaintance with him, and you shall finde him a good God, and a master worthe the servinge, aske of any who have tryed him, and they will iustifie him in his kindnesse and bounty to his servantes. yet we must not look that he should allwayes giue vs what we think might be good for vs, but waite, and let him take his owne waye, and the ende will satisfie our expectation.

our Shippe and the Talbott are now at Yarmouthe, but the Jewell and Ambrose are putt backe vnto the Cowes, we have had verye tempestuous weather, with the winde at S: W: so as some shippes which went out at the needles before vs, are driven backe againe, and we intende not to stirre till we see the winde settled. I would wish woemen and Children not to goe to sea till Aprill, and then to take shipping at London, if we had doone so, it had eased vs of muche trouble and Charge. There lye nowe at Cowes 2: shippes of Holland bound one to the streights and the other to the East Indies, of 100: tons a peece, which putting to sea in february spent their mastes, and with muche difficulty and losse of neere 100: men, are come in hither. there came in lately by vs a shippe from Virginia laden with tobaco: the master came aborde vs, and tould vs, that they want corne there. she was 14: weeks outward, and yet lost but one man. I praye certifie me by the next occasion, what the wine cost for the Common vse, and if you have laid out any more in that kinde, that I may perfecte my Accompt.

I praye prepare mony so soone as you can, that I may be Cleere with mr. Goffe and others: and that my parte in the iointe stocke may be made vp.

Sir Nath: Barnardiston desired to putt in monye into our ioynt stock, remember my love and respecte to him, and if he will putt in 50 li. take it as parte of the 200: which I have putt in allreadye, except you have monye enoughe to supplye more: Yesterdaye we kept a fast aborde our shippe and in the Talbott, mr. Philipps exercised with vs the wholl daye, and gave verye good Content to all the Companye, as he dothe in all his exercises, so as we have muche Cause to blesse God for him.

In the Talbott a woman was lately deliuered of a sonne and bothe like to doe well.

For other things, which Concerne my Affairs at home, I referre them to your Care, and the good providence of the Allmighty.

Comend my love to all our good freindes, as you have occasion. To my daughter Winthrop, your sister and Cosin, and to mr. Leigh, mr. Mott and 231that family, and to all at Castlins, and the rest whom I cante now name and the Lorde blesse directe and prosper you in all your wayes, so farewell my good sonne. your lovinge father

Jo: Winthrop. From Abord the Arbella rydinge before Yarmouthe Aprill. 5. 1630.

Our longe staye heere hathe occasioned the expense of muche more mony then I expected, so as I am runne muche in mr. Goffes debt. I pray gett vp some monye so soone as you can, and pay him 150 li. or so muche as you can gett.


W. 7 A. 43; Savage (1825), I. 371–372; (1853), I. 445–446; L. and L. , I. 392–393.


Deuteronomy, v. 16.