A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3

From Henry Knox
Knox, Henry RTP
Dear Sir, New York Augt. 25 1776

I received your favor of the 22 instant Respecting the buisness of casting Cannon &c.

I have repeatedly press’d it upon Mr. Byers to make the tryal of wood in the air furnace in lieu of Sea Coal. He says that the river having been stop’d by the men of war dry wood was not to be procur’d, and his time being taken up so much in endevering to finish the Howitzers he had undertaken. He thinks that the air furnace now building at Philadelphia would be the most proper of any place he has been to for making the experiment with wood. He has been to the smelting furnace at Rariton and finds it will not do as they do not flux above 300 lb. metal at once. I think considering the Circumstances of this City he had better not attempt to cast any more here. I have this day sent him to Newark to veiw the Air furnace there and if it will answer I will let you know as soon as I see him again. If it would do I think he had better engage as many hands as he can any ways work with, and drive on the buisness in the large way. 273He then can go to work immediately on the peices you mention.

We have engag’d at Rariton the Copper that was there but not yet deliver’d amounting to
at this place 4000
of the old stock not yet workd up 1200
I shall endevor to procure as much more as possible. I hope you will do the same at Philadelphia. The Congress mortar will yet stand for small charges. I have His Excellency has sent to Boston for 2 large thirteen Inch mortars & when they arrive I propose the Congress shall change its form. I should be sorry not to have so cogent an argument as a thirteen Inch Shell to salute Lord Howe. The want of it woud. be a deficiency of Respect, especially to so polite a man. You undoubtedly are inform’d that the emeny landed on long Island last Thursday, the very place of any here abouts that I should have pray’d for them to make their descent. There was no opposition to their landing owing to the distance of our works; the place is a flat level county a considerable distance down the Island and for five or six miles to within 3 miles of our works where it is hilly uneven Ground, full of woods, and fine passes. From our works to this place the Ground is broken and woody & in the Woods are plac’d large parties of troops. The Works are good, & well supplied with every requisite to make a good defence. From this veiw of things I think we are to expect great advantages from our army. There is one alley which is General Greens being unfit for Duty. Poor Man he has been very sick. I thank God he now is upon the Recovery. It is to this man if God spares his Life that america is to look up to for great actions. He has a solid judgement and a Liberal view of things; a penetrating mind & magnanimous spirit. General Sullivan1 Commands there at present and under him Generals Nixon Parsons & Heard.2 The post is important for if we lose it New York follows. They have continual Skirmishes in which I think the prince of Hesse must be a considerable gainer. One of his subjects has been knock’d over and we get his body for which his master will receive thirty crowns banco3 three wounded men makes one killd, some considerable number must have been wounded so I suppose for two days skirmishing this said prince of Hesse will Receive for kill’d and wounded two or three hundred Crowns banco—a good way of growing Rich.4 I think the important day must be at hand on which if we shall be victorious a 274dieu eternally adieu Britain. In one of these Skirmishes yesterday we had a good officer mortally wounded, a Colo. Martin from the Jersies.5 I am Dear Sir with Respect and Affection Your very Hbl. Ser.

Henry Knox

RC ; addressed: “Honorable Robert T. Paine Esqr. M.C. Philadelphia”; endorsed; postal stamps: “FREE,” “N*York, Aug: 26.”


Gen. John Sullivan (1741–1795), a New Hampshire lawyer, served in the First Continental Congress. Congress appointed Sullivan a brigadier general in the Continental Army in June 1775, and he served through the siege of Boston. In March 1776 he was assigned to the army invading Canada and succeeded to its command following the death of Gen. John Thomas. Later, the British captured Sullivan at Brooklyn Heights, but he was eventually exchanged and returned to service. Although often under criticism for his lack of military expertise, Sullivan nonetheless remained in command positions until his resignation in November 1779. He returned to the Continental Congress (1780–1781) and served New Hampshire as attorney general (1782–1786) and president (governor, 1786, 1787, 1789). He was a brother of James Sullivan, who succeeded RTP as attorney general in Massachusetts ( ANB ).


John Nixon (1727–1815) and Samuel Holden Parsons (1737–1789) were both promoted to brigadier general in the Continental Army on Aug. 9, 1776, and were serving under Gen. John Sullivan along with Nathaniel Heard, commissioned as brigadier general of the New Jersey militia on Feb. 12, 1776. Parsons was a Harvard graduate and before the war practiced law in Connecticut (Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, 808–809, 833; Heitman, Historical Register, 283).


A term used to indicate the bank money of account in certain places, as distinguished from the current money, or currency, when the latter had been depreciated from the earlier value retained by bankers in calculating exchanges with foreign countries ( OED ).


The first Hessian troops anchored below Staten Island on Aug. 12, and within two years provided a third of the British forces in America. Friedrich II, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel (1720–1785), King George III’s uncle by marriage, was one of several German princes who hired out troops to serve in foreign armies. See Rodney Atwood, The Hessians: Mercenaries from Hessen-Kassel in the American Revolution (Cambridge, 1980).


Col. Ephraim Martin recovered from his wounds (The Papers of George Washington: Revolutionary War Series, 6:131).

From David Cobb
Cobb, David RTP
My Dear Sir, Boston August 26th 1776

I have receiv’d, since I wrote you, your Letters of the 10th & 17th Curt.1 and as my Journal for the week is very barren, I shall endeavour to make you up a Letter, chiefly of the Small pox.

When leave was first obtain’d for Inoculation in this Town, the people of the Country rush’d in with the greatest eagerness to receive the Infec­275tion; and whether from the Numbers that the Physicians had prevented that attention that was necessary in the Disorder, or whether it arose from bad matter that was us’d, I am not certain, but full 1/5 of the Number first Inoculated never receiv’d the Infection; ’tho’ they had an eruption at the usual period, which the Faculty suppos’d to be the Small pox, and were accordingly turn’d out as free from the Disorder, yet all of ’em afterwards had it in the Natural way, and I suppose out of the Number of those who where thus unhappily deceiv’d 1/40 have dy’d; this added to many that staid in Town and refus’d Inoculation from Principles of Conscience, (Hellish principles) has not only increas’d our Bills of Mortality, but has given rise to a common report, that a great Number have dy’d by Inoculation; when Inoculation, upon those that receiv’d the Infection, has been favourable as ever it was.

The Small pox Hospital that I have care of, is design’d altogether for the Army, ’tho’ I inoculate privately any person that applies. Hospitals are establish’d in almost every County; there is four now in this (but two of ’em at present receive patients) one at Point Shirley another at Dedham, a third at Sewell’s point, up the River towards Cambridge, and a fourth at Medfield; there is likewise five appointed in the County of Wocester, and I am inform’d that the Court of Sessions for the County of Bristol are to meet tomorrow with an Intention to commission two for that County, one in Taunton, the other in Dartmô. Thus much for Small pox.

My Family still continue at Taunton, where Mrs. Cobb is now in the Straw with another Daughter, and if I shou’d not return to Taunton to take of the Hospitals of that County, I shall remove my Family into Town in about a month.

My time is cheafly taken up in the Care of the Army. Every other day I visit my Small pox Hospital on the Island, and every day I am oblig’d to Visit a Military Hospital at Dochester and likewise a Hospital in this Town of the sick and wounded Prisoners; my Town practice is small. Thus you see I am in constant employ, tho’ but little profit arising from it, occasioned by that rigid parsamony that runs thro’ all our public proceedings.

We have a private Letter in Town from St. Eustatia which gives the following Intelligence, viz. That the Porteguece & Spaniards are arming themselves with the greatest expedition, that the latter have a Fleet a Sea of 17 Ships of the Line, their destination unknown, that England had desir’d of the States of Holland the Loan of their Scotch Dutch Troops and 7 Ships of the Line but were refus’d, in consequence of which an 276English Frigate has taken two Dutch Merchantmen, and the Dutch in return have taken off the prohibition on the exportation of Arms and Amunition to America, have order’d 20 Ships of the Line immediately to Sea, 50 more to be repaird. and built & have added 20 Thousand men to their Land Army. If this is true, “O! happy America, retir’d to the quiet Vale of peace, remote from the confusion of a World in flames, where unmolested, she may enjoy the Bounties of luxuriant Nature, and Bask an Eternity in the Halo of Pleasure.”

I have wrote to Mrs. Paine, desireing her that whenever she wrote to send it here, and as she has now almost a weekly oppertunity, its probable you’ll hear from your Family oftener than heretofore. Their is no danger of any Infection being communicated by Letters that you may send here for Taunton.

As to Salt Petre matters I’ll make an enquiry & give you an answer in my next. You know that we made 50 odd Tun by 1st June last, & that our Powder Mills are at work & have been these two Months past.

Last Thursday was carried into Portsmouth a Prize Ship from the Bay of Honduras with Logwood, nothing comes amiss, & another was carried to Marblehead last Saturday with Sugars. She was chais’d in by the Milford Man of War which is now in our Bay. I believe our Counsil are contriving to put the Guns of some of our Fortresses on board the Frigates at Newbury port with an Intention to attack the Milford, for while she stays in our Bay their can be no safety to Prize Vessells, Privateers or Coasters coming in here. She must be taken or drove off if we do it with Whale Boats.

I am just call’d upon to go to the Island, shou’d otherwise have fill’d up the page; but what is wrote I believe will answer for a Week. Dr. Sr. Good bye. God bless you. Your Friend

David Cobb

I am confident you have not receiv’d all the Letters I have wrote, & believe I have not receiv’d all yours; to make the matter certain for the future we’ll number ’em.

RC ; endorsed.


Neither located.