A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 182. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 182.

Arthur Tyndal to Lady Anne Tyndal1
Tyndal, Arthur Tyndal, Lady Anne (d.1620, mother of Margaret Winthrop)


To the right worshipfull the Lady Tyndale at hir house in Much Maplested in Essex.
My deare and loueinge mother,

It much refresheth my sorrowfull heart to vnderstand and see the true effectes of christianity and of gods holy Spirit in you which are with patience and with a most humble humiliacion 182to the Almighty to beare these more then ordinarie afflictions and to waite and expect his mighty deliuerances. He is all sufficient and wise and as he hath humbled vs to the dust so he can and will exalt vs againe if we giue glory vnto his name in these bitter tymes of tryall. He hath wrought wounderously alreadie in stoppeing the mouthes of malicious and naughtie people. for the vilde wretch that had pretended a wronge donne to him by my father and laboreing to maintaine it, god not sufferinge the blood of his sainctes to lye to longe vnreuenged deliuered this Caitiffe ouer to Sathan who on the last Sabboth in the forenoone hanged himselfe in prison in a most marueilous sort dispaireinge of gods mercie. All the graue examiners of that busines proclaime my fathers integritie and say if it had been theire case they must haue been subiect to the pistol to, for they would haue donne as he did. Thus it hath pleased god to iustifie my father and euery day more and more his vpprightnes will appeare. Good mother comfort your selfe in the lord he will againe if we make right vse of this, restore vs againe to comfort so that we repine not but with yearninge affections of soule and body loue him and magnifye him in all these his woundrous workes. I have acquainte my vncle Frauncis with your letter who offereth still mercie vnto vs and we are concluded of a course for thadministracon with which my brother Deane will thorowlie acquainte you. The taylor cannot this weeke dispatch your blackes but the ribbyns and those trifelles I send downe and the gownes shall come the next weeke or at such tyme as Betts shall retorne with his coache. I pray remember my duty to my good vncle your comforter and to all with you and at Dynes and to motion the buyinge of the reuersion of the lease land to Sir John Deane I pray the lord to be all our comforters. Amen

Your most dutifull Sonne Arth: Tyndale Lyncolnes Inn2 22th of No: 1616.

W. Au. 5; L. and L. , 1. 124–125.


Arthur Tyndal had been admitted at Lincoln’s Inn August 1, 1608. Records of the Society of Lincoln’s Inn, 1. 148.