A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 51
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


A note of the mony which I haue lent since the feast of St. Michill Tharchangel 1596
21 Oct. Lent to Mr. Waldegraue paid v li.
24 Oct. Lent to Lewes Kedby paid xx li.
Lent to John Bonde paid xx li.
Lent to Wm. Ponde paid v li.
Lent to my brother John Snellinge Rec. iiij li. v li. iij s.
Lent to Oliuer Dixon paid x s.
Lent to William Parson paid x s.
Lent to John Coker v s.
Lent to Edmunde Raven XXX s.
Lent to my Cosen Josua Winthrop lx li.
lent to Tho: Kedby Rec. l li. C li.
lent to Steven Plumme x li.
lent to Joseph Gale quere xl s.
lent to Simon Rysinge xl s.
lent to Phil. Gosling paid xx li.
lent to John Frenche paid xx li.
lent to Tho. Rudlonde paid xx s.
lent to Robert Bogas ij s. vj d.
lent to the Widow Reignold paid v s.
lent to John Gryme paid v li.
to Wm. Plumbe iij li.
to John Plumbe xx li. paid xxx li.
to John Bogays paid x s.
to my cosen Henry Mildmay xl s.
23 Junii to John Crab xl s.
to Father Pierce xv s.
to the goodman Philip Gosslinge paid Rec. x li. xxxv li.
to Mr. Waldegrave paid xl s.
to William Parson paid xx s.
5 Julii to Gosling paid iij li.
to Tilleson paid ij s.
A note of the mony which I haue Received for Mr. Hanham since the feast of St. John the Baptist Anno 1596
Received of John Greenewoode xx li.
Received of my brother Thomas Mildmay x li.
Received of Wm. Gosnolde xl s. and xl s.
Received of Phil. Gosling xxxiij s. iiij d.
Received of the Cunstable of Edwardstone xxix s. x d.
Received of him the xvjth of May iij li.
Whereof I haue paid theise sommes
paid for ij shirtes x s.
paid to Mr. Henry Sandes x s.
paid to the Collector for the poore iij s. iiij d.
paid to Mr. Thomas Nicholson iij s. iiij d.
paid to Mr. Waldegrave for his Nephewe x li.
paid to Mistris Sanford his neece xx li. 52


Folio 52
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


1596. 8 Januarii A Note of all the legacies that I haue paid as executor to my Father Henry Browne1
2 Martii Imprimis paid to Mr. Henry Sandes xl s.
Item paid to the poore of Edwardeston iij li.
Item paid to John Browne xl s.
Item paid to John Raven xl s.
Item paid to blank Gravener xl s.
Item paid to Derick Helden xl s.
Item paid to Thomas Browne xl s.
Item paid to William Hilles l li.
Item to Johane Hilles l li.
Item to Edmond Raven xl s.
Item to Edwarde Raven xl s.
Item to blank Yonges wife xl s.
Item to Marshe his wife xl s.
Item paid to John Speede l li.
Item paid to Hercules xl s.
Item paid to my Unckle John Raven xl s.
Item paid to Anne Winthrop l li.
Item paid to John Winthrop l li.
Item paid to my mother Margaret Browne xx li.
A note of all suche soommes of mony as are owinge vnto me the first of Marche 1596.
G Imprimis Thomas Kedby debet paid C li.
G Item Philip Goslinge paid xlv li.
G Item John Frenche paid xxij li.
G Item John Gryme paid vj li.
G Item John Browne paid x li.
G Item Josua Winthrop paid l li.
G Item John Raven paid x li.
D Item my Cosen Joan Muskett paid v li. iiij s.
G Item Francys Huggen paid iij li. x s.
G Item Symon Risinge paid xx s.
G Item John Snellinge paid Rec. iiij li. v li. iij s.
G Item Mr. Waldegraue paid xx s.
G Item William Ponde paid xliij s. iiij d.
G Item Steven Kembolde paid xxvij s. vj d.
G Item Henry Vintener paid xl s.
G Item William Gosnolde paid ix li. ij s. iiij d.
D Item Mr. William Forthe C li.
G Item John Plumbe paid xxj s. iiij d.
G Item John Coker paid v s.
D Item Richarde Huggen xx s.
G Item Tho. Banckes paid xxx s.
D Item Tho. Munnynge paid xx li.
D Item Humfrey Munnynge xl s.
G Item William Hilles paid x li.
D John Laughlinge CC li.
D John Paynter viij s.
G Item my Cosen Alibaster paid xiij s. iiij d.
D Item Symond Facon xl s.
Item Father Pierce paid v s.
Summa vjCxij li. xij s. x d.
Rec. hereof iiij score xix li. xiij s. vj d. 53



His will, made in 1593, is printed supra, pp. 37–38.