Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
Sir I receiued your kinde lettres, for the which I most humbly retourne most harty harty thanks to you, as allsoe for the good instructions and godly admonishions by your lovinge care praescribed to me in the same, which with earnest supplication I desire God soe to guide my harte as I may guide and order my conversation thereafter, that soe I may walke as I haue Christ for an example, and in all outward things I may shutt vp my thoughts with a quid prodest? All waies lainge before my eyes the marke at which I desire trewly to aime, the end of my faith the salvation of my soule: Sir Caly wrote last weeke from Cambridge that there was but one sicke in our Colledge of the small pox, and none in his, and wherefore we haue determined God willinge, and with your good advise to goe to Cambridge next weeke, if we heare not the contrary from you.
Sir hauinge made verses diuerse times of the powdre plotte, and havinge little else to doe I bestowed some idle time in excercisinge myself in prose vpon the same argument knowinge that though I could doe noe good with all yet that would doe me noe hurte. When I had hastily I confesse finished it I thought to haue burnt it, and soe haue giuen it at one instant both death and buriall (as they say) fearinge, because knowinge that Non vacat exiguis rebus adesse tibi, that I should disturbe you in your more serious affayeres, yet consideringe that quicquid per incuriam in illo mihi non delematum fuit propter lapsum, you would both conseale and correct, and allsoe that you would either picke a spare time or else in your best discrescion reserue it for your better leisure, I thought meete to let you haue a sight of it and to pervse it as occasion shall permitte.
Thus with my most humble duty remembred to you my service to my vncle and aunte Downinge, my vncle Fones with my loue to all my Cosens and Freindes, entreatinge you like wise to remember my most respectiue service to my aunte Gouldinge when you shall see her, thankinge her for her kinde remembrance of me in her toknes desiringe your Fatherly blessinge and continuall praieres, dayly beseechinge Allmighty God to prosper you, and longe to continew your felicity in all thinges, giuinge you allsoe to vnderstande that I despatched your businesse for your bootes, which 343shall be with all expedition finished, as allsoe for my Uncle Fones his rente, which was now as before demanded but could not be had: with my Grandmothers, Uncle, and aunt Gostlins salutations to your selfe, and the rest I rest and remaine Your obedient sonne in all duty humbly to be commanded
I pray let your man deliuer this lettre enclosed to Edward.
W. 1. 23.
I haue no way to manifeast my loue to you but by these my vnworthy lines, which I woulde intreate you to except from hir that loueth you with an vnfayned hart. I shall now know what it is to want a loueing husban that I may more prise and essteme of him when I haue him. my mother is cominge to you aboute a weak or fortnight hence and so I shall be depryued of you booth. I pray god I may by fayth la holde on Christ Jesus and his benifites that he may be in stead of husband and mother and all other frends by the comfort of his holy spirit. I prayse god we are all heare in helth Mr. Ley is gone home and returneth no more till thursday com senight. I pray remember my loue to my brothers and sisters and cosins my blesings to my sonne John and my daughter Mary thus with my best loue to your selfe desiring to be remembred in your prayers I commit you to the lord and rest Your obedient wife
my mother remembreth hir lou to you all. you shall receue by the caryer your bedding and a cupple of capons