A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 3. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 3.

Latin Pedigree, 1498–16291
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)













Non longe a Newarke super Trent est quidam vicus appellatus Winthorpe (vulgo Winthrop) ex quo Winthropi de Groton in com. Suffolciae nomen et originem suum habuerunt.2

Adamus Winthropus de [Groton in comitatu Suffolciae armiger et dominus mannerii de Groton]3natus fuit in

Anno domini 4 Adamus Winthropus uxorem duxit Joane Burton filiam D: Burton.5


1498. Anno domini 1498 et anno Regni regis Henrici Septimi decimo quarto, die nono Octobris in oppido Lannamiae6 in comitatu Suffolciae, Adamus filius suus primogenitus natus fuit, viz., uno anno post prelium apud Blackheath field.7

Anno domini Adamus Winthrop cum gravissimo morbo expiravit.

Anno domini Joane Winthrop uxor Adami Winthrop ex vita excessit.

1515. Anno quinto decimo supra millessimum quingentessimum et anno regni Regis Henrici octavi nono, Adamus Winthrop Londinum venit et se apprenticum cum Edwardo Altam8 per decimum obligavit.

1526. Anno domini 1526 Adamus Winthrop admissus fuit in libertatem civitatis London: et juratus tempore Johannis Allein9 majoris et Johannis Husae camerarii ejusdem civitatis, viz., nono Septembris anno regni Regis Henrici octavi decimo octavo et anno aetatis suae vicessimo octavo.

1527. Anno domini 1527 decimo sexto die novembris et anno regni regis Henrici octavi decimo nono, uxorem primam duxit Aliciam Henny honestis parentibus natam.

1528. Anno domini 1528 octavo die novembris Thomas suus filius primogenitus natus fuit, qui obiit mense Aprilis anni proxime sequentis.

1529. Anno domini 1529 decimo secundo die novembris Wilhelmus filius ejus secundus natus fuit.

1530. Anno domini 1530 Brigitta filia sua primogenita nono10 die januarii nata fuit.

1531. Anno domini 1531 quarto die januarii Christoferus filius ejus tertius Londini natus fuit, et obiit in parochia de Stocke11 in comitatu Essexiae cum nonum mensem aetatis suae appulisset, anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicessimo tertio.

1533. Anno domini 1533 vicesimo die junij anno regni regis Henrici 3octavi vicessimo quinto et pentecostes feria secunda, Thomas secundus ejus nominis et quartus filius suus natus fuit Londini, quo vero die D. Anna Bollena Regina Angliae coronata est.12

—— Eodem anno 1533 vicessimo quinto die januarij et anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicessimo quinto, Alicia uxor ejus, ex qua illi nati sunt filii quatuor et una filia, Londini obijt. Vixit cum illa sex annos duos menses et quinque dies.

1534. Anno domini 1534 vicesimo die julij anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicessimo sexto Adamus Winthrop anno aetatis suae tricessimo sexto, Agnetem Sharpe filiam D: Roberti Sharpe de Islingtona13 in comitatu Middlesexiae generosi, puellam annum decimum octavum agentem, in uxorem secundam duxit.

1536. Anno domini 1536 mense vero januarij anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo Brigitta filia sua postquam annum sextum aetatis suae appulisset, obijt.

1537. Anno domini 1537 et anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicessimo nono Thomas ejus 4: filius postquam annum quartum aetatis suae complevisset, Islingtonae obijt.

1539. Anno domini 1539 decimo quinto die Novembris et anno regni regis Henrici octavi tricessimo primo, Alicia filia sua primogenita ex Agnete uxore sua cum jam illi annos quinos quinque menses et octo dies nupta fuisset, nata est.14

1543. Anno domini 1543 Brigitta filia sua altera ex Agnete uxore genita, tertio die Maij ascentionis domini festo celebrato anno regni regis Henrici octavi tricessimo quinto, nata fuit.15

—— Hoc anno 1543 Adamus Winthrop incarceratus est in le fleete, eo quod cum alienigenis negotiatus fuerit contra Regis edictum, ibique detentus donec 600 li. ad fiscum regium solutus sit.16

1544. Anno domini 1544 primo die martij et anno regni regis Henrici octavi tricessimo sexto Mariam tertiam filiam uxor illi peperit.


1546. Anno domini 1546, vicessimo die januarij anno regni regis Henrici octavi tricessimo octavo et anno aetatis suae quadragessimo octavo, Johannem et Adamum gemellos uno partu uxor peperit quorum17 junior infra 6: menses obijt.

1548. Anno domini 1548 decimo die augusti anno regni regis Edwardi sexti secundo, Adamus alter filius ejus natus fuit in Londini urbe in parochia St. Peters18 in via vocata gracious, quo vero anno Adamus Winthrop ab Edwardo rege armiger regio suo scripto et sigillo inscribitur.

1550. Anno domini 1550 decimo septimo die maij et anno regni regis Edwardi sexti quarto Katherina quarta ejus filia nata fuit.

1552. Anno domini 1552 decimo die decembris Susanna quinta ejus filia nata fuit19 anno regis Edwardi sexti sexto.

1562. Anno domini 1562 nono die novembris et anno regni Elizabethae Reginae quarto, dictus Adamus Winthrop cum gravissimo morbo laboravit20 et anno aetatis suae sexagesimo quarto e vita excessit, et in parochiae Ecclesia de Groton consepultus est. Vir pius et verae religionis amans.

1565. Anno domini 1565 decimo tertio die Maij, anno regni Reginae Elizabethae septimo et anno aetatis suae quadragesimo octavo, Agnes uxor secunda Adami Winthrop in Springfield in comitatu Essexiae obijt et in chancello de ecclesia Springfield consepulta est. Post mortem Adami Winthrop nupta fuit21 Gulielmo Mildmay de Springfield in comitatu Essexiae generoso.22 Foemina preclaris condecorata donis.

1574. Anno domini 1574 decimo sexto die decembris et anno regni Reginae Eliz: decimo sexto, aetatis suae vicesimo sexto et quarto mense, Adamus Winthrop nuptus fuit Aliciae Still uxori ejus primae, filiae D: Johannis Still de Lincolnshire et sorori Doctoris Johannis Still magistri collegii sanctae trinitatis Cantabrigiae. The saide Alice died in childbed, being delivered of a sonne which was born dead the 24 day of december an: 1577, in the 20 yere of Qu: Eliz: and lieth buried in Hadley churche.23 Protinus aeterno mittit utrumque Deo.

1578. Anno domini 1578 secundo die junij Elizabetha uxor Wilhelmi 5Winthrop in Kent obijt, ex qua illi nati sunt 3 filii et 2 filiae, nominatim Joshua, Adam, William, Elizabeth and Sarah.24

1579. Adam Winthrop was married to Anne my seconde wife, the daughter of Henry Browne, of Edwardston, clothier, the 20: day of February 1579 in the 22: yere of the reigne of Quene Elizabeth.

1581. Anne the first daughter of Adam Winthrop and Anne his wife was born on fryday being the 5 daie of January anno 1581 in the 24: yere of Qu: Eliz: and died the 20 daie of the same month.

—— Anno domini 1581 primo die Martij Wilhelmus Winthrop filius Adami Winthrop et Aliciae uxoris ejus primae Londini obiit anno regni Reginae Elizabethae vicesimo quarto. Vir sine fraude bonus et pietatis amans.

1585. Anne the second daughter of Adam Winthrop and Anne his wife was born in Edwardston on Sunday aboute 10 of the clocke in the evenynge beinge the 16 daye of January anno 1585 in the 28 yere of the reigne of Qu: Eliz: and in the 37 yere of my age.

1587. Johannes Winthrop filius Adami Winthrop de Groton in comitatu Suffolciae armigeri et Annae uxoris ejus, natus fuit in Edwardston decimo secundo die januarij 1587 et anno regni reginae Elizabethae 30: on thursday aboute 5: of the clocke in the morninge.

—— John the only sonne of Adam Winthrop and Anne his wife was borne in Edwardston aforesaide on Thursday about 5 of the clocke in the morninge, the 12 daie of January anno 1587 in the 30 yere of the reigne of Qu: Eliz:

1590. Anno domini 1590 the 17 of December Agnes Browne the mother of Anne his wife died. Foemina quae Christum corde gerebat herum.

1592. Jane the thirde daughter of Adam Winthrop and Anne his wife was borne in Edwardston on Wednesday betwene the houres of one and two in the morninge, beinge the 14: daie of June anno 1592 and the 34: yere of Queene Elizabeth. In the yere 1612, 5 of January, she was married to Thomas Gostlin by whome she had sons and daughters nominatim: Anne, Jane, Steven, Mary.

1600. Lucy my 4 daughter was borne in Groton on fryday in the morn­6inge: 9: of January anno 1600 and in the 43: yere of Qu: Eliza: and in the 52: yere and 5 month of my age and in the 41: yere of the age of Anne her mother.

1604. Anno domini 1604 nono die augusti Susanna filia Adami Winthrop et Agnetis uxoris ejus secundae in Coventry obijt, anno aetatis suae quin-quagesimo secundo. Nupta fuit D: Cottie

1605. Anno domini 1605 decimo sexto aprilis Johannes Winthrop in uxorem primam duxit Mariam filiam unigenitam Johannis Forthe de Magna Stambridge in comitatu Essexiae sexti filii Gulielmi Forthe de Butley abbey25 in Suffolke.

—— Anno domini 1605 duodecimo die febra: Johannes filius suus primogenitus in Groton in comitatu Suffolciae natus fuit quarto die septimanae26 circa 5: horologii in mane,27 et baptizatus fuit vicesimo tertio die sequente.

1607. Anno domini 1607 octavo die novembris Alicia filia Adami Winthrop et Agnetis uxoris ejus secundae anno aetatis suae sexagesimo octavo obijt. Cujus erat vita vitae medulla meae. Nupta fuit 1563: Thomae Mildmaye Eq: Aurat: ex qua illi nati sunt William, Francis, George, Henrie, Tomas.

1613. Anno domini 1613 vicesimo sexto julij Johannes Winthrop filius Adami Winthrop et Agnetis uxoris ejus secundae in Ireland obijt, anno aetatis suae sexagesimo sexto et 7: mense. Qui sibi neque mihi utilis vita fuit, qui mihi frater durus tempore mortis erat. Nuptus fuit 1566: Elizabethae Rysby filiae D: Roberti Rysby de Thorpe28 in comitatu Suffolciae.

1614. Anno domini 1614 quarto die novembris Brigitta filia Adami Winthrop et Agnetis uxoris ejus secundae in Tharfield29 in Hertfordshire obijt anno aetatis suae septuagesimo secundo. Nupta fuit D: Rogerio Alibaster ex qua illi nati sunt George, John, Tomas, Sara, William.

1619. Anno domini 1619 vicesimo die maij et anno regni regis Jacobi decimo septimo Anna filia Adami Winthrop et Annae uxoris ejus expiravit anno aetatis suae 33: quarto mense et octavo die et intra mediam ecclesiae parochialis St. Sepulchers30 Londini consepulta est. Anno aetatis suae 20: 7nupta fuit Thomae Fones farmacopolae Londini qui moerens haec scripsit . . .31 Ex qua illi nati sunt 2 filii et 5 filiae.

1623. Anno domini 1623 Adamus Winthrop filius junior Adami Winthrop et Agnetis uxoris ejus secundae in Groton in comitatu Suffolciae hanc vitam transmigravit anno aetatis suae 75: et sine ecclesia consepultus est. Vir bonus et prudens, nulli pietate secundus. Anna uxor ejus e vita excessit 1629: et consepulta est cum marito. Foemina quae Christo tota dicata fuit.


Muskett, 3–7, from a manuscript copy which Robert C. Winthrop, after using it in the Life and Letters of John Winthrop (I. 13–24), turned over to him for insertion in Suffolk Manorial Families. This manuscript cannot now be traced. Muskett (p. 3) describes it as “a copy in the handwriting of John Winthrop [1681–1747], F. R. S., when a young man, which is believed to date from 1705.” Internal evidence shows that the pedigree was chiefly compiled by the third Adam Winthrop (1548–1623).

In the text as printed by Muskett are many grammatical blunders which cannot be laid to the charge of the compiler, for example: [1574] “Adamus Winthrop nuptus fuit Aliciae Still uxor ejus primus, filia D: Johannis Still . . . et soror Doctoris Johannes Still,” and in many similar instances. These and other errors arise most frequently from an erroneous expansion of contractions or resolution of other abbreviations, as: [1546] “gemellos uno partu uxor peperit quoq: [quorum] junior infra 6: menses obijt.” In most cases it is possible to correct such mistakes and restore what the author may be supposed to have written. In other respects the restoration is conservative; conjectural emendations which in any way affect the sense are indicated and noted as such. Notes in explanation have been drawn from Muskett and other authorities, but only so far as is necessary to identify the persons.


“This paragraph is suspected to have been an interpolation of the copyist, who may have chosen this method for chronicling what was undoubtedly an ancient family tradition. The will of a William Wynethorpe, of Wynethorpe, co. Notts, was proved May 4, 1445, and in it is mention of a son Robert, but there is no proof that the Suffolk Winthrops descend from either of them.” Muskett, 3. Winthorpe, the Wymondthorpe of Domesday, is a parish in the N. Division of the wapentake Newark, co. Notts, about a mile and a half from Newark, on an eminence on the banks of the Trent. It belonged after the Conquest to the Norman family of Amundeville. Winthorpe Hall, a notable place, is a modern seat.


“The words in brackets are believed to have been an interpolation of the copyist. The third Adam W. [the compiler] must have known that the manor of Groton was acquired by his father, and not by his grandfather. There is no proof that the first Adam W. was of Groton, or that he was entitled to be styled armiger. A pedigree dated 1742 calls him ’Serjeant-at-law,’ but there is no evidence of this, and it is very improbable.” Muskett, 3.


Blanks are left for both the date and the place of this early ancestor’s birth and for the year of his marriage, as below for the year of his death and that of his wife.


“The pedigree of 1742 (very unreliable) styles her widow of D. Burton and dau. and co-heir of D. Burnell.” Muskett, 3.


Lavenham (pronounced Lannam in Suffolk) is a market-town and parish in the hundred of Babergh, co. Suffolk.


Blackheath is in co. Kent. On June 17, 1497, the Cornish rebels, headed by James Touchet, seventh Baron Audley (1465?–97), were decisively defeated. D. N. B. , LVII. 77.


Edward Altham, clothworker, sheriff of London in 1531, was son of Christopher Altham of Girlington, co. York, and married a daughter of Richard Hildersham, of Ely, co. Camb. Emanuel Altham, associated with the Plymouth Plantation, was of this family. Philip Morant, History of Essex, II. 488–489; Visitations of Essex, II (H. S., Pub. , XIV), 538. On Adam Winthrop’s membership in the Company of Clothworkers, see L. and L. , 17.


“Sir John Aleyn, Kt., twice Maor of London and a Priuie Counsellor to Hen. 8, free of the Mercers.” Visitation of London, I (H. S., Pub. , XV), 9. This was an Essex family. Cf. Visitations of Essex, I, II (H. S., Pub. , XIII, XIV), 133, 537.




Stock is a parish in the hundred of Chelmsford, co. Essex.


She was crowned on Whitsunday, the first of June.


Islington lies in Finsbury, Finsbury Division of the hundred of Ossulstone, co. Middlesex, and is now a part of London.


Christened at St. Peter’s upon Cornhill, Friday, November 16, 1539. Register of Saint Peeters upon Cornhill, I (H. S., Reg. , I), 1.


Christened at St. Peter’s upon Cornhill, Friday, May 3, 1543. Ibid., 3.


Acts of the Privy Council, ed. J. R. Dasent, I. 92, 102, state that Thomas Winthroppe, of the city of London, merchant draper, was committed to the Fleet, February 28, 1542–43, “for collouring certeyne Frenchemens gooddes” (that is, entering them at the custom house under the name of a freeman), and was released on March 24, giving recognizance in the sum of two hundred pounds.




St. Peter’s upon Cornhill, one of the oldest churches in London but rebuilt after the Great Fire. See John Stow, Survey of London (ed. C. L. Kingsford), I. 194; II. 125. William Dethick, York Herald, who drew the confirmation of the grant of arms to John Winthrop in 1592, was an inhabitant of this parish. Register of Saint Peeters, I. 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 129.


Christened at St. Peter’s on Cornhill, December 11, 1552. Ibid., 5.




Muskettfuisset. So in several similar places below, where fuit (or fuerat) is expected.


She married Mildmay June 7, 1563. Muskett, 5, note 4.


St. Mary’s. H. R. Barker, West Suffolk (Bury St. Edmunds, 1907), 155–158.


The registers of St. Michael, Cornhill (H. S., Reg. , VII), give the following data on this family: Josua, christened July 10, 1559; Adam, christened July 20, 1560, and buried August 19, 1560; Adam, christened December 7, 1561; William, christened April 18, 1563; Ann, buried September 23, 1563; Jonathas, christened February 18 and buried February 21, 1564–65; Elizabeth, christened April 24, 1569; Sara, christened August 19, 1571; William, householder, buried March 2, 1581–82; and Sara, married John Froste, February 16, 1595–96. The wife of William Winthrop was Elizabeth Norwood or Northwood of co. Kent. Muskett, 25.


See the pedigree, “Forth of Hadleigh,” in Muskett, 119. On the wealthy priory of Austin canons at Butley, 1171–1538, see Victoria History of Suffolk, II. 95–98.






Thorpe-Morieux is a parish in the hundred of Cosford, co. Suffolk.


Therfield is a parish in the hundred of Odsey, co. Hertford.


At the north end of the Old Bailey. J. H. Jesse, London, III. 229–233.


“Then follow some Latin verses by Fones in memory of his wife, which appears [sic] to have been imperfectly copied.” Muskett, 7, who does not give the verses.