A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Notebook, Court of Wards, folio 21
Winthrop, John Talmach, Richard


Curia Wardorum et liberacionum

Inter Johannem Smith1 his Majesties Warde Complainant and Henry Simondes defendant

Richard Talmach maketh oath that he did see John Stone gent, shewe his Majesties Writt of Privie Seale granted forth of his honorable Courte vnto the defendant Henry Symondes and sawe him deliuer a Coppie thereof vnto the saide Symondes the same Pryvie Seale beinge for answeringe the wardes suite, and retornable mense Paschae this present Tearme

Richard Talmach Jurat. xxiij° die Aprilis 1627 coram Wal: Pye

Endorsed: Affidavit inter Smithe et Simondes.


See the references above to this interminable series of cases, particularly p. 16, with notes 1 and 3, 28 and 30 .