A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Death of the Lady Mary, 16071
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


Of the manner of the death of the Lady Marye the Kinges Maiesties youngest daughter.

Suche was the manner of her deathe, as bred a kinde of admiration in al that were present to beholde it. For wheras the nue tuned Organs of her speeche by reason of her wearysome and teadious sicknes had bin soe greatly weakened, that for the space of 12 or 14 houres at the least ther was no sound of any worde hearde breaking from her lyps: yet when it sensibly appered that she should sone make a peaceable end of a troublesome lyfe, she sight out these wordes. I goe I goe. and when not long after ther was something minstred vnto her by those that attended her in the tyme of her sicknes: fastninge her eye vppon them with a Constant looke, againe she repeated, Awaye I goe. And yet a third tyme, almost immeadiately before she offered vp her selfe a sweete Virgin sacryfice vnto him that made her, faintly she 170cryed: I goe, I goe. The more strange did this appere to them that heard it, in that it was almost incredibly sic that so muche vigour should stil remayne in so weake a body, and wheras she had vsed many other woordes in the tyme of her extremitye: yet that nowe at last (as if directed by supernatural inspiration) shee did so aptly vtter theise, and none but theise.

This noble lady lyued 2 y. and blank monethes, and died the blank day of Sept. 1607 and was buryed in King Henry the 7 Chappel the 23 of the same monethe.

Indorsed: “September 1607 Lady Marys death”


W. Au. 3a. In the hand of Adam Winthrop. The Lady Mary was born at Greenwich, April 8, 1605, “for Joy whereof the next day after the Cittizens of London made bonefiers through out London, and the bells continued ringing all the whole day.” She died September 16, 1607, at Stanwell, co. Middlesex, the seat of Thomas Knyvet, Lord Knyvet of Escrick, who, with his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Roland Hayward and widow of Richard Warren of Essex, had been charged with her nurture and education. John Stow, Annales, or Generall Chronicle of England, continued by Edmond Howes (London, 1615), 862, 892; Edmund Lodge, Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners, 2d ed. (London, 1838), III. 199–201, 204; D. N. B. , XXXI. 340.

Deed, 16111
Tyndal, Deane Ashbey, John


This Indenture made the First Daye of October in the yeares of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lord James by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland Defender of the fayth etc., that is to saye, of England Fraunce and Ireland the Nynth and of Scotland the three and Fourtyth. betweene Thomas Hale of muche Maplested in the Countie of Essex yeoman and Anne his wife the doughter of John Spencer late of Copfielde in the Countie aforesaid yeoman deceased on the one parte And Deane Tyndall of muche Maplested aforesaid Esquier And John Ashbey of the said Towne of muche Maplested yeoman on thother parte: witneseth That the said Thomas Hale and Anne his wife for divers good Consideracions them therevnto movinge doe for them and their heires Covenant and graunt to and with the said Deane Tyndall and John Ashbey their heires and Assignes by these presentes That they the said Thomas Hale and Anne his wife shall before the Feast of Easter next comynge after the date hereof in due forme of Lawe levy one Fyne vnto the said Deane Tyndall and John Ashbey and the heires of the said Deane Tyndall of all those Closes and parcells of ground lyinge in Copfield aforesaid and in Halsted in the said Countie or in eyther of them auncyently called Glades and commonly called Clobbes Croftes with thappurtenaunces or by what other name soever they be called sometyme purchased by the said John Spencer of one John Digbye of Halsted aforesaid yeoman As by one Indenture bearinge date the Eighteenth daye of Januarye in the Tenth yeare of the Reigne of our late Sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabeth more playnely 171doeth appeare. which fyne so levyed And all other Fynes hereafter to be levyed of the saide Growndes or any parcell thereof betweene the said parties by what name or names or Content of Acres soever the same be, shalbe to be the onely vse and behoofe of the said Thomas Hale and Anne his wife during their lyves and the longer lyver of them without ympeachment of any manner of wast And from and after the decease of the longer lyver of them Then to the vse and behoofe of John Hale younger sonne of the said Thomas Hale and Anne his wife And of the heires of the said John Hale for ever And to none other vse nor intent. in witnesse whereof the parties Abovesaide have vnto these presentes interchaungeably sett their handes and Seales the daye and yeare first Abovemencyoned Annoque Domini 1611:

Deane Tyndall John Ashbey. Sealed and deliuered in the presence of John Tyndall Margaret Tyndall

W. Deeds, 22.