A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3

From Abigail Greenleaf
Greenleaf, Abigail RTP
Dear Uncle, Taunton Octr. 30th 1777

I sent along a letter yesterday by, I dont know who. I hope you have it but for fear you should not I will write a few lines by the Miss Blanchards tomorrow. The clear sunshine this day has enlivened us a little. I am much better, & so is aunt. The baby she says is more healthy than any she ever had; but it has a very sore mouth. Its Mamma has the jaundice to a very great degree; she is yellow as an orange. I feel concerned about her, but dont know what to do. We miss the Doctor greatly. The house is dryed to day. It has been excessive wet with this long storm. The children have all got colds. Charly dont like the baby never kissed it but once. He calls it baby Paine. Tommy calls it George Washington, & Bob wants it should be named Harry. Sally is going to ask Mrs. Dennis to change it for a girl thats all she cares about.

The Cyder is come home; & apples. This day we bought a load of wood, not having had a stick but wet green Pine for Chamber nor Kitchen all the storm; I want to hear from you Sir, shall you return to us this week? Your house was illuminated last Friday eving. We had like to have had our windows broke before we knew any thing of the matter. 409Nobody came to tell us, & we were all in the Chamber & kitchen; & did not see how sweetly the green looked; quite up to Deacon Luscombs. They fired the one Peice of Cannon several times at sun set.

I think the secret expedition is at an end. The Disappointed train, are now returning. Poor men. I Pitty them. They do Curse their General most bitterly that kept them there so long for nothing; because he said he knew not what to do.

Have you any Prospect for having any help? I long to see some body in the Capacity of a maid. Lucy will not stay much longer; and then I dont know what will become of us. I think of nothing very important to say only that I am with respect ever yr. Dutifull Niece,

Abigail Greenleaf

RC ; addressed: “The honbl: R. T. Paine Esqr: Boston Miss Blanchard”; endorsed: “Abigail Greenleaf jr. Octr. 30. 1777.”