A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop1
Winthrop, Henry Winthrop, John


To the Worshipfull my very loving father John Winthrop Esqr. dd at mr. Downings house in Peterborough Court over against the Conduict in Fleet Street. London

I and my Wife rememberes our humble duties to you: I thought good to wright to you to putt you in remembrance of providinge sume hallfe a 100 or a 100 of dealle bordes for your viage which I thincke will be very vsefull both for the sarguard sic of your goodes and for other present nessessary occationes at your cominge a shore the saeguard of your goodes will countervaille the charge you may by them for 5 li. the 100 but thay will be sume what moree chargeable for the fraught of them then other goodes wilbe: before that you doe by them I thincke it ware good to speake with the master of the shipe both for the stowinge of them and the charge of the fraught: and I thincke it ware good to by a furkine of buird lyme for the takinge of fowle which you may bye for a smalle matter: I haue provided those thinges that you left order with me for saue the wheate mealle which my mother coulld not spare: for otemealle worn away three inches at the fold sceam as pure whight and as good porworn butter we must haue 4 firkines worn hogsed: for to cary it in firkines is fare the worst way for I haue sceine the exsperyence of it that one pound of hogsed butter is worth 2 of firkine butter 195when it comes a shore for the heat of the hould does desoullfe it to oyle in furkines and so it will not kepe when as the other will cut farme: and if you doe by any at london that I ame sartine wilbe the best way to put it up my brother John did tell me that you had soulld the lande my wife and I thancke you for it and are very gladd of it for by this meanes I hope I shall wayght of you in your viage to nue England and by godes assistance thare to macke provision before my wifes cominge ouer she is very willinge to haue me goe before hur. Therfor Sir maye it please you four words cancelled wilest that you are in towne to take order for sume cattell for us so many as you shall thinke fitting for us to carry worn provisiones as you shall thincke fitting for us we wilbe thanckfull to you: here is no nuse: we all blessed be god continue in health as you left us hopinge that your sellfe doe the same with my prayers vnto god for the preservation there of: one word cancelled cravinge your blessing I rest your obedyent sonne

Henry Winthrop. Groton this 18 of January 1629 –30

I pray remember mine and my wifes dutye to my vncle Downinge and ant and our loues to our cosenes and mr. Dudly: my sister mary and my brother John and the rest of my brotheres rememberes ther duties to you


W. 1. 68; 5 Collections , VIII. 182–183.