A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Settlement of Groton Manor, 15571
Mary I Winthrop, Adam (1498-1562)


De licentia alienandi pro Adam Wyntroppe Seniore

Rex et Regina etc. Omnibus ad quos etc. Salutem Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac pro nouem libris decem solidis et quinque denarijs nobis solutis in Hanaperio nostro concessimus et licenciam dedimus ac per presentes concedimus et licenciam damus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostrum dicte Regine quantum in nobis est Adam Wyntrop seniori quod ipse totum illud manerium suum de Grotton in Comitatu nostro Suffolcie cum suis iuribus membris et pertinentibus vniuersis nuper Monasterio de Bury Sancti Edmundi in eodem Comitatu dudum spectans et pertinens ac parcellam possessionum et reuencionum eiusdem nuper Monasterii existens Acetiam omnia et singula mesuagia terras tenementa prata pascuas pasturas boscos subboscos aduocationes iura patronatus redditus reuersiones seruicia curias libertates franchesias profitua commodidates et hereditamenta quecumque cum suis singulis pertinentibus habitis existentibus reputatis cognitis siue vsitatis vt pars parcella siue membra manerii predicti aut dicto manerio aliquo modo spectantibus siue pertinentibus Que de nobis tenentur in Capite dare feoffare alienare vendere et concedere possit aut per finem cognoscere in Curia nostra coram Justiciariis nostris de Banco leuandum seu quocumque alio modo Dilectis nobis Simoni Ponder et Johanni Ponder habendum et tenendum eisdem Simoni et Johanni et heredibus suis ad opus et vsum prefati Adam et Agnetis uxoris sue pro termino vite eorum et eorum alterius diucius viuentis Et post decessum ipsorum Adam et Agnetis ad opus et vsum Johannis Wyntrope secundi geniti filii predictorum Adam et Agnetis ac heredum masculorum de corpore ipsius Johannis legittime procreatis Et pro defectu talis exitus ad opus et vsum predicti Adam et heredum suorum imperpetuum de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostrum dicte Regine pro seruicia inde debita et de iure consueta Et eisdem Simoni et Johanni Ponder quod ipsi predictum manerium mesuagium terras tenementa redditus reuersiones ac cetera omnia et singula premissa cum pertinentiis a prefato Adam recipere possint et tenere sibi heredibus et assignatis suis predictis ad opus et vsus predicta de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostrum dicte Regine predicte per seruicia predicta imperpetuum sicut predictum est tenore presencium similiter licenciam dedimus ac damus specialem Nolentes quod prefati Adam et Agnes aut predicti Simon et Johannes Ponder vel heredes sui aut predictus Johannes 13Wyntroppe vel heredes masculi de corpore suo legittime procreati aut recti heredes prefati Adam imperpetuum ratione premissorum siue eorum alicuius per nos heredes vel successores nostrum dicte Regine Justiciarios Escaetores Vicecomites Balliuos seu alios Ministros nostros vel dictorum heredum seu successorum nostrum prefate Regine quoscumque inde occasionentur molestentur perturbentur vexentur in aliquo seu grauentur nec eorum aliquis occasionetur molestetur perturbetur vexetur in aliquo seu grauetur In cuius rei etc. Teste Rege et Regina apud Westmonasterium secundo die Maii.


Patent Roll, 4 & 5 Philip & Mary, part II, m. 18; Muskett, 16.

Will of Robert Risby, 15571
Risby, Robert


The thirde daye of Maye in the yere of our Lorde god a thousand fyve hundreth Fiftie and seaven, I Robert Rysbye2 of Thorpmorieux3 in the countie of Suff., gentilman, do make my last will. First I bequeath my soule to Almightie god, and to all Saynctes, and my bodye to be buryed in the chauncell of Thorpe4 aforesaide, before the highe Aulter. Also I give to Margerie my wief my Mannor of Thorphawle etc. for her lyf naturall. And after her dicease I will that William5 my sonne shalhave said Mannor and his heires foreuer. Item to Margerie my wief my two Mannors in Felsham6 and Dringston7 vntill that my sonne Willyam come to the full age of xxi years. Item to Margerie my wief my lands and tenements in Brethenham,8 Stonfeld in Hecham9 and Henants10 in Thorpe, vntill that Thomas my sonne come to the full age of xxi yeres. Item to Margerie my wief my hedd house11 in Lauenham untill Thomas come to the age of 14xxi yeres. And if both my sonnes die without heires of their bodies, then I will that my doughters haue the hole londes as copertioners to gethers, and their heires foreuer. To Elizabeth12 my doughter one hundreth poundes, Margaret13 my doughter one hundreth pounde, Anne my doughter one hundreth pounde, to be paide at the dayes of their marriage. Item to Thomas Rysbye14 my brother one ringe of golde with a deathes hedd in yt. To George Rysbye15 my brother one ringe of golde. Item to my syster Sprynge,16 my sister Spyre, my mother in lawe, my brother John Rosse; to Mathewe Deye; to my keper Agnes Dryecotte; to Thomas Wenyff. Margery my wieff shall haue the custodie and bringing vpp of my two sonnes vntil they come to the age of xxi yeres; and that they bee brought vpp to Scoulle in the arte of lernynge all the said tyme. The residue of my goodes to my wief whome I make sole executrix. And I make Edwarde Rosse gent, my father in lawe my supervisor. Probatum xxviij° die mensis Junij anno domini 1557 Juramento Edwardi Rosse generosi procuratoris Margerie Relicte executricis.


P. C. C., 21 Wrastley; Muskett, 70.


Robert Risby was son of William Risby of Lavenham and Margaret May. He was born about 1529 and married Margery, daughter of Edward Rosse of Nayland, co. Suffolk. She married for her second husband John Wincoll of Little Waldingfield, gent. Muskett, 73.


Thorpe-Morieux, a parish in the hundred of Cosford, co. Suffolk. The manor had been left to Robert Risby by his father William Risby in 1551. Ibid., 68–69.


St. Mary’s church. Barker, West Suffolk, 350–351.


William, born about 1554, married Catherine, daughter of George Smith of Cavendish, co. Suffolk, and his will was probated July 12, 1593. Muskett, 73.


Felsham, a parish in the hundred of Thedwestry, co. Suffolk.


Drinkstone, a parish in the hundred of Thedwestry.


Brettenham, a parish in the hundred of Cosford. This property had also been inherited from William Risby, 1551. Muskett, 69.


Hitcham, a parish in the hundred of Cosford.


The will of Thomas Risby, 1500, grandfather to Robert, mentions “my place called Haynawntes lyinge in Thorpe and Brethynham.” Muskett, 67.


This house and land were also received from the father, William Risby, who described them as “my halle howus which I now dwell in and my medowe adioyning which I bought of my brother in lawe Robert Sexten.” Ibid., 69.


Elizabeth married John Winthrop (1547–1613) on February 6, 1566–67, but lived apart from him, and four years after his death she married Reynold Branch of Southwark, where she died in 1637. Ibid., 25, 73.


Margaret married (1) John Betts of Eye, co. Suffolk, and (2) Anthony Gosnold. Ibid., 73.


Thomas Risby married Jane, daughter of John Harbottle of Crowfield, co. Suffolk. Ibid.


George Risby made a journey to Jerusalem, and died after his return, s. p. Ibid.


Elizabeth married Nicholas Spring of Lavenham, son of Robert Spring of Lavenham, clothier. Robert Ryece, Breviary of Suffolk (London, 1902), 171.