A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to Margaret Tyndal1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


To my best beloued Mrs. Margaret Tyndall at great Maplested Essex DD
Grace mercie and peace etc:, My onely beloued spouse,

my most sweet freind, and faithfull companion of my pilgrimage, the happye and hopefull supplie (next Christ Jesus) of my greatest losses, I wishe thee a most plentifull increase of all true comfort in the loue of Christ, with a large, and prosperous addition of whatsoever happynesse the sweet estate of holy wedlocke, in the kindest societye of a lovinge husbande may afford thee. Beinge filled with the ioye of thy loue, and wantinge opportunitye of more familiar communion with thee, which my heart fervently desires, I am constrained to ease the burthen of my minde by this poore helpe of my scriblinge penne, beinge sufficiently assured that, although my presence is that which thou desirest, yet in the want thereof, these lines shall not be vnfruitfull of comfort unto thee. And now, my sweet Loue, lett me a whyle solace my selfe in the remembrance of our loue, of which this springe tyme of our acquaintance can putt forthe as yet no more but the leaves and blossomes whilest the fruit lyes wrapped vp in the tender budde of hope, a little more patience will disclose this good fruit, and bringe it to some maturytye: let it be our care and labour to preserve these hopefull buddes from the beasts of the fielde, and from frosts, and other iniuryes of the ayre, least our fruit fall of ere it be ripe, or lose ought in the beautye and pleasantnesse of it: lett vs pluck vp suche nettles and thornes as would defraud our plants of their due nourishment; let vs pruine of superfluous branches: let vs not sticke at some labour in wateringe, and manuringe them, the plentye and goodnesse of our fruit shall recompence vs aboundantly: our trees are planted in a fruitfull soyle; the grounde, and patterne of our love, is no other but that betweene Christe and his deare spouse, of whom she speakes as she findes My welbeloued is mine and I am his, loue was their banquettinge howse, loue was their wine, loue was their ensigne,2 loue was his inuitinges, Loue was hir fayntinges, Loue was his Apples, Loue was hir Comforts, Loue was his embracinges, loue was hir Refreshinge: Loue made him see hir,3 Loue made hir seeke him: Loue made him wedde hir, Loue made hir followe him.4 Loue made 227him hir Saviour,5 Loue makes hir his servant.6 Loue bredd our fellow-shippe, let Loue continue it, and Loue shall increase it, untill deathe dissolue it. The prime fruit of the spirit is loue,7 truethe of spirit and true loue; abounde with the spirit, and abounde with Loue: Continue in the spirit and continue in Loue: Christ in his loue, so fill our heartes with holy hunger and true appetite, to eate, and drinke with him and of him in this his sweet Love feast, which we are now preparinge vnto, that when our love feast shall come, Christ Jesus himselfe may come in vnto us, and suppe with vs and we with him: so shall we be merrye indeed. (O my sweet spouse) can we esteeme eache others loue, as worthy the recompence of our best mutuall affections, and can we not discerne so muche of Christs exceedinge and vndeserved love, as may cheerfully allure vs to love him aboue all? he loued vs and gaue himselfe for vs, and to helpe the weaknesse of the eyes and hande and mouthe of our faithe which must seeke him in heaven where he is; he offers him selfe to the eyes handes and mouthe of our bodye, heere on earthe where he once was. The Lord increace our faithe.

Nowe my deare heart, let me parlye a little with thee about trifles, for when I am present with thee my speeche is preiudiced by thy presence, which drawes my minde from it selfe: I suppose nowe vpon thy vnckles comminge there wilbe advisinge and councellinge of all handes; and amongst many I knowe there wilbe some, that wilbe provokinge thee, in these indifferent thinges as matter of apparell fashions and other circumstances, rather to give contente to their vaine mindes savouringe to muche of the fleshe etc then to be guided by the rule of Gods worde, which must be the light and the Rule, for althoughe I doe easyly grant that the kingdome of heauen is not meat and drinke apparrell etc but Righteousnesse peace etc: yet beinge forbidden to fashion ourselves like vnto this world, and to avoyde not onlye evill but all appearance of it must be avoyded, and allso what soever may breed offence to the weake (for which I praye thee reade for thy direction the xiiijth to the Rom:) and for that Christians are rather to seeke to edifie then to please, I hould it a rule of Christian wisdome in all these thinges to followe the soberest examples: I confesse that there be some ornamentes which for virgins, and knightes daughters etc may be comly and tollerable, which yet in so great a change as thine is, may well admitt a change also: I will medle with no particulars, neither doe I thinke it shalbe needfull, thine owne wisdome, and godlinesse shall teache thee suf­228ficiently what to doe in suche thinges: and the good assurance which I have of thy vnfained love towardes me, makes me perswaded that thou wilt have care of my contentment, seeing it must be a cheife staye to thy comfort: and withall the great and sincere desire which I have that there might be no discouragement to daunt the edge of my affections, whyle they are truly labouringe to settle and repose themselues in thee, makes me thus watchfull and iealous of the least occasion that Sathan might stirre vp to our discomfort, he that is faithfull in the least wilbe faithfull in the greatest, but I am too fearfull, I doe thee wronge, I knowe thou wilt not greive me for trifles, Let me in treat thee (my Sweet Loue) to take all in good parte, for it is all of my love to thee, and in my love I shall requite thee: I acknowledge, indeed, thou maist iustly say to me as Christ to the Pharisies Hypocrite, first cast out the beame that is in thine owne eye etc, for whatsoever I may be in thy opinion, yet mine owne guiltie heart tells me of farre greater thinges to be reformed in my selfe, and yet I feare there is muche more, then in mine owne partiall iudgment I can discerne; iust cause I have to complaine of my pride, vnbeleefe, hardnesse of heart, and impenitencie, vanitye of minde, vnrulinesse of my affections, stubbornesse of my will, ingratitude, and vnfaithfullnesse in the Covenant of my God, etc. therefore (by Gods assistance) I will endeavour that in my selfe, which I will allso desire in thee. Let us search and trye our hearts and turne to the Lord: for this is our safetye, not our owne innocencye, but his mercie: If when wee were enemies he loued vs to reconciliation; much more, beinge reconciled will he saue vs from destruction.

Lastly for my farewell (for thou seest my lothenesse to part with thee makes me too teadious) take courage vnto thee, and cheare vp thy heart in the Lorde, for thou knowest that Christ thy best husbande can never faile thee, he never dies, so as there can be no greife at partinge he never changes, so as once beloved, and ever the same: his abilitye is ever infinite, so as the dowrye and inheritance of his sonnes and daughters can never be deminished. As for me a poore worme, dust and ashes, a man full of Infirmities, subiect to all sinnes changes and chances, which befall the sonnes of men, how should I promise thee any thinge of my selfe, or if I should, what credence couldst thou give thereto, seeinge God only is true and every man a lyar. yet so farre as a man may presume vpon some experience, I may tell thee, that my hope is, that, suche comfort as thou hast allreadye conceived of my love towards thee, shall (throughe Gods blessinge) be happilye continued; his grace shalbe sufficient for me, and his power shalbe made perfect in my greatest weaknesse: onely let thy godly kinde 229and sweet carriage towardes me, be as fuell to the fire, to minister a constant supplie of meet matter to the confirminge and quickninge of my dull affections: This is one ende why I write so muche vnto thee, that if there should be any decaye in kindnesse etc throughe my default, and slacknesse heerafter, thou mightest have some patternes of our first loue by thee, to helpe the recoverye of suche diseases: yet let our trust be wholly in God, and let vs constantly followe him by our prayers, complaininge and moaninge vnto him, our owne povertye, imperfections and vnworthynesse, vntill his fatherly affection breake forthe vpon vs, and he speake kindly to the heartes of his poore servant and handmayd, for the full assurance of Grace and peace through Christ Jesus, to whom I nowe leave thee (my sweet spouse and onely beloved) God send vs a safe, and comfortable meetinge on mundye morninge. Farewell Remember my love and dutye to my Ladye thy good mother, with all kinde and due salutations to thy vnkle E: and all thy brothers and sisters.

Thy husband by promise John Winthrop

Groton where I wishe thee. Aprill 4. 1618. My father and mother salute thee heartyly with my Lady and the rest.

If I had thought my letter would have runne to halfe this lengthe I would have made choyce of a larger paper.


W. 1. 1; L. and L. , 1. 135–139; Twichell, 31–39.


Cant: 2. In the manuscript these scriptural references are marginal or interlinear.


Ezech: 16.


Jer: 2. 2.


Jo: 3. 16.


Deut: 10. 12.


Gal: 5. 22.

Ezekiel Culverwell1 to John Winthrop2
Culverwell, Ezekiel Winthrop, John


To the worshipfull his especiall friend Mr. Winthrop at Groton DD
1618. Worshipfull and beloved Mr. Winthrop

I have receaved your letters which well resemble their parent in constansy of true christian love, which yf I should not accordingly intertaine it should be my great fault The occasions of my love being increased no reason my love should be abated I am now bowned with a dubble bond one to yow, an other to your wife to yow both I say yea for yow both I pray God make your comforts like to ours which yow know were not comon I know better means thereof then the constant strife between vs who should get the better hand in kindnes and duties of our place I ever complaned I was behind and she the like. let it be so with yow and yow shalbe both great gayners. But this will not be obtained yf god be any looser by your bargane, let him therefore have 230your hearts and he will give them back ech to other for myself I have had this spring much paine and never look to recover my weaknes in my feet and paines of the stone which both have some mittigation that I may endure them. I have indeed as you well deem oft remembred yow and joyed in the accomplishment of your mariage and wilbe ready to further your comforts wher in me lyeth and thus my weary shaking hand makes me to end The Lord every way prosper your mariage. Yours ever in Christ.

Ez. Culverwell

See note 7 34 , page 88, supra.


W. 1. 1; L. and L. , 1. 142.