A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 248. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 248.

Rachell Huntley to John Winthrop1
Huntley, Rachell Winthrop, John


To hir louing brother Mr. John Winterrop giue this.
Bromfild this 10th of March 1619–20. Most deare and louing Brother

my best and truest loue being remembred unto your selfe with my good Sister your wife being exseding glad to heare of your good healthes which I besetch the almighty god long to contineue for his owne glory and the good of his Church: good brother I receiued your most Cristian and louing letter whar in you shewe your great loue in desiring that the bond of our Cristian frinship should not growe could my earnest desire is likewise the same and I hope it shall neuer growe could betwixt ous so long as wee liue: for good brother I bles the lord your swett Cristian lettars doe so cheare up my hart and make my dull Affectinons to behould the goodnes of my good god who although he hath laied his hand heauie apon me with his many Afflictions yett in the midest of them all giues me shuch comfort out of his blesed word that I 248may well saie with the profitt dauid that his rodd and his staff doth com­forth me for indeed continuall aflictions is Ircksom to the flesh did not the Anchor of our faith and hope staie our affections from rouing on the things of this life which is so transitory And makes ous contemplat on the etarnell Joyes which is prepared In heauen for those that loue and feare the lord the consideration of which Joyes makes ous acount our light Afflictions to be nothing in respect of that Etarnall hapines for who would not wilingly indure a feare of Crosies to injoy an euir lasting Crowne of Glorye which our blesed lord and Sauour hath by his Sufrings purched for ous and if our lord and mastar hath suffred for ous when we ware his enimies oh how much mor ought we to sufar any Affliction which he shall plese to laie upon ous now being he hath now made ous his frindes and seaseth not to make Intersetion to god his father for ous and tharfor the Apostle said that all the Afflictions heare war not worthy of the Joyes which should be reueled heare Aftar the lord tharfor strenthen ous so with faith and pacience that we may fighte a good fight and so finish our corrse that at the Ende we maie receiue the etarnall crowne of wrightiounes which the lord hath laid up for those that loue him which I besetch him for our blesed lord and sauour Jesus Cristes sake to giue unto ous Amen Amen deare brother I ame sorye I ame so ouer Tedious but I hope you will pardon me and so being loth to trouble you any firder desiring to bee remembred most kindlye unto my good father and youres and to my sweet sister your wife doe for presant most kindlye take my leaue and comit you and all youres to the gracious and heuenly providence of the lord who I besetch to kepe ous in his feare that we may die in his fauour—farwell my good brother I shall long to hear how you all doe. Your vnfained louing Sister

Rachell Huntley

my mother remembe hir best loue to your selfe and to my good sister and to your good father. She wisheth he had any occacion of bisines this way that she mougt se him.

my sweet sister my true loue remembred unto your selfe and as I understand by my brothers letter that your time of deliuerance is not fare of and you doe desire my pore praiers2 I assure you good sister they shall not be wanting And I wish I ware with you in parson that I maight minister anye cumfort or helpe by my pore paines but seing I canot my hart shall be with you and sweet sister in all thy paines remember this 249swet word of comfort which the lord speakes to the: Call upon me in the daie of thy trouble and I will heare the and deliuer the and thow shallt glorifie me: Pesalme: 50: 15 the lord is redye to be found euen in Aflictions and troubles and the lord will not leaue the faile the nor will he forsake the. the good lord strenthen the and send ous a Joyfull metting till I se the farwell sweet sister Your vnfained and euer louing sister

Rachell Huntley

W. 4. 29; 5 Collections , I. 77–79.


Adam, the second son of John and Margaret Winthrop, was born April 7, 1620. Supra, p. 237.