A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 69
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)




I haue Receyued of the tanner 5 li. o. o.
The man is blest that hath not lent.
I Received of Coker for iiij lod of wood 0. 9. 4.
Received of Antony Spede for 8 lode 0. 18. 8.
Item more of fox for ij lod and steven fox ij lod 0. 9. 4.
Item Robart fox iiij lode 0 9 4
Item Crosse vj lode 0 14 0
Item Received of Frauncys Rawlet for iiij lod 0 9 4
Item of John fyrmen for iiij lode 0 9 4
Item Received of Symon Rysyng x lode 1 3 4
Item Received of peter brond in all 9 17 0
Item Received of nordon for iiij lode wod 0 9 4
Item Received of John barkar for 25 lode 2 18 4
Item Received from fuller for 10 lode 1 3 4
Item Received from Ry. barkar for 49 lodes 5 14 4
Item Received of bemunt for 4 lodes 0 9 4
Item Received from blank of stoke for x lode 1 3 4
Item Received of Swetcor for iij lode 0 7 0
Item Received from Mr. Bryde 2 0 0
Item Received of W. Coo of elleward 1 8 0

Memorandum that my grey colt was ij yeres olde at midsommer Anno 1595 and Elizabethe Regine xxxvij°.

I soulde him at Mich. then following to my brother John Winthrop for 1 s. and he sould him to my brother John Snellinge.

16 Junii 1609 Received. Lent to Mr. Steven Pien Dr. Cowells booke of the Interpreter 1

paid for Tho. Appulton xv d. more for a paire of shooes ix d. to the barbour 2
paid for Justin vj d.
Lent Judith iij s.
Lent Thomas ij s.
I caried to London in gould v li. xvij s. in siluer xlviij s. j. d. viij li. v s. j d.
Received of my Wife at my goinge to London xiiij li. ij s.

Memorandum that the 2 of December 1592 John Bonde of Boxford Taylour did surrender into the handes of Philip Goslinge and James Deathe Custimary tenantes of the Manor of Groton Hall that parcell of his Copy lande lyenge next vnto Clay pitt field and Boltes Went conteynyng by estimacion ij acres more or lesse to the vse of Adam Winthrop and his heires vppon Condicion etc. for the payment of xj li. the thirde day of December 1593.

In June 1595 I did put xiiij tenches into my ij little pondes.

Memorandum my brother John Winthrop departed from my house towardes Ireland the second day of Aprill 1595.

My brother Roger Alibaster and my sister Bridget departed towardes Ireland the viijth day of July 1595 it thundred and Rained very sore that daye.70


The Interpreter, a booke containing the signification of Words: Wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all such words and termes as are mentioned in the Lawe-writers or Statutes (Cambridge, 1607), by John Cowell (1554–1611), professor of civil law at Cambridge. Cowell argued that the government of England was an absolute monarchy, an unhappy doctrine which led to the burning of his book by the common hangman. D. N. B. , XII. 375.


Trimmed off.

Folio 70
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

my brother Cotty came to my house the viijth of August 1593.


my brother Roger Alibaster and my sister took ther farewell of me the iiijth of July 1595 when they went into Ireland.

quarto die Septembris 1594 magnum diluvium fuit, ex quo multum damnum accidit.

Lent to Mr. Eliston

Roiarde in Epistolas1

Dionisius in Epistolas2

Erasmus in Epistolas3

17 Aug. 1595 Mr Edward Elyston praedicauit apud Carsey concionem primam. 71


Homiliae in omnes Epistolas feriales Quadragesimae, by Joannes Royaard or Royardus, published first at Antwerp in 1538. J. F. Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica, 11. 718–719; A. J. van der Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, XVI. 521.


Dionysius Leeuwius (1394–1471), a Carthusian monk of Rickel in the Netherlands, called Doctor Ecstaticus, wrote Commentaria in Epistolas Canonicas (published 1530 and 1545) and Commentaria in Omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas (1531 and 1545). Foppens, 1. 241–244; van der Aa, XI. 284–286; B. M., Catalogue of Printed Books, LVII. 121.


This might be Erasmus’s Paraphrases in Epistolas (1521), or one of several other works by him. B. M., Catalogue, XXXI. 101–102.