A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 70
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

my brother Cotty came to my house the viijth of August 1593.


my brother Roger Alibaster and my sister took ther farewell of me the iiijth of July 1595 when they went into Ireland.

quarto die Septembris 1594 magnum diluvium fuit, ex quo multum damnum accidit.

Lent to Mr. Eliston

Roiarde in Epistolas1

Dionisius in Epistolas2

Erasmus in Epistolas3

17 Aug. 1595 Mr Edward Elyston praedicauit apud Carsey concionem primam. 71


Homiliae in omnes Epistolas feriales Quadragesimae, by Joannes Royaard or Royardus, published first at Antwerp in 1538. J. F. Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica, 11. 718–719; A. J. van der Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, XVI. 521.


Dionysius Leeuwius (1394–1471), a Carthusian monk of Rickel in the Netherlands, called Doctor Ecstaticus, wrote Commentaria in Epistolas Canonicas (published 1530 and 1545) and Commentaria in Omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas (1531 and 1545). Foppens, 1. 241–244; van der Aa, XI. 284–286; B. M., Catalogue of Printed Books, LVII. 121.


This might be Erasmus’s Paraphrases in Epistolas (1521), or one of several other works by him. B. M., Catalogue, XXXI. 101–102.

Folio 71
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

A register of divers persons that haue killed, hanged, or drowned themselves in Suffolk since the yere of our lord 1560.

1. Peter Bronde the brother of John Bronde the riche clothier drowned him selfe, in the mildam.

2. Joseph Bronde the son of the said John Brond killed him selfe with a paier of shieres.

3. William Gosnolde of Edwardston tailour drowned him selfe in a ponde.

4. Blank Grymwade of Nedginge yeman hanged him selfe.

5. William Skeet of Carsey hanged him selfe.

6. John Rawlin the son of John Rawlin the elder of Groton hanged him selfe with a Cartrope.

7. Dudlie Fortescue esq. hanged him selfe with his nightkercher, in a privie house.

8. Edwarde Couper of Groton inholder hanged him selfe in an vpper Chamber.

9. Ralfe Candishe of Candishe gent., cutte his owne throate, whereof he died.

10. William Jermin a goldesmithe, hanged him selfe in a Stable in Sudburye.

11. Thomas Gunnel hanged him selfe in the Churche porche of Linsey.

12. Blank of Carsey hanged himselfe.

13. Dorothey Blackesal a maiden, drowned her self in the Burrohouse ponde in Edwardston.

14. Blank the wife of Richard Randal of Edwardston hanged her selfe with her girdel.

15. Blank the wife of John Potter, fermour of the Bor cut off House in Boxford, drowned her selfe. 72

Folio 72
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)




Ad curiam Baronis tentam v.to die Maii Anno Regine Elizabethe xxxij° compertum fuit per homagium quod Elizabeth Lacye vidua obiit etc. Et quia nullus venit etc. preceptum est sesire tenementum in manus Domini, etc.

Ad curiam Baronis tentam xxvij° Die Septembris Anno Regine Elizabethe xxxviij° compertum est per Homagium quod Elizabeth Lacy obiit etc. Etquod 141Elizabeth et Agnes fuerunt filie et Coheredes Thome Simondes etc. Et ad eandem Curiam predicta Elizabeth ad medietatem tenementi admissa fuit, ac in eadem Curia prefata Elizabeth et Jacobus Ailwarde maritus eius sursumreddiderunt etc. ad opus et vsum Willelmi Hubbart senioris et heredum suorum.

Ac etiam ad eandem Curiam compertum fuit quod Willelmus Hubbarde iunior filius predicte Agnetis Hubbarde (modo mortue) est proximus heres prefate Agnetis, et etatis xxj annorum. Et quia non venit ad petendum alteram medietatem tenementi predicti; preceptum est etc.

Ad curiam Baronis tentam tertio die Octobris Anno Regni Regine Elizabethe xlj°. Compertum fuit per Homagium quod Willelmus Hubbarde senior et Willelmus Hubbard iunior sursumreddiderunt extra Curiam per manus Philippi Goslin, et Johannis Carter, vnum tenementum Custumarium et iiij Croftas terre ad opus prefati Philippi heredum et assignatorum suorum etc.

Quere if this surrender be good, because Philip Gostlin tooke it him selfe and Carter neuer presented it. 73