A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Margaret Winthrop to John Winthrop1
Winthrop, Margaret Winthrop, John


To my very louing Husband John winthrope Esquire at mr. Downings house in fleetstrete neare the cundit these dd
My good and louinge husband

I did receaue your kind and loueinge letter for whiche I most hartily thanke you. I prayse god for the continuance of your health and am very sory for the bad sucsese of the Duke. the nuse cane to vs before your letters and put vs in great feare. I am glad that theare is hope that John is safe. I shall thinke longe to heare more of him. the Lord fit and prepare vs for what soeuer it shall please him to send to vs to humble vs with and to make vs seeke to him who is onely able to helpe and deliuer in all times of truble, of what kinde so euer it be. the lord is mercyful if we can put our trust in him he will not fayle vs nor forsake vs I rejoyce to thinke the time draweth neare of your cominge home that I may see my best beloued. I pray make hast I hope you will not derif defer your cominge longer then must needes. I expect to heare when you will haue your Horses sent vp this weeke I thanke god we are all heare in health I haue bin yesterday and to day with Goodwife Cole who is now safely deliuered of a daughter. and now fearinge the carier will call for my letter before I haue done I haue made more hast then other wise I woulde in testifringe my loue to you to home I doe owe more then I am able to expresse and thus with my mothers and my one best loue remembred to 366you and the rest of our frends beinge in hast I take my leaue till some other opertunity my brother Goslinge and sister remember thear loue to you fare well my deare Husband the lorde keepe you and send you safe home. Your loueinge and obedient wife


goodman Cole woulde intreat you to by him a pound of such tobackco as you by for your selfe you shall receaue by the carier to runlets of sider the carage is payed for


W. 1. 35; L. and L. , I. 404*–405*; Twichell, 77–79.

Margaret Winthrop to John Winthrop1
Winthrop, Margaret Winthrop, John


Most deare and loueinge Husband.

I can not expres my loue to you as I desire. in theese poore liuelesse lines, but I doe hartily wish you did see my harte how true and faythfull it is to you, and how much I doe desire to be allwayes with you. to inioy the sweet comfort of your presence. and those helps from you in sperituall and temperall dutyes which I am so vnfite to performe with out you. it makes me to see the want of you and wish my selfe with you. but I desire wee may be gideded by god in all our wayes who is able to derect vs for the best and so I will wayt vpon him with pacience who is all sufficient for me I shall not need to right much to you at this time my brother Goslinge can tel you any thinge by word of mouth, I prayse god we are all heare in health as you left vs. and are glad to heare the same of you and all the rest of our frends at London. my mother and my selfe remember our best loue to you and all the rest. our children remember theare duty to you. and thus desiringe to be remembred in your prayers I bid my good Husband godnight; littell Samewell thinkes it is time for me to goe to bed, and so I beseech the lord to keepe you in safety and vs all heare farwell my sweete husband. Your obediente Wife

Margaret Winthrope

W. 7A. 18; Savage (1825), I. 345; (1853), I. 418; L. and L. , I. 246; Twichell, 72–73, with a facsimile.

Deane Tyndal to John Winthrop1
Tyndal, Deane Winthrop, John


Most kinde Brother,

I haue nothing att this time to returne you for all your curtisies but thankes, with promise to requite them in a better nature vppon anie opportunitie. I must increase my obligation to you, and 367intreate you to pay for me, my respet of homage for Netherhall in Gestingthorp2 in Essex, which is due, as I thinke, this terme. My wife remembers her faithfull loue to you, and soe doeth he that wisheth you much prosperitie, and commites you to the protection of the almightie, and restes Your verie loueing brother

Deane Tyndale From Maplested this 6 of Nouember 1627

W. 4. 43; 5 Collections , I. 112.


A parish in the hundred of Hinckford.