A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Notebook, Court of Wards, folio 6
Winthrop, John


To our most gracious Soueraigne Lo: the kinges Maiestie and to the Master and Councell of his Highnes court of wards and Liueries

The humble peticion of Thomasine Constable widowe

Sheweth That Marmaduke Constable Esquire your peticioners Husbande dyed three weekes since seized of A Mannor and Landes in Nvnthrope in the Countie of Yorke parte whereof is helde of his Maiestie in Cheife by knightes seruice leaving his sonne and heire within age.

Shee beinge naturall mother prayeth to be admitted to a favorable Composition for the body and Landes of the same heire and she shalbe bounde to praye etc.

dd: xxijdo Julij 1624

xij Octobris 1624.

Direccion is geven that the peticioner shall attend with a schedule and confession of thestate the 4th sittinge vpon composicions in Hillary Terme next att which time John Richardson Escheator of the County of Yorke may allsoe attend if hee thincke fitt.


Docket: Ebor. Wardship. Constable 1624 i. pet. Peticioner and Rich: to attend. Intered lib. 17 fol. 214

Marginal note: Mr. Rob: Morley1 of the Inner Temple knowes the peticioner.


Of Normanby in Cleveland, co. York; admitted to the Inner Temple, November, 1612; called to the bar, October 15, 1620.