A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Thomas Fones to John Winthrop1
Fones, Thomas Winthrop, John


To my very Lovinge Brother Jno. Winthrop Esq. at Groton
My good Brother.

I expected to have heard from yow this weeke but yt should seeme some busines or want of a Messenger Hindred yow I purpose God willing to see yow the weeke after Bartholomew and yf I fit not my self with a good nag before that tyme I shalbe bold to make vse of your kindnes I haue sent yow Inclosed the newes that is now extant a prepara­264tion for worse though this be bad enough: happy are they that are at rest and see not the evills like to ensue, for foreayne Newes I can say no thinge for there is none abroad nor I greatly seeke yt not finding so much at home it duls me much though I cannot be so sensible of yt as I should being vnfit to write more I end with my kind and loving salutacions to your self my sister father mother and the rest Your lovinge Brother

Tho. Fones August 26 c. 1621.

W. 1. 1a.

The Lady Mildmay to John Winthrop1
Mildmay, Amy Winthrop, John


Good Cosen,

— I hartelie thancke you for this good messenger, and also for your lovinge and proper lettre. I acknowledge myselfe so un-worthie of so greate respecte as every waie unable to make the least requital unto you for it. I assure myselfe it is a special blessinge of God uppon me and my posteritie, that he hathe moved the heartes of your selfe, wife and lovinge parents, to be so myndfull of me. Howe available God hath iudged the praiers of his servants, one for another, his holy worde besides our owne experience hath made knowne unto us. The Lorde knowes howe barren this place (wherein he hathe set me) is of grace, as also myne owne weakenes in it: and therefore he movethe his servants to upholde me by their praiers, as Aaron and Hur staied up the hand of Moses: least he should saie unto me, as he saide to the Churche of Sardis, Thou hast a name that thou lyvest, but thou art deade. The Lorde I trust will keepe me from that deadnes. And seinge he hathe given me an other sonne,2 as a pledge of his mercy, I have cause to reioice as by your letter it appereth you doe. I beseeche the Almightie that his blessinge may be uppon him, that his frends may have more cause to reioice in his second birthe then in his first, when they shall see that the Lorde hathe fitted him for his owne service. Thus good Cosen with the remembrance of my love to your selfe and your good wife, I committe you to God and reste ever yours to the uttermost of my power.

Amy Mildmay. From Graces, ca. the 30th of August, 1621.

L. and L. , I. 144–145, from an original now lost.


Walter, her second son. Visitations of Essex, I (H. S., Pub. , XIII), 453.