Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)
A note of the mony which I haue payd for my Father since Our Lady Day 1593 |
To Mr. Henry Sandes for ij quarters ended at Midsummer
x s.
To Mr. Lawrence Hargrave for Lawe charges |
xvj s. viij d.
To Sir William Waldegrave for Rent |
v s. v d.
To Mr. William Clopton for Rent |
xij d.
To him self at Annes Mariage |
v li.
To Mr. Henry Sandes for Christmas quarter |
v s.
A festo sancti Michaelis Anno 1594 |
To Mr. Henry Sandes for ij quarters ended at the feast of the Nativitie |
10 s.
131 |
To John Bogas for a yeres rent due the College |
viij s. ij d.
To Mr. William Clopton for one yeres rent due at Michaelmas
ij s.
To Mr. Waldegrave for a yeres Rent due for Hilles |
x s. x d.
more to him for latchemere |
iiij d.
1594 Item lent John Browne by my Fathers appointment the 26 of December |
x li.
1 Jan. 1594 Item I paid to my father at my last being with him for his Rentes here |
l s.
and he alowed me all the former sommes of mony etc. |
25 Martii 1595 Item paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargrave for the charges of suit against Thurston |
xxiiij s.
Item paid to Mr. Henry Sandes for Our lady day quarter and for mydsummer quarter |
v s.
v s.
Item paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargraue for charges in law against Rookes |
x s.
Item to Mr. William Clopton for quit rent |
xij d. and |
xij d.
Item to John Bogas for quit Rent |
viij s. ij d.
Item paid to Sir William Waldegraue for Rent |
iiij d.
Item paid to Mr. Henry Sandes for j quarter |
v s.
Summa |
ix s. vj d.
A note of the mony which I haue paide since our Lady Day last Anno 1593 |
Imprimis paide to my Father Henry Browne |
x li.
Item to my sister Margerie weston |
xvij s. vj d.
Item to Mr. Henry Sandes |
x s.
Item to the Shoemaker |
vij s. ij d.
Item to the Collector for the poore |
iij s. iiij d.
Item to Mr. Waldegrave for Rent |
ij s. ij d.
Item to my brother John for rent |
vj li. xix s.
Item to Thomas Beaumonde |
xxvij s. iij d.
16 Aprilis 1593 Item paid to Simon Facon |
xxx li.
Item to John Laughling |
iij li. vij s. ij d.
Item paid for a Couerlett of Tappestry |
xlij s.
1 May. 93. Item paid for a payre of Cartwheeles |
lvij s.
Item for a payer of knitt sockes |
vj s. viij d.
Item paid Mr. William Clopton for Rent |
iij s. vj d.
paid to Richarde Edwardes for his wages |
xxx s.
paid for a lode and a halfe of logges |
vj s. vj d.
paid to Hamond for iiij lodes of logges |
xiiij s. viij d.
paid to Father pierce for iiij lodes of woode |
xij s. iiij d.
paid to my Father Henry Browne |
v li.
paid to William Brond for the rent of his barne |
xiij s. iiij d.
paid to Mr. Henry Sandes for midsommer quarter |
x s.
paid to Thomas Beamont for meate |
iij li. vj d.
paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargrave |
xx s.
paid my brother Thomas Mildmay |
v li.
paid for mowinge of grasse |
xvj s. x d.