A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 50
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

1597. A note of all my yearely Rentes
Simon Rysinge paieth ix li.
Steven Kembolde xiiij li.
John Potter vij li.
John Frenche vj li.
Eustace Whale v li.
Henry Cooke v li.
John Coker xl s.
Lawrence Hargrave xx s.
John Rawlinge xx s.
John Raven xx s.
John Warde xlv s.
John Nutton l s.
William Sherman xxvj s. viij d.
Edmunde Raven xxx s.
Fra: Andrewe Pierce xxx s.
John Grymes x s.
Summa lx li. j s. viij d.
Item for my Fee and allowances of my office in Trinitie College viij li. vj s. viij d.
Item for my Fee in St. Johns College xiij s. iiij d.
Item of Mr. Hanham for his bourde and Chamber yeerly xiij li. vj s. viij d.
Summa xxij li. vj s. viij d.
Summa omnium Receptorum predictorum iiij score ij li. viij s. iiij d.
A note of all the mony that I have Received since the feast of all Saingtes Anno 1596
Received of William Nutton for Rent vij li.
Received of Simon Rysinge for Rent v li.
Received of John Warde for Rent xxij s. vj d.
Received of Father Pierce xij s.
Received of my brother Roger Weston for v quarters of barley at xx s. the quarter v li.
Received of the goodman Philip Gosling for v quarters of Pease at xx s. a quarter v li.
Received of him for v quarters of bullingmonge at xvj s. the quarter iiij li.
Received of him for iiij lodes of strawe xx s.
Received for my fee of Trinitie College viij li. vj s. viij d.
Received of Steven Kembold for ij lodes of woodde x s.
Received of Mr. Lawrence Hargrave lij s.
Received of Edmunde Raven xlv s.
Received of Father Pierce xij s. vj d.
Received of my Cosen Barnes xl s.
Received of Rich. Cooke xxiiij s.
Received of Steven Plumme iiij li.
Received of Joseph gale xl s.
Received of the Widow Regnold vj s. vj d.
Received of my neighbour John Frenche for a Cowe liij s. iiij d.
Summa blank
William Brondes Reconynge
Imprimis for my Woodde vii li.
Item for iiij bushels of wheate xxiiij s.
Item for iij bushels of Rye xv s.
Summa viij li. xix s. 51


Folio 51
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


A note of the mony which I haue lent since the feast of St. Michill Tharchangel 1596
21 Oct. Lent to Mr. Waldegraue paid v li.
24 Oct. Lent to Lewes Kedby paid xx li.
Lent to John Bonde paid xx li.
Lent to Wm. Ponde paid v li.
Lent to my brother John Snellinge Rec. iiij li. v li. iij s.
Lent to Oliuer Dixon paid x s.
Lent to William Parson paid x s.
Lent to John Coker v s.
Lent to Edmunde Raven XXX s.
Lent to my Cosen Josua Winthrop lx li.
lent to Tho: Kedby Rec. l li. C li.
lent to Steven Plumme x li.
lent to Joseph Gale quere xl s.
lent to Simon Rysinge xl s.
lent to Phil. Gosling paid xx li.
lent to John Frenche paid xx li.
lent to Tho. Rudlonde paid xx s.
lent to Robert Bogas ij s. vj d.
lent to the Widow Reignold paid v s.
lent to John Gryme paid v li.
to Wm. Plumbe iij li.
to John Plumbe xx li. paid xxx li.
to John Bogays paid x s.
to my cosen Henry Mildmay xl s.
23 Junii to John Crab xl s.
to Father Pierce xv s.
to the goodman Philip Gosslinge paid Rec. x li. xxxv li.
to Mr. Waldegrave paid xl s.
to William Parson paid xx s.
5 Julii to Gosling paid iij li.
to Tilleson paid ij s.
A note of the mony which I haue Received for Mr. Hanham since the feast of St. John the Baptist Anno 1596
Received of John Greenewoode xx li.
Received of my brother Thomas Mildmay x li.
Received of Wm. Gosnolde xl s. and xl s.
Received of Phil. Gosling xxxiij s. iiij d.
Received of the Cunstable of Edwardstone xxix s. x d.
Received of him the xvjth of May iij li.
Whereof I haue paid theise sommes
paid for ij shirtes x s.
paid to Mr. Henry Sandes x s.
paid to the Collector for the poore iij s. iiij d.
paid to Mr. Thomas Nicholson iij s. iiij d.
paid to Mr. Waldegrave for his Nephewe x li.
paid to Mistris Sanford his neece xx li. 52