A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 45
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


1597. A note of all the mony that I haue received since the feast of St. Michel
Received of Lewes Kedby xliiij li.
Received of John Potter iij li. x s. and xxiiij s.
Received of Robert Surrey xxxij s.
Received of John Gryme xxiiij s.
Received of Brande xxxij s. and xij s.
Received of John Frenche iij li. and xx li.
Received of Eustace Whale l s.
Received of William Gosnolde iij li. xvj s. and xiij s.
Received of William Nutton viij li. viij s.
Received of Simon Rysinge blank
Received of Steven Kembolde blank
Received of Lawrence Hargrave blank
Received of Cunttye blank
Received of John Maslyn xxx s.
Received of John Raven blank
Received of Reignold xvj s. and xv s. and xv s.
Received of John Rawlinge x s.
Received of John Coker xx s.
Received of William Sherman blank
Received of John Warde blank
Received of Goslynge blank
Received of John Crab blank
Received of Father Pierce xlvj s.
Received of Henry Cooke l s.
Received of William Purdey xxiiij s.
Received of Thomas Beamond v s.
Received of William Brond ix li.
Received of Tabar xiij s.

Memorandum that on Thursday the xixth of Aprill 1610 Mr. Gurdon of Assington toulde me that Sir William Waldegraue thelder did tell him latelye that my nephewe William Alabaster was revolted from the popes Religion to our Religion, quod vix credo, licet verum esse libenter vellem. But since he came into England and reuolted from the pope Anno 1610 20 Novemb.

Mony Received since Ester anno 1598
Received of Steven Kembould viij li. iij s.
Received of Simon Rysinge iiij li.
Received of Whistlay iiij li.
Received of Lawrence Hargrave xx s.
Received of William Culpecke ij s. vj d.
Received of William Gosnold xxx s.
Remembrances of the actes and speeches of Mr. Paul Powle.

Imprimis he Reported to Mr. Philip Gosling that I forged a leas of the howse and land wherin he dwelleth for John Parson.

Item he saieth that my brother made him a leas for 7 yeres of the howse and landes which I occupye.


Item he tould Mr. Philip Goslinge that I sett my hand to an obligacion as a wittnes which was neuer sealed and delivered. Indeede I subscribed an obligacion which I made for Steven Plombe which was not sealed by Powle.

Memorandum that on Wedensday the xiijth of January 1601 Powle came to my howse with his Cosyn Payne and shewed me a lettre written (as he affirmeth) by my brother to my cosyn Josua Winthrop wherin are these woordes for I and Powle are agreed, subscribed your loving Vncle John Winthropp with a romaine W quod nota, 1599.

The same day after he had shewed me the lettre I asked him if he did not deliuer the same to my cosen Josue and he answered me no and saide that he durst not see him for that he feared that he woulde haue arrested him notwithstanding the lettre.

Memorandum that Mr. Powle toulde me before that tyme that he delivered the same lettre to my cosen Josua and that he looked to him againe for his discharge quod falsum est.

Also he tould me at an other tyme that he gott my brother to wright ij lettres to my cosen Josua. 46