A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Robert Parke to John Winthrop1
Parke, Robert Winthrop, John


To the Right Worshipfull Maister John Wintrop Esquier In Gratton In Soffolke giue this with speede I pray you.
To The Right Worshipfull, Sir,

I vnderstand by some of my frendes that you are suddenly to goe into new England, If It be not to laite 213for me, to provide my selfe with Cattel and Shiping, I doe porpose to goe with you and all my Company, If please god to permit vs, life and health, I haue sente to my sonne and to Mathewe Harrison to by for me Six Coues and three mayers and a horse, soe I be seech you giue them directions to take the beste Coures for me that you shall thinke fit for to be done; hoping you will doe the beste that you Can to fordere my Jurny, furder I woulde desire you to giue me directiones what househould I shall take with me and for howe longe we shalbe vittle vs sic, and2 what day we shall set forwardes from London but as for our selfes we wilbe at Stratford the laste weke In February sic, and thus with my loue and seruis Remembred In haiste I Reste Commiting you vnto the allmightie your assured frend to commaunde,

Ro: Parke. From Easterkeale In Lincolne shire this xxviijth day of February sic 1629–30

W. 4. 69; 5 Collections , I. 194–195. Robert Parke, Savage thinks, accompanied Winthrop to New England, but returned in the same year, “carrying an order by our Governor to his son John in England to pay money.” His eldest son, William, arrived in Boston on the Lion in February, 1631. It was probably in 1639 that Robert settled permanently in New England. He was a freeman at Wethersfield in April, 1640, and represented that town in the General Court of Connecticut in 1642. He removed to New London in 1649, where he served that town as selectman and representative. He died at New London, February 11, 1664–65. Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, III, 347–348; S. W. Adams and H. R. Stiles, The History of Ancient Wethersfield, II. 526–527; F. S. Parks, Genealogy of the Parke Families of Connecticut (Washington, 1906).


MS. repeats “and.”