A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 54
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

A note of the measure of my lande by Tallant the xvijth of September 1596.
Imprimis Churches contains ix acres and dimidiam and xxv pole
Item in Claypitfield viij acres and xij pole
Item Boltes went contains vj acres
Item Halfield contains viij acres dimidiam and lxvij pole
Item Birdes Crofte iij acres j Roode and xij pole
Item the ij Croftes vj acres
Item in Taintour Close vj acres
Item in Facone meadowe and pasture viij acres dimidiam and xxviij pole
Item in Lappages meadowe iiij acres and j Roode
Item in Lyncrofte iiij acres
Summa acrarum lxiiij acres and dimidiam lxiiij poles.
Mony lent since Our Lady Day Anno 1597
lent to William Plumbe iij li.
lent to John Plumbe x li. and xx li. and xx li.
lent to John Bogais x s.
lent to Eustace Whale xx s.
lent to Steven Kembold v li.
lent to Philip Gostlinge xl s.
lent to John Spencer Rec. iij s. vij d. vij s.
lent to my Cosen Henry Mildmay xl s.
25 Aprilis Lent to the goodman Philip Goslinge Rec. x li. xxxv li.
4 Julii lent since to him iiij li.
lent to Mr. Waldegrave xl s.
lent to John Parson xx s.
lent to John Crab xl s.
A note of mony Received since the feast of St. Michell, 1596.
Received of the goodman Philip Goslinge for rent iiij li. xiij s. iiij d.
Received of John Raulin for Rent x s.
Received of John Nutton for Rent blank
Received of Simon Rysing for Rent iij li. and xl s.
Received of Father Pierce for Rent blank
Received of John Coker for Rent xx s.
Received of Mr. Lawrence Hargrave for Rent x s.
Received of John Warde for Rent xxij s. vj d.
Received of Francis Huggon x s.
Received of Wm. Nutton CC li. and vij li.
Received of my brother Roger Weston v li.
Received of Wm. Gosnold xl s.
Received of Steven Kembold x s.
Mony owing unto me the first of December 1596
William Nutton paid vij li.
Steven Plumme paid x li.
John Snellinge v li. iij s.
John Warde xxij s. vj d.
Josephe Gale xl s.
Thomas Rudlond xx s.
Steven Kembold xxxj s. vj d.
William Sherman ix s.
The Widow Reignold v s.
John Grymes x s.
Edmunde Raven xxx s.
Father Pierce x s.
Mr. Lawrence Hargraue xl s.
Richard Cooke xxiiij s.
John Spencer paid v s.
John Coker paid v s. ix s.
Mistres Muskett paid viij li.
William Gosnold xlij s. vij d. 55


Folio 55
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)



A note of the mony which I haue taken for Corne solde since the first of August Anno 1596.
5 Aug. Imprimis of Cooke for j bushel of Rye iiij s.
Item of Day for dimidio bushel Rye ij s.
Item of Chapman for j bushel Rye iiij s.
Item of Simon Rysing for dimidio bushel Rye ij s.
Received of my brother Roger Weston for v quarters of Barley at xx s. the quarter v li.
Received of Philipp Goslinge for v quarters of pease at xx s. v li.
Received of him for v quarters of Bullingmong at xvj s. the quarter iiij li.
Received of Richarde Cook for j quarter of barley xxiiij s.
Received for iiij bushels of pease xij s.
Received of Tilleson for iiij bushels j peck of barley xij s. ix d.
Received of Ponde for ij quarters of barley blank
Received of John Plumbe for iiij bushels of pease xiij s. iiij d.
and for iiij bushels of bullingmonge ix s. iiij d.
Brought xij bushels of Rye from Holton } 11jli.
To William Bronde ij bushels
to Robert Surrey iiij bushels
to Reignold ij bushels
to John Raven j bushel
to Allen j bushel
to Francis Pierce dimidium bushel
to John Gryme dimidium bushel
to John Crab j bushel
A Note of the Charges of the Bilding of the howse which I bought of Wm. Grymes.
Imprimis paid to him for the house iij li. vj s. viij d. and j bushel of mislyn
Item paid to Tilleson for setting of it vp and for the dawbing of it etc. xl s. and blank
Item for ij C of nailes xij d.
Item for Casting of Clay xvj d. and xij d.
Item to Cutbert for v foot of tymber xx d.
Item to Grymes for a growndesell blank
Item for j mille of lathe naile ij s. vj d.
Item for thatching lathe ij s. vj d.
Item for Ryveng of splentes xij d.
Item for a C of evesbord iij s.
Item for v C of vjd. naile ij s. vj d.
Item to Hudson for thatching it xvj s. iij d.
A note of John Rudlondes Reconynge
Imprimis paid to him by his wife xxx s. and xxiiij s.
Item paid to his sonne Elias x s.
Item paid to him self xl s.
Item deliuered to his wife at seuerall tymes iij bushels and j peck barley and j peck peaze and j peck Tares.
Item paid her more xxiiij s.
Item I paid for him to the Churchwardens of the Towne of Edwardeston for mony which he had of the towne stocke iij li. x s.

Memorandum that I stande bownde vnto Thomas Rudlond in an obligacion of xx li. vppon Condicion to pay vnto him x li. vppon the first day of May in the yere of our lord god 1603 within the south porche of the parrishe Churche of Edwardeston betwene the howres of one and three in the afternone of the same day. 56